Mobile app for AnonAddy. This app utilises AnonAddy's API to interact with user account.
- Log in with Access Token.
- Get AnonAddy account details including additional usernames.
- Get detailed view of all aliases, available and deleted ones.
- Create new alias with custom description, domain, and format (UUID and random words).
- Search aliases by email address, alias id, or description.
- Copy alias email address with a single tap.
- Activate and deactivate aliases on the fly.
- Delete and restore aliases.
- Adaptive and persistive Light and Dark themes.
App requires Access Token to access and manage your AnonAddy account. This app uses secure storage, Keychain for iOS and KeyStore for Android, to safely and securely store provided access token. Your access token is NEVER sent to me or any external server.
This app is a one of Khalid War's personal projects. It's free and open source licensed under MIT. Free as in free of charge, ads, analytics, and trackers. What's yours is yours. Please feel free to inspect the code and verify for yourself.
- http
- Provider
- Shared Preference
- Flutter SVG
- Font Awesome Flutter
- URL Launcher
- Clipboard
- Lottie
- Flutter Secure Storage
- FlutterToast
Install by either sideloading attacked APK file on your android device or by building project from source following steps below.
Check out Flutter's official guide to installing and running flutter.
- Download IDE either Android Studio or VSC
- Install Flutter SDK and Dart plugin
- Mobile device (emulator or physical).
- Clone this repo to your machine:
- Create AnonAddy account and generate your own API Access Token, found under API section.
- Install App on Emulator or physical device.
- Sign in with API Access Token.
- All set!
This project is licensed under MIT Licnese.
- Special thanks to AnonAddy's team for providing us with their API and excellent documentation.
This is a personal project and is NOT associated with AnonAddy's project or team.