You just built hello world in angular2+ and may be you followed some video or blog but you have the courage to tell the interviewer that you know little bit angular2.
- What are the difference between angularJS (angular 1.0) and angular2
- What is a component
- What is the minimum definition of a component?
- What is a module
- What design framework you have used and why
- What is a service
- What is a promise
- What are the life cycle hooks for component and directives
- What is pipes
- What is a pure pipe?
- What is authGuard
- What is dumb component
- How do components communicate with each other?
- How do you create two way data binding in Angular?
- How you build an angular app for production
- How would you run unit test
- How you create custom pipes
- Which life cycle hook will you use to unsbscribe a promise
- How can you get current state of a route
- How will you protect a route for authorized user only
- How to use http service to load data from serve
- How are the services injected to your application?
- Why would you use angular-cli
- Why would you use a component
- Why will you use a module
- What are the difference between a component and a directive
- Why would you use a module
- Why would you use typescript aka benefits of typescript
Answers link coming soon
if you can answer these questions, yourself check the intermediate level questions here