maggner-pelican is a simple (and responsive) theme built for Pelican, based on Maggner theme, created by Templateify.
You can check it live in my blog.
We are still coding, so, feel free to contribute!
It uses some cool technologies, like:
We use Sass + Compass to write our CSS, so first of all, we need to install them all:
$ bundle install
To automate the process of compiling the Sass, we use Grunt. Once it is installed, we need to install grunt-contrib-compass and grunt-contrib-watch, through the following command:
$ npm install
Now, we can start Grunt and see the magic happens:
$ grunt
You need to edit your settings and add the following parameters (they aren't required):
SITEDESCRIPTION = 'A brief content for meta description'
FAVICON_URL = 'The favicon url'
OG_IMAGE_URL = 'The og:image url'
LICENSE_URL = 'The license url'
LICENSE_TITLE = 'A brief summary to print in a\'s title attribute'
LICENSE = 'The license'
SOURCE_CODE_URL = 'Where the source code of your blog is'
DISQUS_SITENAME = 'Your Disqus sitename'
FB_ADMINS = 'Add your Facebook user id to check out insigths'
('Name', 'URL'),
The theme uses the following plugins: