first mini project for koding and kahawa.This is a way of showcasing how flutter application are built. Fill up your kahawa mug and lets get started.
- Flutter --> This is the UI framework being used
- dart --> thsi is the programming language we are using
- Visual studio code / Android Studio --> Envronments that can be used to build flutter apps
Flutter apps are created by running the flutter create <app name>
on terminal. By default required folders are created together with a default app created by the Flutter team.
To run flutter apps, use the command flutter run <app name>
or flutter run -d <platform> <app name>
, a platform specification can be chrome brwser
, linux environment
or android
and IOS
When the flutter run command is used, a default app is generated which usually has a button that when clicked tracks the number of times a user clicked it.
Explaining Code
dart import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;
The very first line of code is quite self explanatory, it’s being used to import the library Material.dart. This library is used to design the UI which follows Google’s Material Design Guideline. If you want to use controls which are based on iOS controls, you will have to import cupertino.dart package.
void main() => runApp(new MyApp());
This is the main entry point or starting point of the app. When executed, the compiler will create an instance of MyApp class and pass it to the runApp function which will execute the application.
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget
This is the main root of the application. It is extended from StatelessWidget and used to initialize the Material App and to set the Theme, color and home screen of the application. Here, MyApp is just the name given to default root class, if you want, you can change the name of the class as per your requirements.
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget
This class contains the code for Homepage/Screen of the application which is invoked in the MyApp class. This class is extended from StatefulWidget widget class because the elements of the HomePage will change on the actions performed by the user. The Last line of the code
( _MyHomePageState createState() => new _MyHomePageState(); )
of this class is used to create the state of the screen.
class _MyHomePageState extends State<myhomepage>
This is the class which is responsible for changing the state of the Home screen on the basis of user input. This class is Extended from State class by passing MyHomePage as type.
This was a brief explanation of the default Flutter app code, we will get more used to this as we work further on Flutter development.
Delete the default code generated and add the code below.
void main() {
runApp(const MaterialApp(home: Text("I drink coffee ")));
Like other programming languages like java,c++ and C, dart
excecution starts from the main function.A function runApp()
is nested with the main fuction. The runApp()
function takes the given Widget and makes it the root of the widget tree. In this example, the widget tree consists of two widgets, the Center widget and its child, the Text widget. The framework forces the root widget to cover the screen, which means the text “Hello, world” ends up centered on screen. The text direction needs to be specified in this instance; when the MaterialApp widget is used, this is taken care of for you, as demonstrated later.
Flutter comes with a suite of powerful basic widgets, of which the following are commonly used: All the widgets are usually nested inside the MaterialApp widget so that our app can use the material design developped by google
Material is a design system created by Google to help teams build high-quality digital experiences for Android
, iOS
, Flutter
, and the web
.Material Design is inspired by the physical world and its textures, including how they reflect light and cast shadows. Material surfaces reimagine the mediums of paper and ink.Material Components are interactive building blocks for creating a user interface, and include a built-in states system to communicate focus, selection, activation, error, hover, press, drag, and disabled states. Component libraries are available for Android
, iOS
, Flutter
, and the web
The Text widget lets you create a run of styled text within your application.If this widgets are nested together they form a widget tree as shown below.
For example we can center the text
widget by nesting it inside the Center
widget.The display for the equivalent code is shown below.
//nesting with the Center widget
runApp(const MaterialApp(home: Center(child: Text("I drink coffee "))));
We do this by using scaffold
Scaffold is a class in flutter which provides many widgets or we can say APIs like Drawer, SnackBar, BottomNavigationBar, FloatingActionButton, AppBar etc. Scaffold will expand or occupy the whole device screen. It will occupy the available space. Scaffold will provide a framework to implement the basic material design layout of the application. If the app is now Scaffolled, our equivalent code will be as shown below
runApp(const MaterialApp(home: Scaffold(body: Center(child: Text("I drink coffee ")))));
The sanple app is shown below
By default all flutter projects include the pubspec.yaml
file which contains the metadata about the project. The file is ued to specify the dependancies that the project is using such as images, packages, fonts etc.
To add a photo to the background of our app we need this file to define the specific image.
assets: # Lists assets, such as image files
- assets/images/pic.png
Inside the Center
widget replace the text
widget with ```Image.asset("path to image)````
body: Center(child: Image.asset("assets/images/pic.jpg")),
The equivalent app is as shown below
The app that we have built is a basic app that just displays an image to the user.This is to demonstrate how fluitter apps are built.
````The End````