The Goal was to build a star wars directory using SWAPI, which has all api endpoints required for the application.
- User can view a list of people (humans & robots), list item should contain full name, birth year and gender.
- User can view a list of starships, list item should contain name, model and cargo capacity.
- User can see full details of selected person, planet or starship, you can ignore data containing links in the JSON response.
- For each listing, user can search using name to filter the list.
- User should be able to filter based on gender in the people section (male, female, robot)
- Display data with pagination
This project is very easy to install and run. Clone this repo and open a terminal window and run the following commands to set up the main player:
##To install all the project dependencies
npm install
##To start up the dev server and run the project
npm run serve