Welcome to our repository! Here, you will find the necessary Dockerfiles and Kubernetes configuration files required to run a highly available Kafka in KRaft mode on Kubernetes. KRaft, or Kafka Raft metadata mode, enables Kafka to operate without the need for ZooKeeper.
This setup uses Kafka version 3.3.1
You can use the following environment variables for configuration:
- (Required)
: Unique node id for each node, starting from 0. Default:HOSTNAME:6
(config property:node.id
) - (Required)
: Number of replicas or nodes in the cluster. Must be the same for all nodes. Default:1
- (Required)
: ID for the cluster. Must be the same for all nodes. Default:oh-sxaDRTcyAr6pFRbXyzA
- (Required)
: In order to connect kafka brokers for high availability they must know each other's hostname, so you have to set these env variables correctly (NODE_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX
) is not always needed, look into the bash scripts for specifics STORAGE_DIR
: Directory for storing logs. Actual logs will be saved in theSTORAGE_DIR/NODE_ID
directory. Default:/mtn
(config property:inter.broker.listener.name
(config property:controller.listener.names
: Default:CONTROLLER://:19092,BROKER_LISTENER://:19093,LOCAL://:9092,EXTERNAL://:9093
(config property:listeners
: (config property:advertised.listeners
(config property:listener.security.protocol.map
)- See others in the config_setup.sh
Navigate to the docker
directory in the repository, then:
- Build the Docker image:
docker build -t kafka-kraft .
- For docker compose look at docker-compose.yml file
- For kubernetes look at kafka.yml config file
Note: every version of kafka is different, if you use other version then 3.3.1 you'll may have to adjust these scripts:
Go to https://kafka.apache.org/downloads, choose scala
and kafka
versions and replace existing with the chosen ones
here Dockerfile and build the docker image
For kafka cheat sheet edit and run kafka_commands.py
- Konstantine Dvalishvili