Dropzone.js Module for ProcessWire
This module is built with front-end page edits in mind, for managing files and images on a page.
It can also post aditional data along with the files, or submit the form after ajax uplaod, so you can use it to edit any page field, and make front-end page editing forms.
Actually, you can use it for all kind of forms (that needs files handling), like sending emails with attachemnts etc...
What Dropzone module can do:
- It can uplaod your files to a specified destination.
- It can post aditional data along with the images/files.
- It can submit your form as normal after uploading files.
- It can load existing images/files into the field.
- It sends post request on file remove, so you can use it to delete files from a server or a page.
- Yes, it can remove images/file from processwire page.
- And yeah, it can add images/files to a processeire page.
- It has bult in methods for adding and removing files/images from a page.
- If you have a debug mode enabled, it will console.log json response from php so you can review and debug posted data.
- It has basic form and file validations.
- It has number (2+3=?) captcha (optional) and custom honeypot spam protection.
- It can submit all your form fields not just files.
- It's using Sweet Alert plugin to display alerts and notifications.
$dropzone = $modules->get("Dropzone");
// Init dropzone inside the form
$dropzone->loadDropzone($params, $data);
// Uplaod files using vanila php
// File validation done by dropzone.js
// Upload files using WireUpload class
$dropzone->wireUpload($dest, $allowed_files = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png']);
// Get page images/files to add to dropzone field
// ["my_files" => $dropzone->getPageFiles($page->images)]
// Add image/file to the page
$dropzone->fileToPage($page, $field_name = "images", $allowed_files = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png']);
// Delete image/file from a page
$dropzone->deletePageFile($page, $field_name = "images");
// Add image/file to the page with a json response. fileToPage() + json response
$dropzone->addFile($page, $field_name = "images", $allowed_files = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png']);
// Delete image/file from a page with a jesnon respone. deletePageFile() + json response
$dropzone->removeFile($page, $field_name = "images", $allowed_files = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png']);
// Check if image exists on a page
$dropzone->fileExists($page, $filed_name = "images", $file_name = "example.jpg");
// Render numb captcha
// use it inside a form, no additional actions required
// Sweet Alert init
$dropzone->swal("Title", "Text", "success/warning/error/question/info");
// Sweet Alert Mini init
$dropzone->swal("Title", "success/warning/error/question/info", "top-end");
Only required parametars are: url, formID and buttonID
$params = [
"url" => "./", // url where u want to post data (required)
"formID" => "dropzone-form", // form css ID, (requierd)
"buttonID" => "submit-dropzone", // submit button css ID, default = submit-dropzone (required)
"submitForm" => "false", // submit form after dropzone Ajax request, default = false (optional)
"redirect" => "true", // redirect to the same page after modal confim, only works if submitForm = false
"redirectUrl" => "./",
"acceptedFiles" => "image/*", // allowed files (.jpg,.png,.pdf), default = image/*
"maxFiles" => 10, // max number of files allowed, default = 5 (optional)
"maxFilesize" => 0.3, // max file size allowed in MB, default = 0.3 (optional)
'thumbnailWidth' => 140, // thumbnail width, default = 120 (optional)
'thumbnailHeight' => 140, // thumbnail height, default = 120 (optional)
// Array of existing images/files. ["url" => "", "name" => "", "size" => ""]
"my_files" => $dropzone->getPageFiles($page->images, "140"),
"renameFile" => "true",
"renameFilePrefix" => "my-image-prefix,
$data = [
"name" => "Kreativan",
"page_id" => $page->id,
"page_name" => $page->name,
echo $modules->get("Dropzone")->loadDropzone($params, $data);
// Dropzone request (Ajax)
if($input->post->dropzoneAjax) {
// do something
// uplaod images, process form...
// Dropzone remove request (Ajax)
if($input->post->dropzoneRemove) {
// do something
// delete image from page or server...
// Form Submit with dropzone ($_POST)
if($input->post->dropzoneSubmit) {
// do something
// this is "normal" form submit
// do something with $_POST variables
<form id="dropzone-form" action="./" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name" />
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" />
// set params
$params = [
"url" => $page->url,
"formID" => "dropzone-form",
"buttonID" => "submit-dropzone",
// more data
$data = [
"name" => "kreativan",
"email" => "kreativan@outlook.com",
// init dropzone
echo $modules->get("Dropzone")->loadDropzone($params, $data);
// Optional Captcha
echo $dropzone->renderCaptcha();
<!-- NOTE: button name needs to be != submit -->
<input id="submit-dropzone" type="submit" name="dropzoneSubmit" value="Submit" />
TIP: Enable debug mode in /site/config.php and all responses sent back to dropzone will be logged in console.
