Fuzzy-search for, and open files.
Uses Spotlight to search for a file containing all the characters in the query in that order (i.e., file name matches the regex /^.*m.*y.*q.*u.*e.*r.*y.*$/
. Built for macOS.
I recommend creating an alias such as alias fof=fuzzy-open-file
Usage: fuzzy-open-file [-a <application>] [-h] [-p <path>] [--vim] query
-a Opens with the specified application.
-h, --help Print this help message and exit.
-p, --path Search only within the specified path (default: ~).
--vim Opens file with vim.
~$ fuzzy-open-file curdes.ske # open ~/Documents/CurrentDesign.sketch
~$ fuzzy-open-file sl.p # open ~/Documents/Friday's\ Presentation/slides.pdf
Install (using Prezto/zsh):
Clone this repo into `~/.zprezto/modules/fuzzy-open-file
Append 'fuzzy-open-file' to the line in your
which starts withzstyle ':prezto:load'...
Install (manually):
Clone this repo
source <path to this repo>/init.zsh
to your shell's runcom (e.g.,~/.bashrc