- Catalan translation
- Dutch translation
- Finnish translation
- Latvian translation
- Swedish translation
- Tamil translation
- Turkish translation
- All kiwidude plugins updated/migrated to: https://github.com/kiwidude68/calibre_plugins
- German translation (Dustin Steiner)
- French translation (lentrad)
- Italian translation (Ettore Mazzitelli)
- Polish translation (moje konto)
- Portuguese translation (Comfy.n)
- Russian translation (ashed)
- Spanish translation (dunhill)
- Ukranian translation (@yurchor)
- Breaking: Drop PyQt4 support, require calibre 2.85.1 or later.
- Refactoring of common code
- Changed from searching for title + author to just title to match website capabilities.
- Changes for Python 3 support in calibre.
- Handle series index with decimals.
- Add id_from_url for pasting URL and getting an identifier
- New version of the API.
- Fix for changes to FF website
Initial release of plugin