CPSC 531 Project Bigchemicals
Author: Ketaki Pandit, Vishvesh Dumbre
Inside project folder, ie. bigchemicals, there are four module folders namely, employee, sensor, sensor_repair_log and tracking_log. Each folder contains four php files. There is one sql file named bigchemicals.sql which contains all DDL commands. There is one config file which has information regarding hosting the project with wampserver and one index file.
To run this project, you need to download wampserver.
Put code files..the bigchemicals project folder inside the www directory of wampserver.
Start services from wampserver.
Goto Phpmyadmin from wampserver, create a database named bigchemicals and import sql file.
Restart wampserver and all services.
Go to http://localhost/bigchemicals/ from any browser to access the homepage of our project.
On homepage, there are four modules displayed on the screen, namely, employee, sensor, sensor_repair_log and tracking_log.