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Exploratory Data Analysis - Kepler Object of Interest Dataset

The Kepler Space telescope was designed to survey a small section of the sky (105 deg^2 = 1/400th of sky), using the transit method to discover Earth-size exoplanets in or near habitable zone and estimate how many stars in the Milky Way have such planets.

During its over nine and a half years of service, Kepler observed 530,506 stars and detected 2,662 planets.

Slideshow Presentation



Data Cleanup


  • Dataset was split by columns into conceptual groupings (id, archive, disposition, transit, TCE, stellar, KIC, pixels) based on the dataset column definitions
  • Pandas datatypes where manually assigned to columns where autodetection failed: category, datetime64, uint8
  • .fillna(0 or '') was applied to a small number of columns: koi_score, koi_comment, koi_tce_delivname
  • koi_fpflag_nt contained an erroneous 4, thus needed to be mapped back to a boolean int
  • 4 categorical columns contained quarterly timestamp information such as q1_q17_dr25_stellar where simplified via regexp: re.sub(r'_(q|dr)\d+|(q|dr)\d+_', '', str)
  • 14 columns contained either only NaNs or a single value, thus where excluded as they contained no useful information
  • 2 columns contained URL data, which was excluded as being irrelevant to the current exploration

OneHot Encoding 2_Disposition_Correlations.ipynb:

  • koi_disposition was OneHot encoded using pd.get_dummies() for correlation analysis
  • koi_comment was string split on '---' and OneHot/Binary encoded into 124 unique comment_flag columns

Exoplanet Archive Information

Basic Statistics:

  • Number of KOIs 9564
  • Number of Solar Systems 8214
  • Number of Named Planets 2305

KOI Dispositions:

Questions and Answers:

  • Are All Named Planets Confirmed?
    • There are two named false positives: Kepler-469b + Kepler-503b
  • Are Confirmed Planets Named?
    • All confirmed planets have been named

Google Fu has a little more information on these named False Positives

Kepler-469 b:

Twitter: Hugh Osborn @exohugh - Sep 4, 2019

He [Alexandre Santerne] also kills Kepler-469b which is a validated Kepler planet yet is clearly a binary fold in the wrong period. #PlatoESP

Kepler-503 b:

arxiv: Kepler-503b: An Object at the Hydrogen Burning Mass Limit Orbiting a Subgiant Star

Disposition Correlations


  • In the vast majority of cases the presence of fpflags or comments is used to indicate the reason for a FALSE POSITIVE

    • fpflags - only in 19 (0.2%) cases, does a single fpflag refer to a CONFIRMED or CANDIDATE exoplanets
    • comments - only 1408 (10%) of comments are used in labelling CONFIRMED or CANDIDATE exoplanets
  • Correlation between fpflags

    • There is mild anti-correlation between: koi_fpflag_nt + koi_fpflag_ss
      • A Stellar Eclipse has Transit like properties
    • There is high correlation between: koi_fpflag_co + koi_fpflag_ec
      • A Centroid Pixel Offset is a common cause of Contamination
  • Correlation of Comment Flags with Disposition

    • The vast majority of comment flags are correlated with FALSE POSITIVE and half anti-correlated with CONFIRMED or CANDIDATE
    • As observed above, 90% of comments are used to label FALSE POSITIVE
    • The fields that most correlate with CANDIDATE, are also those which have the greatest difference in correlation with CONFIRMED
      • These all seem to flag having too little information about a KOI
    • According the documention, FALSE POSITIVE can occur when:
        1. the KOI is in reality an eclipsing binary star
        1. the Kepler light curve is contaminated by a background eclipsing binary
        1. stellar variability is confused for coherent planetary transits
        1. instrumental artifacts are confused for coherent planetary transits
    • The FALSE POSITIVE flags seem to be related to tests for these conditions
    • The CONFIRMED flags seem to be related to tests for ruling out these these conditions

Disposition Prediction using Fastai Machine Learning

A machine learning Neural Network model was trained to predict KOI disposition, with:

  • 83.3% accuracy - Using only fpflags and comments as input
  • 89.6% accuracy - Using the full dataset


Star Observations:

  • The bottom right of the grid is closest to the Galactic Rim, thus has a greater overall star density
  • Visually there appears to be a greater ratio of CONFIRMED to FALSE POSITIVE away from the Galactic Rim

Map Observations:

  • Each square represents the stationary field of view of the Kepler Space Telescope
  • Kepler was repointed 21 times in a grid search pattern during its 9 year mission
  • The slight curvature of the grid represents the projection of a sphere onto a flat surface

