The project now depends on org.clojure/clojure
version 1.7.0
. It is
still compatible with Clojure 1.5 and if your project.clj
depends on
a different version, it will be used, but 1.7 is the default now.
The project no longer tries to maintain Clojure 1.4 compatibility.
tries any number of validators, short-circuiting at the first failed validator. This behavior is similar to or
(require '[validateur.validation :refer :all])
(let [v (validate-some
(presence-of :cake-count :message "missing_cake")
(validate-by :cake-count odd? :message "even_cake"))]
"Odd cake counts are valid."
(v {:cake-count 1})
;;=> [true #{}]
"Even cake counts only throw the second error, since the first
validation passed."
(v {:cake-count 2})
;;=> [false {:cake-count #{"even_cake"}}]
"The second validation never gets called and never throws a NPE, as
it would if we just composed them up."
(v {})
;;=> [false {:cake-count #{"missing_cake"}}]
Contributed by Sam Ritchie (PaddleGuru).
Errors in validateur are vectors if keys are nested. If keys are only
one layer deep - :cake
, for example - the error can live at :cake
or [:cake]
The errors
function returns the set of errors for some key, nested
or bare. :cake
will return errors stored under [:cake]
is a boolean wrapper that returns true if some key has
errors, false otherwise.
Contributed by Sam Ritchie (PaddleGuru).
is a helper function useful for building UIs that validate on the fly. Here's a basic example. Let's write some code to render a UI off of a nested map and build up live validation for that map off of component validators. Here are the components:
(def profile-validator
(vr/presence-of #{:first-name :last-name})))
(def secret-validator
(vr/length-of :password :within (range 5 15))
(vr/length-of :phone :is 10)))
And then the composed, user account validator:
(def account-validator
(vr/nested :secrets secret-validator)
(vr/nested :profile profile-validator)))
Next are the "rendering" functions. Imagine that these are input components responsible for validating their input and displaying errors when present. Our "render" phase will just print.
(defn render-profile [profile errors]
(prn "Profile: " profile)
(prn "Profile Errors: " errors))
(defn render-secrets [secrets errors]
(prn "Secrets: " secrets)
(prn "Secret Errors: " errors))
(defn submit-button
"Renders a submit button that can only submit when no errors are
(prn "All Errors: " errors))
The render-account
function renders all subcomponents, performs global validation and routes the errors and data where each needs to go:
(defn render-account
"This function accepts an account object, validates the entire thing
using the subvalidators defined above, then uses `unnested` to pull
out specific errors for each component.
The entire validation error map is passed into `submit-button`,
which might only allow a server POST on click of the full error map
is empty."
[{:keys [secrets profile] :as account}]
(let [errors (account-validator account)]
(render-profile profile (vr/unnest :profile errors))
(render-secrets secrets (vr/unnest :secrets errors))
(submit-button errors)))
Let's see this function in action. Calling render-account
with an invalid map triggers a render that shows off a bunch of errors:
{:secrets {:password "face"
:phone "703555555512323"}
:profile {:first-name "Queequeg"}})
"Profile: " {:first-name "Queequeg"}
"Errors: " {[:last-name] #{"can't be blank"}}
"Secrets: " {:password "face", :phone "703555555512323"}
"Errors: " {[:phone] #{"must be 10 characters long"}, [:password] #{"must be from 5 to 14 characters long"}}
"All Errors: " {[:profile :last-name] #{"can't be blank"}, [:secrets :phone] #{"must be 10 characters long"}, [:secrets :password] #{"must be from 5 to 14 characters long"}}
Calling render-account
with a valid map prints only the data:
{:secrets {:password "faceknuckle"
:phone "7035555555"}
:profile {:first-name "Queequeg"
:last-name "Kokovoko"}})
"Profile: " {:last-name "Kokovoko", :first-name "Queequeg"}
"Errors: " {}
"Secrets: " {:password "faceknuckle", :phone "7035555555"}
"Errors: " {}
"All Errors: " {}
is a helper function that makes it easy to validate dynamic data that's not part of the actual map you pass into the validator. For example, say you wanted to validate all user accounts, then build up a map of userid -> validation errors:
(for [account (get-all-accounts)]
(vr/nest (:id account)
(account-validator account)))
{[100 :profile :first-name] "can't be blank"
[200 :profile :last-name] "can't be blank"
;; etc
is a new validator runner for nested attributes.
