Acconeer XM122 Fluid Level Metering. XM122 is a module based on Acconeer's A1 60Ghz radar, which they call "pulsed coherend radar". Maximum range is ~2m, at around 50cm I found to be accurate in the mm range. You can see raw data in my installation
I use this thing to measure the level of a water body next to my house and publish the results to MQTT.
This is neither modular nor does it support all XM122 services and detectors but perhaps it's a useful starting point for interacting with XM122 in golang.
Measurements are taken with a frequency defined by rate
. When multiple echos occur, only the echo with the strongest signal is considered.
Measurements are posted each reportSec
seconds using a moving average of the same duration.
Reads distance from Acconeer XM122 and publishes to MQTT (Home Assistant)
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-d, --debug Enable debug mode. Env: DEBUG
-p, --port=PORT serial port device name
-b, --broker=BROKER address of MQTT broker to connect to, e.g. tcp:// Env: BROKER
--mqttUser=MQTTUSER username for mqtt broker Env: BROKER_USER
password for mqtt broker user. Env: BROKER_PW
MQTT state topic
--rawTopic=RAWTOPIC if set, MQTT topic that receives all (unprocessed) measurements
--rangeStart=300 Start (min) of measurement range in mm
--rangeEnd=1000 End (max) of measurement range in mm
-r, --rate=500 Measurement frequency in 1/1000 Hertz
-o, --offset=0 Sensor level offset, subtracted from raw reading (in mm)
--reportSec=60 report a moving average over <value> seconds every <value> seconds
Hardware: XM122 hooked up to a RPi3 via USB, power via POE Hat, all in a simple plastic box. Further processing is: MQTT -> Home-Assistant -> Node-Red -> InfluxDB -> Grafana.
excerpt from HA configuration.yaml
sensor Gräfte:
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "xm122level/state"
name: "Gräfte Pegel"
unit_of_measurement: "mm"
qos: 2
expire_after: 240
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "xm122level/raw"
name: "Gräfte Pegel Raw"
unit_of_measurement: "mm"
qos: 2
expire_after: 120