These are answers to questions from Data Science Prep:
- Ranking Lists of Shows (by Netflix)
- Is the Coin Biased (by Google)
- Social Graph Comparison (by Facebook)
- Experimenting with p-values (by Airbnb)
- Drawing Normally (by Quora)
- Surge Pricing (by Uber)
- Picking Between Two Dice Games (by Facebook)
- Correlated Predictors (by Google)
- Difficulties in A/B testing (by Airbnb)
- Simulating a standard normal distribution (by Uber)
- MLE vs. MAP (by Netflix)
- Improving Signups (by Quora)
- Independent And Uncorrelated (by Stripe)
- Forming A Triangle (by Google)
- Flips Until Two Heads (by Lyft)
- Fair Odds From Unfair Coin (by Airbnb)
- Ant Collision (by Facebook)
- Number of Cards Before An Ace (by Lyft)
- First To Roll Side K (by Lyft)
- Flipping Game (by Facebook)
- Fraud Detection Tradeoff (by Affirm)
- Classification Metrics (by Uber)
- Estimation of Fraud (by Affirm)
- Churn Model (by Robinhood)
- Identifying Synonyms (by Google)
- L1 and L2 Regularization (by Uber)
- Square root of model scores (by Affirm)
- Bias-Variance Tradeoff (by Microsoft)
- Modeling Listing Revenue (by Airbnb)
- Recommended Similar Listings (by Airbnb)
- Sum of Consecutive Numbers (by Robinhood)
- Sampling With Weights (by Lyft)
- Generating Integer Partitions (by Stripe)
- Correlation By Hand (by Robinhood)
- Measuring User Retention (by Facebook)
- Cities with The Most User Orders (by Robinhood)
- Ad CTR (by Facebook)
- Spend By Product (by Uber)