- 您的书签数据,用于向您展示书签;
- 您的浏览数据,即访问的网页数据,用于进行访问记录的搜索,方便下次快速访问;
- 当您使用第三方账号登录本应用时,本应用会获取该账户的昵称、openID等基本信息,同时服务器上将保存相关账户信息,以便记录账户的云服务使用等数据;
- 当您登录本应用,并将您的书签上传到云端时,您的书签数据会被保存在云端,以便您将数据迁移到其他客户端;
- 当您并开通云服务并使用云标签时,保存云标签会将当前打开的标签数据保存在云端;
- 当您并开通云服务并使用传送门时,添加或编辑的内容将保存在云端;
- 信息存储的类型: 您使用云服务(需开通)时的相关数据,包括书签、打开的标签等数据
- 信息存储的期限: 您需要开通云服务才能进行数据上传,目前,上传后的数据会持续存储,您的云服务到期后也会存储,后续可能会有所调整,如有调整将另行通知
我们努力为用户的信息安全提供保障,以防止信息的丢失、不当使用、未经授权访问或披露。 我们将在合理的安全水平内使用各种安全保护措施以保障信息的安全。例如,我们会使用加密技术(例如 SSL)、匿名化处理等手段来保护您的个人信息。
如您需要与我们进行联系,请发送邮件到 pinbo252@139.com。
Card bookmark is a browser bookmark extension. In order to explain how the card bookmark will access, collect, use and store your personal information and what rights you enjoy, this privacy policy will be used to explain to you.
The information accessed during the use of this application is as follows:
- Your bookmark data, used to show you bookmarks;
- Your browsing data, that is, the data of the web pages you visit, is used to search the access records, so as to facilitate the next quick access;
The information that this application may collect during use is as follows:
- When you log in to the application with a third-party account, the application will obtain the nickname, openid and other basic information of the account, and the server will save the relevant account information, so as to record the cloud service usage and other data of the account;
- When you log in to the app and upload your bookmarks to the cloud, your bookmark data will be saved in the cloud so that you can migrate the data to other clients;
- When you open the cloud service and use the cloud tag, saving the cloud tag will save the currently opened tag data in the cloud;
- When you open the cloud service and use the portal, the added or edited content will be saved in the cloud;
- type of information storage: Data related to your use of cloud services (to be opened), including bookmarks, open tags and other data
- term of information storage: You need to open the cloud service to upload data. At present, the uploaded data will continue to be stored, and your cloud service will also be stored when it expires, which may be adjusted later. If there is any adjustment, you will be notified separately
We strive to guarantee the information security of users to prevent the loss, improper use, unauthorized access or disclosure of information. We will use all kinds of security protection measures within a reasonable level of security to ensure the security of information. For example, we will use encryption technology (such as SSL), anonymous processing and other means to protect your personal information.
Currently, the information you upload is stored in the cloud and will not be used for other purposes.
You can delete the cloud data at any time. It cannot be recovered after deletion.
According to relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor, you should obtain the consent of your parent or legal guardian before using this application and service. If you are the guardian of the minor, please contact the developer through the contact information when you have questions about the personal information of the minor you are guardianship.
We may amend this policy in due course. When the terms change, we will show it again.
If you need to contact us, please send an email to pinbo252@139.com.