Simple utility that sorts (and prettifies) xml files. It uses the Microsoft XML .NET namespace.
Click here for the latest release.
dotnet build .\sortxml.csproj -c Debug
dotnet publish .\sortxml.csproj -c Debug -r win-x64
- Build platforms:
There is an .editorconfig and matching omnisharp.json file included.
Installing and using the dotnet format tool.
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-format
dotnet format -w sortxml.csproj
USAGE: sortxml.exe [options] infile [outfile]
infile The name of the file to sort, etc.
outfile The name of the file to save the output to.
If outfile is omitted, the output is written to stdout,
unless `--overwrite` is specified, in which case the
output is written back to infile, overwriting it.
/p --pause Pauses when finished.
--pretty Ignores the input format and makes the output look nice.
This is the default.
/s --sort Sort both the nodes and attributes.
--sort-node Sort the nodes.
--sort-attr Sort the attributes.
If a sort is specified, '--pretty' is assumed.
If a sort is NOT is specified, both nodes and attributes
will be sorted.
/i --case-insensitive
Sorts node and attributes without regard to letter case.
!i --case-sensitive
Sorts node and attributes case-sensitively.
If neither option is specified, uses case-sensitive sort.
--overwrite Writes back to the infile.
Only used if outfile is not specified.
Prefix an option with '!' to turn it off.
The '!' can be applied with or without one of the other prefixes.
The '/' and '--' prefixes are interchangable.
The default is to output pretty and sorted nodes and attributes:
> type sample.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><root><node value="one" attr="name"/><node2 attr="name" value="two" /></root>
> sortxml.exe sample.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<node attr="name" value="one" />
<node2 attr="name" value="two" />