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Releases: kspalaiologos/asmbf

Milestone release #2

10 Apr 12:38
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A release straight before BFVM is pushed.

Milestone release

13 Mar 19:56
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Nothing much coming in this release in comparasion to v1.2.9b, but we're ready to bump up the minor number, because new preprocessor's on the board, and after extensive testing it's been proven to be stable.

v1.2.9b: Label preprocessor in C!

01 Mar 10:37
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This release features a brand new label preprocessor written in C.

v1.2.9: Important register bugfix, seg bugfix

29 Feb 19:04
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  • seg bugfixes.
  • r5 and r6 temporairly removed.

v1.2.8a: Data labels are on the board!

23 Jan 19:35
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Breaking changes:

  • separate preprocessor for data labels. Not merged to the mainline.
  • alpha release: bugs may occur at certain places.
  • seg now clears previous org value, setting it to 0.

Two new registers

31 Dec 16:04
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New bfi, hotfix release.

30 Dec 11:30
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New bfi is shipped with this release.
Bugfix: register uppercase names (e.g. R2) now work.

Uppercase mnemonics

29 Dec 21:02
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This release adds uppercase mnemonics.
Roadmap for v1.2.6;

  • make the floors (as in jz_) optional.
  • extend the maximum instruction length somehow, because we run out of free instruction names quickly, and there is no possibility of expressing complex constructs in 3 bytes in range of 0x41-0x5A that actually express content to the reader.
  • separate the register usage groups (might be a bold move).
  • Add a new finishing register for faster memory peek/poke.

New register, `r5`, `nav`, better stripper, immediate optimalization.

29 Dec 15:31
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Giant changes to asm2bf.

-> A new register! This gives a total of 5 registers for your use!
-> nav instruction navigating the pointer to given register. Now you can combine it with inline brainfuck to create more performant and smaller programs!
-> No more naive immediate pushes (partly)! To demonstrate importance of this feature, bfasm self compiler has shrunk nearly 80% while keeping functionality and being even faster! If DISABLE_OPT is defined, the optimalization is disabled (if your program breaks, for some reason)

Postfix RLE, digits allowed in label names, newlines allowed inside macros.

21 Nov 20:15
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This release adds:

  • postfix RLE. You can enable it by specifying -DPOSTFIX_RLE in options environment variable.
  • Using __NEWLINE__ macro, you can embed newlines into the macros.
  • Another macro, __ICOUNTER__ serves as a simple counter.
  • RLE decompressor now allows to specify postfix or prefix parameters affecting decompression.
  • Strip no longer trashes breakpoints.
  • rcl is now more performant.
  • amp and smp implemented and added.