##A Project & Task Management tool, RESTful API Back-end + ReactJS Front-end client.
Check! is a Project & Task Management tool build during my traineeship at Codaisseur.
The test driven (TDD), RESTful API Back-end is made in Rails serving a JSON format. It utilizes Puma for HTTP Concurrency and CORS middleware, that allows it to have cross domain AJAX calls with the ReactJS Front-end client, the HTTP requests are preformed asynchronously trough jQuery AJAX. Checkout the live demo's here: front-end-demo | back-end-demo
- Add user authentication.
- Add roles.
- Add e-mail functionality.
Download both the Front-end and Back-end and run the following commands for both of them:
Front-end commands:
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:3001
Back-end commands:
bundle install
rails server
open http://localhost:3000