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🙋‍♂️ Made by @thekitze

Other projects:

  • 🏫 React Academy - Interactive React and GraphQL workshops
  • 💌 Twizzy - A standalone app for Twitter DM
  • 💻 Sizzy - A tool for testing responsive design on multiple devices at once
  • 🤖 JSUI - A powerful UI toolkit for managing JavaScript apps

Zero To Shipped

〽️ MobX Router

Example usage


📖 How to decouple state and UI - a.k.a. you don’t need componentWillMount


  • Decoupled state from UI
  • Central route configuration
  • URL changes are triggering changes directly in the store, and vice-versa
  • No need to use component lifecycle methods like componentWillMount to fetch data or trigger a side effect in the store
  • Supported callbacks for the routes are: beforeEnter, onEnter, beforeExit, onExit. All of the callbacks receive route, params, store, and queryParams as parameters. If the beforeExit or beforeEnter methods return false the navigation action will be prevented.
  • The current URL params and query params are accessible directly in the store store.router.params / store.router.queryParams so basically they're available everywhere without any additional wrapping or HOC.
  • Navigating to another route happens by calling the goTo method on the router store, and the changes in the url are reflected automatically. So for example you can call router.goTo(, {id:5, page:3}) and after the change is made in the store, the URL change will follow. You never directly manipulate the URL or the history object.
  • <Link> component which also populates the href attribute and works with middle click or cmd/ctrl + click
  • Typescript support (Converted to typescript by thdk)
  • Hash-based routing (using paths like /#/foo/bar) support


import React, {createContext} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import {MobxRouter, RouterStore, startRouter} from 'mobx-router';
import routes from 'config/routes';

//example mobx store
export class AppStore {
    title = 'MobX Router Example App',
    user = null

export class RootStore {
    public router: RouterStore<RootStore>;
    public app: AppStore;

    constructor() {
        this.router = new RouterStore<RootStore>(this); = new AppStore();

const store = new RootStore();

// Use React context to make your store available in your application
const StoreContext = createContext({});
const StoreProvider = StoreContext.Provider;

startRouter(routes, store);

  <StoreProvider value={store}>
  	<MobxRouter store={store}/>
  </StoreProvider>, document.getElementById('root')

Example config


import React from 'react';

import {Route} from 'mobx-router';

import Home from 'components/Home';
import Document from 'components/Document';
import Gallery from 'components/Gallery';
import Book from 'components/Book';
import UserProfile from 'components/UserProfile';

const routes = {
  home: new Route({
    path: '/',
    component: <Home/>
  userProfile: new Route({
    path: '/profile/:username/:tab',
    component: <UserProfile/>,
    onEnter: () => {
      console.log('entering user profile!');
    beforeExit: () => {
      console.log('exiting user profile!');
    onParamsChange: (route, params, store) => {
      console.log('params changed to', params);
  gallery: new Route({
    path: '/gallery',
    component: <Gallery/>,
    onEnter: (route, params, store, queryParams) => {;
    	console.log('current query params are -> ', queryParams);
    beforeExit: () => {
      const result = confirm('Are you sure you want to leave the gallery?');
      return result;
  document: new Route({
    path: '/document/:id',
    component: <Document/>,
    beforeEnter: (route, params, store) => {
      const userIsLoggedIn =;
      if (!userIsLoggedIn) {
        alert('Only logged in users can enter this route!');
        return false;
    onEnter: (route, params) => {
      console.log(`entering document with params`, params);
  book: new Route({
    path: '/book/:id/page/:page',
    component: <Book/>,
    onEnter: (route, params, store) => {
      console.log(`entering book with params`, params);;
export default routes;

Custom director configuration

mobx-router uses director behind the scenes. mobx-router exposes the director config object for you to pass your own configuration to director.

To do this you must pass a DirectorConfig object as third argument of startRouter method.

Hash based Routing | html5history

If you disable html5history option, mobx will fallback to hash based routing.

    html5history: false,

Not found (404) route | notfound

You can pass a function to notfound which will be called when you don't have any matching route for the current path.

    notfound: () => store.router.goTo(YOUR_NOT_FOUND_ROUTE),