BarterClub is a platform built for entrepreneurs, professionals, and business owners to exchange goods and services. The application utilizes modern technologies to offer high performance, security, and scalability. With features like server-side rendering (SSR), Clerk authentication, Razorpay integration, and Cloudflare Workers, BarterClub is built for a seamless, real-time barter exchange experience.
- Server-Side Rendering (SSR) for fast page loads and better SEO.
- User Authentication powered by Clerk.
- Escrow Transactions with Razorpay integration for secure payments.
- Admin Dashboard for managing user profiles, transactions, and community activities.
- Real-time Notifications and Webhooks to keep users updated.
- Cloudflare Workers for fast, serverless execution and improved scalability.
- Cloudflare R2 for secure file storage and media management.
- Performance Monitoring and Testing using Grafana and K6.
- Next.js (with SSR): For fast, SEO-friendly pages and improved user experience.
- TypeScript: For type safety and better development practices.
- Clerk: For secure user authentication and session management.
- Redis: Caching layer for fast data access.
- Razorpay: For handling payments and escrow transactions.
- Cloudflare Workers: For scalable, serverless compute.
- Cloudflare R2: For media storage and file management.
- Grafana: For monitoring the application's performance.
- K6: For load and stress testing.
- GitHub Actions: For continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD).
To run this project locally, you'll need:
- Node.js (v16 or higher) installed: Download Node.js
- Git: For cloning the repository.
- Redis: For caching (optional if you're using a cloud Redis service).
- Clerk Account: For user authentication.
- Razorpay Account: For payment gateway integration.
- Cloudflare Account: For deploying Cloudflare Workers and managing R2.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd barterclub
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up environment variables in a
file:NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDFLARE_R2_BUCKET=<your-cloudflare-r2-bucket-name> CLERK_API_KEY=<your-clerk-api-key> RAZORPAY_API_KEY=<your-razorpay-api-key> REDIS_URL=<your-redis-url>
Run the development server:
npm run dev
The application will be available at http://localhost:3000.
The project is deployed using Cloudflare Workers and Razorpay for payment processing. To deploy the project:
Set up Cloudflare Workers with the Cloudflare Workers CLI.
Deploy the project to Cloudflare Workers:
wrangler publish
Set up Cloudflare R2 for media storage, ensuring your environment variables are set up properly.
For Razorpay integration, ensure your payment routes are configured to handle escrow transactions and callbacks from Razorpay webhooks.
To perform load testing on the application using K6:
Install K6:
brew install k6
Run K6 test:
k6 run test-script.js
Set up Grafana to monitor the application’s performance. You can integrate Grafana with CloudWatch or use custom metrics that you send to Grafana.
This project is integrated with GitHub Actions for continuous deployment. Each push to the main branch triggers the deployment process:
- Build and test the application.
- Deploy to Cloudflare Workers.
name: Deploy to Cloudflare Workers
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: '16'
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm install
- name: Deploy to Cloudflare Workers
run: wrangler publish