For most of the exercises, skeleton codes are provided both for Fortran and C
in the corresponding subdirectory. Some exercise skeletons have sections
marked with “TODO” for completing the exercises. In addition, all of the
exercises have exemplary full codes (that can be compiled and run) in the
folder. Note that these are seldom the only or even the best way to
solve the problem.
We will use CSC’s Cray XC40 supercomputer Sisu for the exercises. Log onto Sisu using the provided username and password, for example
ssh -X
For editing program source files you can use e.g. Emacs editor with or without (the option -nw) X-Windows:
emacs -nw prog.f90
emacs prog.f90
Also other popular editors (vim, nano) are available. In case you have working parallel program development environment in your laptop (Fortran or C compiler, MPI development library, etc.) you may also use that.
Compilation of the source codes is performed with the ftn
and cc
ftn -o my_mpi_exe test.f90
cc -o my mpi_exe test.c
The wrapper commands include automatically all the flags needed for building MPI programs. Typically we will use the default Cray compiling environment. There are also other compilers (GNU and Intel) available on Sisu, which can be changed via (for example)
module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
Use the commands module list
and module avail
to see the currently loaded
and available modules, respectively.
You can run small (short parallel or serial) jobs interactively using the
application placement utility:
aprun -n 4 ./my_mpi_exe
where -n specifies the number of MPI tasks.
Larger and/or longer runs should be submitted via the batch system. An example batch job script (a text file, let’s call it for a MPI job could look like
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00
#SBATCH -o out.%j
#SBATCH -e err.%j
#SBATCH -p test
#SBATCH --nodes=2
aprun -n 48 ./my_mpi_exe
The batch script is then submitted with the sbatch command as
We have a special reservation Summerschool
for the summer school which
can be utilized with the --reservation flag:
sbatch --reservation=Summerschool
See the Sisu User’s Guide at for more details.