fasd is a command-line productivity booster, inspired by tools like autojump, z and v, it offers quick access to files and directories by keeping track of files and directories that were previously accessed.
You can set where the fasd cache resides.
The default is $(path:cache)/fasd
zstyle ':zoppo:plugin:fasd' path '/tmp/fasd'
You can blacklist some parts of commands.
zstyle ':zoppo:plugin:fasd' blacklist '--help'
You can tell fasd to shift some parts of commands, it's especially useful with sudo and the like.
zstyle ':zoppo:plugin:fasd' shift 'sudo' 'busybox'
You can tell fasd to ignore some commands completely.
The default is fasd
zstyle ':zoppo:plugin:fasd' ignore 'rm' 'mplayer' 'cp' 'mv'
You can tell fasd the max total score / weight.
The default is 2000
zstyle ':zoppo:plugin:fasd' max '4000'
You can add backends and tell fasd which to use.
The default is native
zstyle ':zoppo:plugin:fasd' backends 'native' 'viminfo' 'recently-used.xbel'
You can set the level of fuzzyness which is used to match the strings.
The default is 2
, if you set it to 0
the fuzzy matching will be disabled.
zstyle ':zoppo:plugin:fasd' fuzzy '0'