The purpose of this outline is to help build an outline of the Front-end architecture to be used by a project.
The goal is not to determine which framework or approach is better, but to define in clear terms how your web app will be constructed.
- Fleshing out of all the various options for each category. I've tried to include a couple of examples on each, but it's by no means complete.
- Linking to articles and resources for more details on each category.
- Addition of new categories that are missing.
- Git
- Subversion
- GitHub
- BitBucket
- Selenium
- Cucumber.js
- Sauce Labs
- [URL's to API's]
- [Docs on API's]
- Grunt
- IE 7-Latest
- Chrome Latest
- [Link to browser usage information]
- [Link to
- Mustache
- Handlebars
- Smarty, etc
- Jade
- Less
- Sass
- Stylus
- Pure.css
- Bootstrap
- CSSDoc
- Style Docco
- Jasmine
- Mocha
- YUI Test
- Karma
- Yeti
- [](]
- Journey Through The JavaScript MVC Jungle
- Angular
- Backbone
- Ember.js
- Knockout.js
- YUI3
- Modernizr
- Moment.js
- None
- CoffeeScript
- Dart
- YUIDoc
- Selleck
- JSDoc 3
- Require.js
- YUI3