Showcasing projects that I've built from scratch using HTML, CSS and plain JavaScript.
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A website that displays a random background colour each time "Change colour" button is clicked.
Guess the correct number between 1 and 30. You only have 5 guesses before it's game over! How many rounds can you win without any losing streak?
A double slider with both sign up and login form.
A popup windows appears when a button is clicked. Clicking on "X", "esc" button or outside of modal will close the popup.
Players take turns to roll a single die as many times as they wish, adding all roll results to a running total, but losing their gained score for the turn if they roll a '1'.
30 photos of different sizes are generated using CSS grid. An outlay appears when an image is clicked.
When a corresponding key is hit on the keyboard, two things will happen:
- The drum sound associated with that key will be played
- Short animation highlights which key was pressed
Log workouts based on current location using Leaflet library and OpenStreetMap. Existing workouts are saved using local storage.