This module contains classes that are used for working with KEthereum
You can use hex string and HexString
value class from KHex to create private and public keys:
val privateKey = PrivateKey(HexString("a3926...."))
val publicKey = PublicKey(HexString("0x506...."))
// Or use other constructors and pass ByteArray
val privateKey = PrivateKey(byteArrayOf(0x2E, 0x38, ...))
val publicKey = PrivateKey(byteArrayOf(0x1E, 0x44, ...))
// or BigInteger
val privateKey = PrivateKey(BigInteger.valueOf(1234))
val publicKey = PrivateKey(BigInteger.valueOf(5678))
And to create an ECKeyPair
you can call its constructor directly like this
or use extension method on PrivateKey
val keyPair: ECKeyPair = ECKeyPair(privateKey, publicKey)
// or
val keyPair: ECKeyPair = privateKey.toECKeyPair()
// You can use destructuring on ECKeyPair to get keys
val (privateKey, publicKey) = keyPair
To generate randomly new ECKeyPair
you can use
val newKeyPair: ECKeyPair = createEthereumKeyPair()
Several modules add useful extensions that you can use to reduce boilerplate
// :crypto module
val address: Address = keyPair.toAddress()
val credentials: Credentials = keyPair.toCredentials()
val compressedPubKey: ByteArray = keyPair.getCompressedPublicKey()
val signedMessage: SignatureData = keyPair.signMessage("hello world".toByteArray())
// :eip191 module
val eip191Signature: SignatureData = keyPair.signWithEIP191PersonalSign("hello world".toByteArray())