These are my (some-what) random Python learnings.
These mainly include guided projects from various educational books, such as, Learn Python 3 the Hard Way by Zed Shaw, and several books from No Starch Press.
The purpose of these assignments is to help me learn Python in a fun and goal-oriented way, with exercises and small projects.
Most of the files in this learnpy
main folder are from Learn Python 3 the Hard Way and was the first Python book I picked up to grasp the basic syntax and concepts in Python.
Some examples of the exercises in this book include (but are not limited to):
- going over data types
- applying inheritance and composition concepts
- creating text-based adventure games
- testing with
- setting up a virtual environment
- an intro to building a webpage via
In this main folder, you will also find subfolders that include other books and/or projects I have completed.
My learnings from these exercises have helped me move forward with my other programming learnings with more confidence since I was able to learn many of the programming basics through Python.