Get your colony-laptop
private key from your civo machine
scp root@<CIVO_MACHINE_PUBLIC_IP>:/root/colony/vagrant/.vagrant/machines/laptop/libvirt/private_key \
vagrant ssh-config laptop
> You should see something like this:
Host laptop
HostName <laptop_IP>
User vagrant
Port 22
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
StrictHostKeyChecking no
PasswordAuthentication no
IdentityFile /root/colony/vagrant/.vagrant/machines/laptop/libvirt/private_key
IdentitiesOnly yes
LogLevel FATAL
Host colony-datacenter
User root
ForwardAgent yes
Host colony-laptop
Hostname <laptop_IP>
ProxyJump colony-datacenter
User vagrant
ForwardAgent yes
IdentityFile ~/private_key_laptop
Now, you can use Remote VSCode Remote Development to connect to your civo machine and your data center laptop jumping through your civo machine public ip.