Reverse socks5 tunneler with SSL/TLS and proxy support (without proxy authentication and with basic/NTLM proxy authentication) Based on and
- Single executable (thanks to Go!)
- Linux/Windows/Mac/BSD support
- Encrypted communication with TLS
- DNS tunneling support (SOCKS5 over DNS)
- Support for proxies (without authentication or with basic/NTLM proxy authentication)
- Automatic SSL/TLS certificate generation if not specified
- server = locally listening socks server
- client = client which connects back to server
1) Start on VPS: revsocks -listen :8443 -socks -pass SuperSecretPassword
2) Start on client: revsocks -connect clientIP:8443 -pass SuperSecretPassword
3) Connect to on the VPS with any socks5 client.
4) Enjoy. :]
1) Start on VPS: revsocks -listen :8443 -socks -pass SuperSecretPassword -tls
2) Start on client: revsocks -connect clientIP:8443 -pass SuperSecretPassword -tls
3) Connect to on the VPS with any socks5 client.
4) Enjoy. :]
1) Start on VPS: `revsocks -listen :8443 -socks -pass SuperSecretPassword -tls -ws`
2) Start on client: `revsocks -connect https://clientIP:8443 -pass SuperSecretPassword -ws`
3) Connect to on the VPS with any socks5 client.
0) setup your domain records
1) Start on the DNS server: revsocks -dns -dnslisten :53 -socks -pass 52fdfc072182654f163f5f0f9a621d729566c74d10037c4d7bbb0407d1e2c64
2) Start on the target: revsocks -dns -pass 52fdfc072182654f163f5f0f9a621d729566c74d10037c4d7bbb0407d1e2c64
3) Connect to on the DNS server with any socks5 client.
Add params:
-proxy - connect via proxy
-proxyauth Domain/username:password - proxy creds
-proxytimeout 2000 - server and clients will wait for 2000 msec for proxy connections... (Sometime it should be up to 4000...)
-useragent "Internet Explorer 9.99" - User-Agent used in proxy connection (sometimes it is usefull)
-pass Password12345 - challenge password between client and server (if not match - server reply 301 redirect)
-recn - reconnect times number. Default is 3. If 0 - infinite reconnection
-rect - time delay in secs between reconnection attempts. Default is 30
Complete list of command line options
-agent string
User agent to use (default "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko")
-cert string
certificate file
-connect string
connect address:port (or https://address:port for ws)
display debug info
-dns string
DNS domain to use for DNS tunneling
-dnsdelay string
Delay/sleep time between requests (200ms by default)
-dnslisten string
Where should DNS server listen
-listen string
listen port for receiver address:port
-pass string
Connect password
-proxy string
use proxy address:port for connecting (or http://address:port for ws)
-proxyauth string
proxy auth Domain/user:Password
-proxytimeout string
proxy response timeout (ms)
-q Be quiet
-recn int
reconnection limit (default 3)
-rect int
reconnection delay (default 30)
-socks string
socks address:port (default "")
use TLS for connection
verify TLS connection
version information
use websocket for connection
- Go 1.4 or higher
- Few external Go modules (yamux, go-socks5 and go-ntlmssp)
Linux VPS
- install Golang: apt install golang make
./revsocks -listen :8443 -socks -pass Password1234
Windows client:
- download and install golang
go get
go build
optional: to build as Windows GUI:
go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui
You can also compress exe - just use any exe packer, ex: UPX
upx revsocks
revsocks -connect clientIP:8443 -pass Password1234
or with proxy and user agent:
revsocks -connect clientIP:8443 -pass Password1234 -proxy proxy.domain.local:3128 -proxyauth Domain/userpame:userpass -useragent "Mozilla 5.0/IE Windows 10"
Client connects to server and send agentpassword to authorize on server. If server does not receive agentpassword or reveive wrong pass from client (for example if spider or client browser connects to server ) then it send HTTP 301 redirect code to
Generate self-signed certificate with openssl:
openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.crt -days 365 -nodes
For debugging (especially DNS part):
go build -tags debug