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Serves and builds an app with Google Closure Compiler/Library/Templates. An alternative to plovr.

Status: WIP

npm version Node.js Version Support build status dependency status License

Yellow Duck


$ npm i -D @teppeis/duck


duck <command>

  duck serve [entryConfigDir]     Start dev server
  duck build [entryConfigDir]     Compile Soy and JS files
  duck build:js [entryConfigDir]  Compile JS files
  duck build:soy                  Compile Soy templates
  duck build:deps                 Generate deps.js
  duck clean:soy                  Remove all compiled .soy.js
  duck clean:deps                 Remove generated deps.js
  duck completion                 Generate completion script for bash/zsh

  -v, --version  Show version number                                             [boolean]
  -h, --help     Show help                                                       [boolean]

CLI options overwrite config file

duck serve

duck serve [entryConfigDir]

Start dev server

  --inputsRoot          A root directory to serve                                 [string]
  --closureLibraryDir   Closure Library directory                                 [string]
  --depsJs              A path to deps.js to save and load                        [string]
  --skipInitialSoy, -s  Skip initial compiling of Soy templates [boolean] [default: false]
  --port                A port number to listen                   [number] [default: 9810]
  --host                A host to listen                   [string] [default: "localhost"]
  --config              A path to duck.config.js, the extension can be ommited    [string]
  -v, --version         Show version number                                      [boolean]
  -h, --help            Show help                                                [boolean]

duck build

duck build [entryConfigDir]

Compile Soy and JS files

  --entryConfigs, -e   Entry config files (this option ignores entryConfigDir)     [array]
  --closureLibraryDir  Closure Library directory                                  [string]
  --config             A path to duck.config.js, the extension can be ommited     [string]
  --concurrency, -c    Concurrency limit for compiler                [number] [default: 1]
  --depsJs             A path to deps.js to save and load                         [string]
  --printConfig, -p    Print effective configs for compilers    [boolean] [default: false]
  --soyJarPath         A path to Soy.jar                                          [string]
  --soyFileRoots       Root directories of soy files                               [array]
  -v, --version        Show version number                                       [boolean]
  -h, --help           Show help                                                 [boolean]

Also see examples/chunks.


How to use HTTPS and HTTP2 in duck serve?

Create a self-signed certificate like

$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout duck-key.pem -out duck-cert.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj '/CN=localhost'

Then specify them and enable http2 in duck.config.js.

module.exports = {
  http2: true,
  https: {
    keyPath: './path/to/duck-key.pem',
    certPath: './path/to/duck-cert.pem'

bash/zsh-completion shortcuts for commands and options

Initial setting:

$ duck completion >> ~/.bashrc
# or
$ duck completion >> ~/.zshrc

Then, you can complete commands and options with TAB !

$ duck build:<TAB>
build:deps  -- Generate deps.js
build:js    -- Compile JS files
build:soy   -- Compile Soy templates


MIT License: Teppei Sato <>