Stellar Scatter Plots

Correlation with Laws of Physics:

  • As expected by the laws of physics (more fuel = hotter and bigger)

    • Stellar Mass (koi_smass) is strongly correlated with Surface Temperature (koi_steff)
    • Stellar Mass (koi_smass) is also correlated with Metallicity (koi_smet) and Radius (koi_srad)
    • Radius (koi_srad) - and by extension Stellar Mass - is anti-correlated with log10 Surface Gravity (koi_slogg)
  • Differences in correlations between ALL -> CONFIRMED:

    • Mass/Radius = increases in correlation
    • Metallicity/Radius = uncorrelated for ALL | correlated for CONFIRMED
    • Metallicity/Gravity + Temperature/Gravity = increase in anti-correlatedness
    • Temperature/Radius + Temperature/Metallicity = anti-correlated for ALL | correlated for CONFIRMED

Metallicity vs Radius - correlated for CONFIRMED - uncorrelated for ALL

  • Exoplanets are found more often around high-metalicity stars (more material for rocky planets)
  • Large Red Giants have a minimum metalicity threshold (nuclear astrophysics)

Temperature vs Radius - anti-correlated for ALL | correlated for CONFIRMED

  • Exoplanets are found more often around small low-temperature stars

Exoplanet Habitability

A key goal of the Kepler Space Telescope is to determine how many Earth-size and larger planets there are in or near the habitable zone (often called "Goldilocks planets") of a wide variety of spectral types of stars.

We start with 2303 CONFIRMED exoplanets. Different planet types include:

  • Super-Earth below 10$M_e$ with a radius of 0.8-1.25$R_e$ - exactly what we are looking for
  • Earth Sized Ocean_planet would have a much lower density - but could potentually harbour life
  • Carbon planet low density diamonds in the sky - may lack enough oxgyen to have water
  • Gaseous Mini-Neptunes require a minimum radius of 1.7$R_e$
  • Small Sub Earths under 0.8$R_e$, likely lack the gravity and magnetic fields to sustain a habitable atmosphere
  • List of potentially habitable exoplanets only lists exoplanets in the range of 0.78-1.63$E_r$, which mostly agrees with the 0.8-1.7$E_r$ range suggested above

The first criteria for a earth-like habitable planet is liquid water, which would require a koi_teq Equilibrium Temperature (Kelvin) within the range 273.2K - 373.2K.

  • Exoplanets that are too cold : 50 ( 2.17%)
  • Exoplanets that are just right: 110 ( 4.78%)
  • Exoplanets that are too hot : 2142 (93.01%)

Lacking a formal density measurement from the KOI table, the closest proxy is koi_prad Planetary Radius (Earth radii). Applying the range of 0.8-1.7$E_r$ as a second criteria:

  • Exoplanets that are too small : 56 ( 2.43%)
  • Exoplanets that are just right: 713 (30.96%)
  • Exoplanets that are too big : 1550 (67.30%)

These limits can then be combined together:

  • Exoplanets that are "just right" temp : 110 ( 4.78%)
  • Exoplanets that are "just right" size : 713 (30.96%)
  • Exoplanets that are "just right" combined : 17 ( 0.74%)

Names of potentually habitable exoplanets:

  • Kepler-1185 b, Kepler-138 d, Kepler-1512 b, Kepler-1646 b, Kepler-186 e, Kepler-220 e, Kepler-249 d, Kepler-296 A b, Kepler-296 A d, Kepler-367 c, Kepler-395 c, Kepler-437 b, Kepler-438 b, Kepler-445 c, Kepler-49 e, Kepler-54 d, Kepler-577 b

KMeans StarType - Orbital Distance vs Stellar Mass

Plotting the Goldilocks Exoplanets against Stellar Mass and Orbital Distance.

There is a strong linear correlation between the Stellar Mass (and by extension Surface Temperature), with the Orbital Radius of the Habitable Zone

Within the correlation, there still appears to be 4 distinct clusters, possibly indicating different classes of Red Dwarfs and Main Sequence stars

KMeans PlanetType - Planetary Radius vs Stellar Metallicity

Plotting Planetary Radius against Stellar Metallicity, may provide insight groupings into planet composition, as high-metal stars are more likely to form rocky planets, rather than water/ice worlds or carbon planets

Starmap - Where are my habitable exoplanets?

Location of goldilocks exoplanets in the night sky