[If you are reporting a bug, please try to fill out all the information below. If you are requesting a feature, you can clear this template.]
Olive version: [e.g. Git hash from window title or Help > About] Source: [e.g. AppImage, Website etc.] Operating system: [e.g. Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit] CPU: [e.g. Intel i5-4300U] RAM: [e.g. 8GB] GPU: [e.g. NVIDIA Geforce GT 1030 2GB (Driver ver xxx.xx.xx)]
[Describe the issue you're having]
[Describe the steps to demonstrate the issue you're reporting]
[Paste output log]
[If you can reproduce this issue, try running Olive through GDB and retrieving a backtrace, then paste the backtrace here. Instructions are available in the Wiki on how to acquire this backtrace.]