(require '[validateur.validation :as :vr])
(let [v (vr/nested :user (vr/validation-set
(vr/presence-of :name)
(vr/presence-of :age)))
extra-nested (vr/nested [:user :profile]
(vr/presence-of :age)
(vr/presence-of [:birthday :year])))]
(v {})
;= {[:user :age] #{"can't be blank"}
[:user :name] #{"can't be blank"}}
(v {:user {:name "name"}})
;= {[:user :age] #{"can't be blank"}}
(extra-nested {:user {:profile {:age 10
:birthday {:year 2004}}}})
;= {}
(extra-nested {:user {:profile {:age 10}}})
;= {[:user :profile :birthday :year] #{"can't be blank"}}
Contributed by Sam Ritchie.
is a new validator function. It returns a function that,
when given a map, will validate that the + value of the attribute in
that map is one of the given:
(require '[validateur.validation :refer :all])
(presence-of :name)
(presence-of :age)
(validate-by [:user :name] not-empty :message \"Username can't be empty!\"))
Contributed by Sam Ritchie.
validator now supports validation over
multiple (all or any) fields:
;; both fields must be non-nil
(vr/presence-of #{:name :msg})
;; either field must be non-nil
(vr/presence-of #{:name :msg} :any true)
Contributed by Radosław Piliszek.
Validateur no longer uses crossovers which are
deprecated in lein-cljsbuild
Contributed by Radosław Piliszek.
Validateur now depends on org.clojure/clojure
version 1.6.0
. It is
still compatible with Clojure 1.4 and if your project.clj
depends on
a different version, it will be used, but 1.6 is the default now.
It is now possible to wrap a validator into a function that will check a condition before applying the validator.
To do so, use validate-when
(require '[validateur.validation])
(defn new?
(nil? (:id user)))
(defn unique-email?
(if-let [existing (find-by-email (:email user)]
(= (:id user) (:id existing))
(def validate
(presence-of :email)
(validate :email unique-email? :message "is already taken")
(validate-when new? (presence-of :password))
(validate-when #(contains? % :password) (presence-of :password))))
If provided predicate returns false
, the validator it guards is not
Contributed by Scott Nelson.
Generic validator uses a predicate function and attaches errors to specified attribute:
(require '[validateur.validation])
(validate-with-predicate :id unique? :message "ID is not unique")
Contributed by Scott Nelson.
ClojureWerkz Support is no longer a dependency of Validateur. This makes it easier to use Validateur in ClojureScript projects.
Contributed by hura.
Validateur now supports composition of validation sets. To
compose several sets, use validateur.validation/compose-sets
(let [vn (vr/validation-set
(vr/presence-of :name))
va (vr/validation-set
(vr/presence-of :age))
v (vr/compose-sets va vn)]
;= true
(vr/valid? v { :name "Joe" :age 28 }))
Contributed by hura.
Validateur now supports ClojureScript.
Contributed by Konstantin Shabanov.
Corrected the logic in the allowed-to-be-blank functions to properly allow nil values when allow-nil is true, but allow-blank is false. Previously, both allow-blank and allow-nil had to be set to true to allow nil values due to clojure's blank? function returning true for nil.
Contributed by Wes Johnson.
Clojure 1.3 is no longer supported by Validateur.
All built-in validators but length-of accept optional messages for all cases. Their formatting is fixed and based in default ones. For example:
((inclusion-of :genre :in #{"trance", "dnb"} :message "debe pertenecer a:")
{:genre "pasodoble"})
;; [false {:genre #{"debe pertenecer a: trance, dnb"}}]
All built-in validators accept an optional function callback which will be called by the validator to build the returned error message. The main goal is to facilitate the inclusion of i18n in messages (like previous one but in a more flexible way). For example:
((inclusion-of :genre :in #{"trance", "dnb"}
:message-fn (fn [validator map prop & args]
[validator map prop args]))
{:genre "pasodoble"})
;; [false {:genre #{[:inclusion {:genre "pasodoble"} :genre (#{"trance" "dnb"})]}}]
Validateur now depends on org.clojure/clojure
version 1.5.1
includes an important bug fix.
ClojureWerkz Support upgraded to v0.14.0
Validateur now depends on org.clojure/clojure
version 1.5.0
. It is
still compatible with Clojure 1.3 and if your project.clj
depends on
a different version, it will be used, but 1.5 is the default now.
We encourage all users to upgrade to 1.5, it is a drop-in replacement for the majority of projects out there.
Built-in validation functions now have doc strings.
ClojureWerkz Support upgraded to v0.6.0
and other DSL functions now support nested attributes (think clojure.core/get-in
for example:
(presence-of :email)
(presence-of [:address :street])
(presence-of [:card :cvc]))
Validateur now depends on ClojureWerkz Support.
Validateur now uses Leiningen 2.