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executable file
177 lines (150 loc) · 7.81 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
177 lines (150 loc) · 7.81 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • fix hiding error msgs when updating kleeja
  • hide update all buttun , when empty update's list
  • fix rewrite urls
  • new user page is only for kleeja user system
  • access style path parmiter from kleeja style (for developers)
  • session fixes


  • fixes compatibility issues on PHP 7.0
  • adds description to plugins store page.
  • fixes issues during plugins update if plugin is disabled.


  • add the ability to auto-update kleeja from admin panel with one click!
  • add plugins/styles store (one click download, install and update or even delete)
  • a plugins/styles catalog (any developer can add his/her plugins/styles now)
  • fix fields doesn't have a default value error #104
  • fix e modifier is deprecated #103
  • fix update check redirect error #97
  • improve ban control page #94
  • add the ability to ban by username
  • add support of mkv files #83
  • add support of most known-to-humans timezones #78
  • fix download counter to skip unwanted visits.
  • fix pagination error in user files page
  • fix some issues with some plugins (kj_ftp, for example.)
  • replace Kleeja team page with current github contributors 😇
  • add ability to hide/show widgets in home page of admin panel.
  • fix issues with downloaded persian/arabic filesnames #53
  • fix remember me issue on login page.
  • add solution for hosts running under suexec (by adding define('HAS_SUEXEC', true); to config.php)
  • fix issue with auto-deleting old files feature.
  • removed feature : Uploading from URLs (leech).


  • new styles, drag and drop and progressbar and bootstrap black.
  • cleaning the header and footer after removing the plugin.
  • new plugin: traidnt.


  • postpone x-send file plugin release.


  • new plugins: klj_ftp, rebrandly, advanced extras, x_sendfile, adfly support, pdf viewer, amp support.
  • add missing to language files.
  • users can delete there files in one click.
  • fixes for recaptcha.


  • fix bug where captcha doesn't work if website is closed.


  • fix bug where 'empty files' error when url uplaoding is on.
  • fix bug where limiting download size is not working.
  • fix bugs where some images in ACP are not shown/missing.
  • you can use {username} in folder name now.
  • only show/validate captcha for login/admin login if GD is installed.
  • fix progress bar (with a style that supports that).


  • fix a bug where a user can not upload files with uppercase extensions like PNG.
  • fix a bug where a long filename might ruin the download.html page.
  • fix a bug where the 'site is closed' not shown.
  • new functions add_to_htaccess, remove_from_htaccess to make it easier for plugins to add rules.
  • fix typo in download.html link target attribute.


  • fix bug where installation shows white page if mysqli is not installed.
  • fix bug where some links in admin/users page doesn't work
  • prevent non-founder admins from installing/uploading/enabling plugins or styles.
  • fix bug where uploading doesn't work because of default php uploading error system.
  • fix a problem where a plugin cache still exists after enabling/disabling it.
  • fix a bug where file inputs don't increase (reported by ali iraq)
  • fix a bug where an admin can not login when Kleeja is closed.


  • New file-based-plugin system. No more 'eval' function.
  • Removed the ability to edit a template or restore backup template.
  • IP addresses now respect CloudFlare integration
  • wrong time at show last visit files/images (reported by: bader_vip)
  • fix bug:1104, where kleeja_date doesn't respect user time zone (reported by: bader_vip)
  • fix bug:1124, fix permission for fileuser (reported by: sadiq6210)
  • fix bug:1134, where you can download files without waiting using imgf links (reported by: 2mka)
  • fix bug:1121, where kleeja web site links are wrong (reported by: yasorno)
  • fix bug:1120, where editing ACLs doesn't work .. (reported by: sadiq6210)
  • Captcha in admin login to prevent automated bots.
  • screenshots+info of styles in control panel
  • fix bug when searching for selected images’s by ip, or username.
  • fix bug 1102, where mobile devices users can not copy urls from inputs (style)
  • fix bug where calls+reports deleting queue doesn't work! (un-reported)
  • fix bug:1117, deleting files from user folder other than page 1 won't work (reported by: bader_vip)
  • when enabling htaccess url, rename file from htaccess.tx to .htaccess
  • remove KLIVE codes
  • fix Default style to be responsive (works with mobile phones + tables)
  • fix acp notifications
  • alert the user if the file is not allowed [ext + size] before uploading.
  • use ig, ip, g, p
  • new style based on Bootstrap 4
  • new Admin style based on Bootstrap 4
  • kljuploader class refactored to an interface, so we could add other uploading methods
  • fix image quality problem if watermark is on
  • new way of detecting and securing kleeja during uploading.
  • open ip search in new window
  • fix htaccess rule where fileuser page not accessible by others
  • Images has their own links form now.
  • Captcha in login page to prevent password guessing.
  • you can now use parameters in uploading folder input like {year} {month} {week} {day}.
  • show captcha for admin login if first attempt was wrong.
  • only support php 7+.


  • Kleeja 1.7 is compatible with PHP7 now.
  • some other fixes.


  • Fix XSS bug at uploading files [ thanks to Ebram Atef @geekpero ]; bug#1253
  • Add useful https header to improve security.
  • fix compatibility issue with php 5.5; bug#1252, bug#1240, bug#1239, bug#1241
  • fix an error with thumbs.php if no GD installed
  • fix bug where admin can not change the ACL [permissions] of users. bug##1229
  • fix bug where user can’t see his folder if ACL to see other’s folders is off to him. bug#1228.
  • remove gzip feature because user who doesn’t know how to use it keep using it. bug#1226
  • no more mysql driver, all now transformed to mysqli. bug #1224
  • fix bug if number of files that user can upload is 0, he can still upload! bug#1223.
  • remove backup feature, no need for it.


  • When the database old, tell the user to update.
  • fix bug in ACP where secondary menu not appear
  • add link to user folder at do.php?id=.. page


  • add turkish language.
  • disable ajax by default at ACP ( you can add AJAX_ACP in config.php to turn ajax on )
  • some style improvments at ACP
  • hide un-important items from ACP menu and add a button to show them.
  • fix problems with login + captcha that's appeared at 1.5.2


  • Add Persian language (thanx for dverbame)
  • Fix bug with thumbs size (reported by : Tony Broomfield)
  • fix bug where Last visit in ACP doesnt use Kleeja zone (reborted by: Bader_vip)
  • fix bug where total files number excludes images (reborted by: Bader_vip)
  • fix bug where guests can not access user folders, ucp.php?go=fileuser&id=[userid] (reported by: ibragate)
  • fix bug where kleeja doesnt respect decoding type when it set to nothing (reported by: althani)
  • fix security issue ..
  • Username at registering now should be between 4 to 25 characters (reported by ibragate)
  • fix bug where user can not open other page while uploading files (reported by
  • faster home page with new improved javascript tabs
  • Juqery.js library is included offically with Kleeja now
  • fix bug when there is no file and request thumbf=..., it shows txt error instead of image error.
  • good look of images at userfile while loading instead of just white spaces.
  • return back to "mysql_real_escape_string, (reported by twitter/Abdullah_says)


  • Fix bug with uploading from URL.
  • Fix bug in SQL when reparing tables.
  • FIx bug where function is miswritten [helper_thumb_imagick]
  • Fix unclear halt at install.php file

1.0 (was in 2007)

  • ...