For introductory information on this operating system and binary securities, check here.
Let's see what does the binary do.
$> ./level0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
$> ./level0 "test"
No !
Seems like this program want us to input an argument.
Using gdb
, we can dig through the binary to understand what's going on (full analysis here). Thanks to it we find that 423 should be given to the program to get a running shell as level1
. All we have to do then is to navigate through the filesystem to get the level1
user password.
$> ./level0 423
$ cat /home/user/level1/.pass
We can see that our prompt changed to
meaning a new shell spawned.
So next user credentials pair is level1:1fe8a524fa4bec01ca4ea2a869af2a02260d4a7d5fe7e7c24d8617e6dca12d3a
Check here for reproduction source-code of this binary.