- π Shows a collection of links acting as startup page or similiar.
- π Includes a search box with configurable keyword support.
- π Can be configured easily by modifying only one file.
- ποΈ Also supports adding smaller custom pages.
- π Dark and light mode available.
- πͺ° Very lightweight application with Docker images available.
You can also find a demo here
Download the portkey
file for your OS. Probably to a location that is in your PATH
, so you can use it right away.
- Create a
or use the example configuration from this repository and configure it as you want.
You can find a detailed explanation of all configuration options here.
- Start the application with
portkey --config-path=<dir_to_config_yml>
. Providing the path to the configuration file is optional if it's in the working directory. - Open browser at defined host and port. Default is http://localhost:3000
is configured with a single configuration file called config.yml
. You can pass its location using the --config-path
You can also overwrite configuration values from file by using environment variables in uppercase and prefixed with PORTKEY_
. For instance, the configuration key host
can be passed as environment variable PORTKEY_HOST
The config.yml
contains the following configuration options:
# Can be changed to reduce or increase logs. Values could be "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO" (default) or "DEBUG.
logLevel: INFO
# If enabled logs are in JSON format.
logJson: false
# Set the host where the application should bind to.
host: localhost
# Set the port where the application should bind to.
port: 1414
# Set the context path (aka base-url) portkey is hosted under. Must not be specified unless you're using a reverse proxy and are hosting portkey under a directory. If that's the case then you can set this value to e.g. /portkey or whatever the directory is called. Note that the forward slash (/) in the beginning is required!
contextPath: ""
# Enables the HTTP server that serves metrics that can be scraped by e.g. Prometheus.
enableMetrics: false
# Set the host where the metrics server should bind to.
metricsHost: localhost
# Set the port where the metrics server should bind to.
metricsPort: 1515
# Title of the application shown in the browser tab and on the front page.
title: "portkey"
# Allows to hide the title.
hideTitle: false
# If set, a subtitle is shown below the title.
subtitle: "Where do you want to go?"
# Allows adding additional scripts/stylesheets etc. to the HTML header. Can be useful for analytics or smaller style modifications.
headerAddition: |-
<script async src="https://analytics.example.com"></script>
# Footer (HTML support) that is shown on every page.
# Remember that Tailwind CSS classes used here do only work if already used somewhere else in the application because the bundler couldn't look here!
footer: |-
<p>This is a footer!</p>
# Defines whether portkey's application icon should be shown at the top left of the front page.
showTopIcon: true
# If true keywords of portals are shown as tooltip on hover.
showKeywordsAsTooltips: false
# If true all links are sorted alphabetically when shown on the front page. Otherwise they are shown in the order they are defined.
sortAlphabetically: false
# If true search query is also compared to portals and keywords using Levenshtein string metric.
searchWithStringSimilarity: false
# Minimum required similarity for results when 'searchWithStringSimilarity' is 'true'. Must be between '0.0' (0%) and '1.0' (100%).
minimumStringSimilarity: 0.5
# Defines a list of portals (links) that have additional attributes defining their appearance.
# Name of the link
- title: example
# (Optional) An emoji shown in front of the title.
emoji: π
# Link where the portal will lead to (can be relative for custom pages or absolute otherwise)
link: https://example.com/
# If the link configured for this portal opens an external url or a relative one.
external: true
# Additional keywords used by the search feature.
- url
- example
# Defines a list of custom pages that are made available at the defined paths.
# Important: These are not automatically added to the list of portals and have to be added manually!
# This may be changed in the future.
# Heading for the custom page. Shown in browser tab and as heading on the page.
- heading: Custom
# If true, shows the (optionally configured subtitle also on this page.
showSubtitle: true
# Path where the custom page will be available.
path: /custom
# Content of the custom page and it supports using HTML.
# The same CSS rules apply as for the footer!
content: |-
This is a <em>custom page</em></br>
It also supports using <strong>HTML</strong>!
Metrics can be enabled with the enableMetrics
configuration key and are served on a dedicated HTTP server. By default they are served on http://localhost:1515/metrics
. Use this address to configure your tool of choice (e.g. Prometheus) to scrape the exported metrics.
Besides the default metrics provided by the Prometheus instrumentation library for Go applications , the following additional metrics are provided:
# HELP portkey_page_handler_requests_total Total number of HTTP requests by page.
# TYPE portkey_page_handler_requests_total counter
portkey_page_handler_requests_total{path="<page_path>"} 0
# HELP portkey_portal_handler_requests_total Total number of HTTP requests by portal.
# TYPE portkey_portal_handler_requests_total counter
portkey_portal_handler_requests_total{portal="<portal_title>"} 0
# HELP portkey_search_requests_no_results_total Total number of HTTP requests for search with no results.
# TYPE portkey_search_requests_no_results_total counter
portkey_search_requests_no_results_total 0
# HELP portkey_search_requests_with_results_total Total number of HTTP requests for search with at least one result.
# TYPE portkey_search_requests_with_results_total counter
portkey_search_requests_with_results_total 0
# HELP portkey_version_info Version information about portkey.
# TYPE portkey_version_info gauge
portkey_version_info{buildTime="2024.10.09_17:29:19",commitHash="4fd1a0f",goVersion="1.23.1",version="dev"} 1
There are also Docker images available at Docker hub that you can use. You can start a container for instance with:
# Assumes that there is a config.yml in the current directory.
# It is porbably better to use a specific version than 'latest'.
docker run --rm -it -v $(PWD)/config.yml:/opt/config.yml -p 3000:3000 codehat/portkey:latest
portkey is a Go application. You can install its dependencies with go mod download
The frontend dependencies (e.g. TailwindCSS, AlpineJS) can be installed with npm install --include dev
They can be watched with npm run watch
and built with npm run build
A library called templ is used for the templates. To generate the .go
files from the templates, it has to be installed. You can install templ
go install github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ@v0.3.833
Afterwards you can generate the compiled templates with templ generate
Live reloading is possible by installing air and calling air
You can install air
go install github.com/air-verse/air@latest
The whole application is heavily inspired by a theme for the static site generator Hugo. You can find the theme at victoriadrake/hugo-theme-sam. I wanted something more dynamic while also trying out Go and improving in the language.