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##What is Awarness API? A unified sensing platform enabling applications to be aware of multiple aspects of a users context, while managing battery and memory health.

####There are two types of awarness APIs.

  1. Snapshot APIs.
  2. Fence APIs.

##Snapshot APIs:

  • This app demo icludes usage of 7 diffrent types of apis.
    1. User Activity - Returns user's current activity. (e.g. Walking, still, in vehicle etc.)
    2. Time - Returns user's current local time
    3. Headphones - Status of headphones.
    4. Location - Current location
    5. Places - Near by places
    6. Beacons - Nearby beacons
    7. Weather - Weather condition at current location.
  • The contains all these APIs and their demos.
  • For more details visit this link.

##Fence Apis:

  • Available fences:
    1. DetectedActivityFence - Detect condition based on user's activity
    2. HeadphoneFence - Detect condition based on headphones plugging in state.
    3. TimeFence - Detect condition based on local time at user's location.
    4. LocationFence - Detect condition based on user's location.
    5. BeaconFence - Detect condition based on nearby Beacons' state.
  • and will demostarate how to use this fences without combining them with other fences.
  • For more details visit this link.

####Combining diffrent feces:

  • There are 3 operators to combine diffrent fences and generate desire conditons:
    1. OR condition- Performs or conditons between two fences unsing AwarenessFence.or().
    2. AND condition- Performs and conditons between two fences unsing AwarenessFence.and().
    3. NOT condition- Performs not conditons between two fences unsing AwarenessFence.not().
  • demostarates how you can combine diffrent fences and generate desire conditions.
You can download demo apk from here.