Set the response and echo json to review your data in console.log
if($input->post->dropzoneAjax) {
// store errors so we can log them
$error = "";
* Response
* return json response to the dropzone
* @var data array
$data = [
"status" => "success", // for sweet alert
"message" => "Uplaod complete!", // for sweet alert
"error" => $error, // log error
"files" => $_FILES, // log $_FILES
"post" => $_POST, // log $_POST
header("Content-type: application/json");
echo json_encode($data);
Build a form and load dropzone inside
<form id="dropzone-form" action="./" method="POST">
// set params
$params = [
"url" => $page->url,
"formID" => "dropzone-form",
"buttonID" => "submit-dropzone",
// init dropzone
echo $modules->get("Dropzone")->loadDropzone($params);
<!-- NOTE: button name needs to be != submit -->
<input id="submit-dropzone" type="submit" name="dropzoneSubmit" value="Submit" />
Process the form. Note that this part should be on top of your file, before incldouding anything else.
$dropzone = $modules->get("Dropzone");
if($input->post->dropzoneAjax) {
// error will be in console.log if debug mode is on
$error = "";
try {
// upload file to /site/templates/temp/ folder
echo $dropzone->wireUpload($config->paths->templates . "temp/");
// set response vars
$status = "success";
$message = "Uplaod Complete!";
} catch (Exception $e) {
// set response vars
$status = "error";
$message = "Uplaod faild!";
$error = $e->getMessage();
* Response
* return json response to the dropzone
* (this will trigger Sweet Alert)
$data = [
"status" => "$status", // for sweet alert
"message" => "$message", // for sweet alert
"error" => $error, // so we can review and debug in console.log
"files" => $_FILES, // so we can review and debug in console.log
"post" => $_POST, // so we can review and debug in console.log
header("Content-type: application/json");
echo json_encode($data);
<form id="dropzone-form" action="./" method="POST">
// set params
$params = [
"url" => $page->url,
"formID" => "dropzone-form",
"buttonID" => "submit-dropzone",
// load existing images to dropzone field
"my_files" => $dropzone->getPageFiles($page->images),
// Send aditional data
// In this case $page->id, so we know what page to edit
$data = [
"page_id" => $page->id,
// init dropzone
echo $modules->get("Dropzone")->loadDropzone($params, $data);
<!-- NOTE: button name needs to be != submit -->
<input id="submit-dropzone" type="submit" name="dropzoneSubmit" value="Submit" />
// Add image to a page
if($input->post->dropzoneAjax) {
$id = $sanitizer->int($input->post->page_id);
$p = $pages->get("id=$id");
$dropzone->addFile($p, "images");
// Remove Image
if($input->post->dropzoneRemove) {
$id = $sanitizer->int($input->post->page_id);
$p = $pages->get("id=$id");
$img_field = "images";
$img_name = $input->post->file_name;
$dropzone->removeFile($p, $img_field, $img_name);
Add / remove images and edit other fields on a page.
<form id="dropzone-form" action="./" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="title" value="<?= $page->title ?>">
<input type="text" name="headline" value="<?= $pages->headline ?>" >
<input type="text" name="text" value="<?= $pages->text ?>" >
// set params
$params = [
"url" => $page->url,
"formID" => "dropzone-form",
"buttonID" => "submit-dropzone",
// Let's enable form submit so we can process form after files upload separately
// You can also keep it false, and do eevrything in one ajax request
"submitForm" => "true",
// load existing images to dropzone field
"my_files" => $dropzone->getPageFiles($page->images),
// Send aditional data
// In this case $page->id and few more page fields
$data = [
"page_id" => $page->id,
"title" => $page->title,
"headline" => $page->headline,
"text" => $page->text,
// init dropzone
echo $modules->get("Dropzone")->loadDropzone($params, $data);
<!-- NOTE: button name needs to be != submit -->
<input id="submit-dropzone" type="submit" name="dropzoneSubmit" value="Submit" />
Process page edit form:
$dropzone = $modules->get("Dropzone");
// Add images first
if($input->post->dropzoneAjax) {
$id = $sanitizer->int($input->post->page_id);
$p = $pages->get("id=$id");
$dropzone->addFile($p, "images");
// After ajax response
// if form is submited edit page fields
// see $params = ["submitForm" => "true"];
if($input->post->dropzoneSubmit) {
// get the page
$id = $sanitizer->int($input->post->page_id);
$p = $pages->get("id=$id");
$title = $sanitizer->text($input->post->title);
$headline = $sanitizer->text($input->post->headline);
$text = $sanitizer->textarea($input->post->text);
// edit page fields
$p->title = $title;
$p->headline = $headline;
$p->text = $text;
echo $dropzone->swal("Success", "$p->title has been saved", 'success');
// Manage Image Removes
if($input->post->dropzoneRemove) {
$id = $sanitizer->int($input->post->page_id);
$p = $pages->get("id=$id");
$img_field = "images";
$img_name = $input->post->file_name;
$dropzone->removeFile($p, $img_field, $img_name);