Helm chart for deploying Grafana Enterprise Metrics to Kubernetes. Originally forked from the Cortex Helm Chart
This chart is now deprecated and will no longer be updated. Grafana Enterprise Metrics v2.0.0 is included in the new mimir-distributed
chart which implements Grafana Enterprise Metrics as an option (enterprise.enabled: true
). To upgrade to using the new chart, see the Grafana Enterprise Metrics migration guide.
In order to use the enterprise features of Grafana Enterprise Metrics, you need to provide the contents of a Grafana Enterprise Metrics license file as the value for the license.contents
To obtain a Grafana Enterprise Metrics license, refer to Get a license.
Grafana Enterprise Metrics requires an object storage backend to store metrics and indexes.
The default chart values will deploy Minio for initial set up. Production deployments should use a separately deployed object store. See cortex documentation for details on storage types and documentation.
To install the chart with licensed features enabled, using a local Grafana Enterprise Metrics license file called license.jwt
$ # Add the repository
$ helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
$ helm repo update
$ # Perform install
$ helm install <cluster name> grafana/enterprise-metrics --set-file 'license.contents=./license.jwt'
As part of this chart many different pods and services are installed which all have varying resource requirements. Please make sure that you have sufficient resources (CPU/memory) available in your cluster before installing Grafana Enterprise Metrics Helm chart.
The default Helm chart values in the values.yaml
file are configured to allow you to quickly test out Grafana Enterprise Metrics.
Alternative values files are included to provide a more realistic configuration that should facilitate a certain level of ingest load.
The small.yaml
values file configures the Grafana Enterprise Metrics cluster to
handle production ingestion of ~1M active series using the blocks storage engine.
Query requirements can vary dramatically depending on query rate and query
ranges. The values here satisfy a "usual" query load as seen from our
production clusters at this scale.
It is important to ensure that you run no more than one ingester replica
per node so that a single node failure does not cause data loss. Zone aware
replication can be configured to ensure data replication spans availability
zones. Refer to Zone Aware Replication
for more information.
Minio is no longer enabled and you are encouraged to use your cloud providers
object storage service for production deployments.
To deploy a cluster using small.yaml
values file:
$ helm install <cluster name> grafana/enterprise-metrics --set-file 'license.contents=./license.jwt' -f small.yaml
The large.yaml
values file configures the Grafana Enterprise Metrics cluster to
handle production ingestion of ~10M active series using the blocks
storage engine.
Query requirements can vary dramatically depending on query rate and query
ranges. The values here satisfy a "usual" query load as seen from our
production clusters at this scale.
It is important to ensure that you run no more than one ingester replica
per node so that a single node failure does not cause data loss. Zone aware
replication can be configured to ensure data replication spans availability
zones. Refer to Zone Aware Replication
for more information.
Minio is no longer enabled and you are encouraged to use your cloud providers
object storage service for production deployments.
To deploy a cluster using the large.yaml
values file:
$ helm install <cluster name> grafana/enterprise-metrics --set-file 'license.contents=./license.jwt' -f large.yaml
To configure a local default storage class for k3d:
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/local-path-provisioner/master/deploy/local-path-storage.yaml
$ kubectl patch storageclass local-path -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
To install the chart with the values used in CI tests:
$ helm install test ./ --values ./ci/test-values.yaml
All changes require a bump to the chart version, as this enforced by CI. All changes to the chart itself should also have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry.
When making a change and organizing a release, first ensure your changes are encapuslated in a meaningful commit.
In a separate commit, increase the chart version in the Chart.yaml
file and add a CHANGELOG entry in the CHANGELOG.md
file under the new version.
Finally, push your changes and open up a Pull Request with the prefix [enterprise-metrics]