cd $HOME && git clone && cd scala-101
scala --version
Scala code runner version 3.3.0 -- lsCopyright 2002-2023, LAMP/EPFL
the scala repl ( READ - EVALUATE - PRINT - LOOP ) is a command-line interpreter that you use a test your scala code on terminal.
open terminal to open repl
- code
1 + 2
- ouput
val res0: Int = 3
- code
var a = 2 * 5
- output
var a: Int = 10
- The sbt help to run our project when we have one or multiple files
cd $HOME
- create project
sbt new scala/scala3.g8
- enter project name like below
- go to file that have .sbt extension
cd hello-world
sbt clean && sbt run
Hello world!
I was compiled by Scala 3. :)
var type is immutable.
run below code. value of variable is changed.
var a = 0;
a = 5;
cd $HOME/scala-101/var-type
sbt clean && sbt run
val type is immutable.
run below code which wil not work.
val a = 0
a = 5; // wrong
cd $HOME/scala-101/val-type/src/main/scala
sbt clean && sbt run
If you dont want to give type, compiler will understand, no problem
// explicit
val a:Int = 1
// implicit; the compiler infers the type
val b = 2
cd $HOME/scala-101/declaring-variable
sbt clean && sbt run
- You can use one character or sentence or multiline to define.
val first = "AAAA" // String
val second = 'B' // Char
println(s"Result: $first and $second") // combine string and char
println(s"Calculate: ${3 * 5} ") //
val multiline = """AAA
- output
Result: AAAA and B
Calculate: 15
cd $HOME/scala-101/strings
sbt clean && sbt run
- The if/else statement executes a block of code if a specified condition is true. If the condition is false, another block of code can be executed.
val x = 10
if x < 0 then
println("x is negative")
else if x == 0 then
println ("x is zero")
println("x is positive")
- output
x is positive
cd $HOME/scala-101/if-else
sbt clean && sbt run
let's assume that we have got list of numbers and, we will print all values. for condition helps to do it.
for -> it starts loop
do -> to do something while for loop continue, like body of for loop
cd $HOME/scala-101/for-loop
sbt clean && sbt run
- Guards which helps when you need to use multiple if expression on for loop.
cd $HOME/scala-101/for-loop-guards
sbt clean && sbt run
- using yield keyword ( instead of do keyword ) will returns a result after completing of for loop iterations.
cd $HOME/scala-101/for-loop-yield
sbt clean && sbt run
- it helps to find result from options
cd $HOME/scala-101/match-condition
sbt clean && sbt run
- It is control structure lets you catch exceptions.
cd $HOME/scala-101/try-catch-finally
sbt clean && sbt run
- It seems like other loop, (for) it stops loop when condition is founded.
cd $HOME/scala-101/while
sbt clean && sbt run
- Scala supports two paradigms. The paradigm means a way of looking at something, set of idea.
- First paradigm is object-oriented programming
- Second paradigm is functional programming.
- We will look at these paradigm later on.
A method means a function takes parameters and return a value.
def methodName(param1: Type1, param2: Type2): ReturnType =
cd $HOME/scala-101/methods
sbt clean && sbt run