Swift logger utility collection including a server (http and bonjour/zeroconf), and a client library.
Based on an original idea and implementation by MLaden-K.
Most of the code has been rewritten, but it should be backwards compatible with the original implementation.
I used the older version to debug serverless actions, and decided it would be a good idea to update it for modern times (Network.framework
among other things), and keep the same licence (MIT).
The idea is to have a logging server on a different machine (à la NSLogger) that is as hassle-free as possible.
- SwiftLoggerServer: Starts a CLI server (see Server for usage)
- SwiftLoggerClient: Embed in your app to start logging to remote servers (See Client for usage)
- SwiftLoggerRouter: Embed the server in an app (as in the companion app)
- SwiftLoggerCommon: Common files for every other target
Yes, Kitura is kind of in a limbo after IBM suspended development, but I still vastly prefer it to other solutions, and it's good enough to handle a single POST route.
Swift Logger API has only one endpoint - /logger that expects request with the header [Content-Type: application/json] and body of a request containing JSON representation of following struct object:
struct LoggerData: Codable { let appName: String let logType: String let logTarget: String let sourceFile: String let lineNumber: Int let function: String let logText: String }Example JSON representation of request body:
{ "appName": "My Application", "logType": "DEBUG", "logTarget": "terminal", "sourceFile": "main.swift", "lineNumber": 10, "function": "errorHandler()", "logText": "Some arbitrary message" }Available values for logType key are: "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING" & "ERROR" Available values for logTarget key are: "terminal", "file", or "both"
(from the original documentation)
The Network.framework
implementation uses Zeroconf/Bonjour to broadcast its existance and (lightly) crypts data going to the server. It is only available on Apple platforms (Mac OS, iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS).
USAGE: swift-logger-server [--port <port>] [--data-dir <data-dir>] [--file-logging] [--no-file-logging] [--ui-logging] [--no-ui-logging] <mode>
<mode> The network mode to run (http|network). Please be aware that network mode is only available on Apple platforms
-p, --port <port> The port to run on (defaults to 8080)
-d, --data-dir <data-dir>
The path of the directory to write logs to (defaults to ./data)
-f, --file-logging/--no-file-logging
Writes log to disk (default: false)
-u, --ui-logging/--no-ui-logging
Writes log to UI (default: true)
-h, --help Show help information.
Just run swift run SwiftLoggerServer
from the root of the package to start a server with the default options (port 8080, console logging, no file logging). On a Mac, you will need to specify if you want the http
or the network
variants. On Linux, no argument is needed, as only the http
variant is available.
- the server starts an unencrypted http stack. Put it behind a proxy with SSL forwarding if you want to grab logs over the Internet
- the http route is purposefully open to older/different implementations. You might want to secure it with a token or something in production
- the
stack uses Apple's bonjour implementation which might or might not be available in WAN mode depending on your setup. Make sure you're on the same network, just in case
As my day job is fairly time-intensive, I do not plan on maintaining a docker image. If you want to start the server in a container, make sure the dependencies are met:
$ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD:/app swift:latest bash
# apt-get update
# apt-get install -y libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
# cd /app
# swift run SwiftLoggerServer [your options]
Started listening on port [your port, 8080 by default]
Mostly hassle-free logging is implemented, but it's based on my usage rather than a deep reflection upon the soul-searching nature of a developer in need of a logging solution. 😅
Just add this package as you normally would.
Add the following to your dependencies:
.package(name: "SwiftLogger", url: "https://github.com/krugazor/SwiftLoggerServer", from: "1.1.0"),
Add the client to your target's dependencies:
name: "Whatever",
dependencies: [
...your other dependencies...,
.product(name: "SwiftLoggerClient", , package: "SwiftLogger")
Simply import the framework
import SwiftLoggerClient
At the appropriate time, configure it (see the relevant functions in the documentation)
SwiftLogger.setupForHTTP(URL(string: "http://logserver.local:8080")!, appName: "Test")
SwiftLogger.setupForNetwork(passcode: LoggerData.defaultPasscode,
appName: "Test",
useSpecificServer: false)
And now use the functions to log to the server
SwiftLogger.i(message: "This is an information")
SwiftLogger.d(message: "This is a debug message")
SwiftLogger.w(message: "This is a warning")
SwiftLogger.e(message: "This is an error")
SwiftLogger.i(data: somedata, fileExtension: "png")
SwiftLogger.d(data: somedata, fileExtension: "json")
SwiftLogger.w(data: somedata, fileExtension: "jpg")
SwiftLogger.e(data: somedata) // will use .bin as extension
More information regarding the function parameters that are set by default can be found in the documentation for text mesages or in the documentation for data messages
- Open Source Swift 5.0.0 or higher
- macOS Sierra 10.15.0 or higher
- Xcode Version 11.0 or higher
- Ubuntu 16.04 & above (only tested in docker)