This setup is used to launch a standalone copy of the sphere platform either on your local machine or on a cloud host.
To start you need a host running ubuntu 14.04.02 with docker installed, this can be setup using docker-machine.
- docker
- docker-compose
- docker-machine [optional]
I have broken the system up into two compose configuration files, being resources and services.
This are the resource services, consisting of mysql, rabbitmq, couchdb and redis.
These services keep their data in the following folders on the docker host:
- /data/couchdb
- /data/mysql
- /data/rabbitmq
These are the services which ninjablocks developed.
First CHANGE PASSWORDS as follows:
- Any variable containing
, at the moment for simplicity set them all to the same thing. - RabbitMQ admin password, and all the associated connection strings beginning with
The following command will ensure that the /var/lib/sphere-stack on the docker host machine is pointing to a permanent location and then start the resources composition using docker-compose
./ create resources
Then if this is the first time you have run it you need to import the SQL database.
./ create mysql
Then ensure the couchdb database is created and create the secondary index.
./ create couch
./ create keys
When you hit "ENTER", you will be asked a number of questions.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:New York
Locality Name (eg, city) []:New York City
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Your Company
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Department of Kittens
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:*
Email Address []
Then start the services.
./ start services
To learn the IP address of your docker-machine, run:
./ ip
Add an entry like the following to your local hosts /etc/hosts file:
You can generate the correct entry with:
./ hosts-append
Register your first user in douitsu (, this will be used to setup the oauth2 applications.
You will probably find things easier if you choose trust to the self-signed certificate using the mechanisms provided by your browser &/or host operating systems.
Add an application for the sphere API service.
- "Something that users will trust" - "Private Ninja Cloud"
- "The full URL to your application homepage." -
- "Your application’s callback URL; Read our OAuth documentation for more info." -
- "This text is displayed to all potential users of your application." - "This is a private Ninja Cloud"
After saving, take note of the "Client ID" and "Secret" under the "Application Details" title as you will need to edit services-docker-compose.yml to have these values.
- Enable some flags for the REST API service application
docker exec -it spherestack_spheremysql_1 mysql douitsu -uroot;
update application set is_ninja_official=1 where appid = '<app id for this application>';
Update the following environment variables for this application in services-docker-compose.yml:
- usvc_oauth_callbackURL=
- usvc_oauth_authorizationURL=
- usvc_oauth_clientID=app_XX
- usvc_oauth_clientSecret=sk_XX
Recreate the services composition
./ recreate services
On the VPS you only need to expose ports 80, 443 and 8883, the rest can be accessed using SSH port forwarding.
Then configure your browser as required to use this socks proxy using something like switchysharp.
sphere-stack is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license text.
- added '' to encapsulate scriplets used in instructions
- ensured that resources used by resources-docker-compose.yml are located on persistent storage of the VM
- Initial release