This project was created by me (Kyle Pfromer) and has no endorsement by the University of Colorado.
npm install --save cu-api
yarn add cu-api
The api code is written with TypeScript, but also works with JavaScript (typings are included).
Create a session and login. Then get all the data you need with the session (the session acts as a logged in user, saving time).
import { CUSession } from 'cu-api';
(async function () {
const session = new CUSession();
await session.init('username', 'password');
console.log(await session.userData());
console.log(await session.termData());
console.log(await session.GPA());
console.log(await session.classTermData('2201'));
const CUSession = require('cu-api').CUSession;
(async function () {
const session = new CUSession();
await session.init('username', 'password');
console.log(await session.userData());
console.log(await session.termData());
console.log(await session.GPA());
console.log(await session.classTermData('2201'));
Make sure to install libsecret
uses superagent
a http request library to act like a user and login
(the CU login process is really convoluted). When logged in it accesses the
backend API used by the buffportal
Angular application to grab the data you
need. You have access to everything the buffportal
has access to!
You must have nodejs installed. This will not work on the browser since I had to self sign a certificate for buffportal
is MIT licensed.