Contributions are welcome.
Please open an issue and submit a PR.
The file requirements-dev.txt has the required packages to contribute:
is used by the script to generate the functions documentation in markdown format from the functions docstring.pytest
is required to use the script in order to test the functions defined in the directory anta.pytest-cov
is used to produce code coverage reports.pylint
is a linter for python.yamllint
is a linter for YAML files.
Run the command yamllint -c .yamllint.yml .
Run the command pylint $(git ls-files '')
To run the unit tests that test the functions defined in the directory anta, run the following commands from the tests
py.test -vv
py.test --cov .
py.test --cov . -vv
py.test --cov=anta.tests
py.test --cov=anta.tests -vv
To generate from the functions docstring the documentation in markdown format in the directory documentation, run these commands from the root of the repository:
python documentation/
ls documentation