Status | |
master | |
dev | |
Stable | |
Prerelease |
Currently available downing strategies
You can also create your own downing providers.
Configure the downing provider class and split-brain-resolver section similar to below
akka {
actor.provider = "Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster"
remote {
dot-netty.tcp {
hostname = localhost
port = 8001
cluster {
auto-down-unreachable-after = off
downing-provider-class = "Akka.Cluster.SplitBrainResolver.SplitBrainResolverDowningProvider, Akka.Cluster.SplitBrainResolver"
split-brain-resolver {
# Enable one of the available strategies (see descriptions below):
# static-quorum, keep-majority, keep-oldest, keep-referee
active-strategy = off
# Decision is taken by the strategy when there has been no membership or
# reachability changes for this duration, i.e. the cluster state is stable.
stable-after = 20s
# The strategy named static-quorum will down the unreachable nodes if the number
# of remaining nodes are greater than or equal to a configured quorum-size.
# Otherwise, it will down the reachable nodes
static-quorum {
# if the 'role' is defined the decision is based only on members with that 'role'
role = ""
# Minimum number of nodes that the cluster must have (not the total size)
# Note that you must not add more members to the cluster than quorum-size * 2 - 1,
# because then both sides may down each other and thereby form two separate clusters
quorum-size = 3
# The strategy named keep-majority will down the unreachable nodes if the current node is
# in the majority part based on the last known membership information. Otherwise down the
# reachable nodes, i.e. the own part. If the parts are of equal size the part containing
# the node with the lowest address is kept.
keep-majority {
# if the 'role' is defined the decision is based only on members with that 'role'
role = ""
# The strategy named keep-oldest will down the part that does not contain the oldest member.
# The oldest member is interesting because the active Cluster Singleton instance is
# running on the oldest member.
keep-oldest {
# if the 'role' is defined the decision is based only on members with that 'role'
role = ""
# Enable downing of the oldest node when it is partitioned from all other nodes
down-if-alone = off
# The strategy named keep-referee will down the part that does not contain the given referee node.
keep-referee {
# referee address on the form of "akka.tcp://system@hostname:port"
address = ""
# If the remaining number of nodes are less than the configured down-all-if-less-than-nodes
# all nodes will be downed. If the referee node itself is removed all nodes will be downed.
down-all-if-less-than-nodes = 1
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://test-system@localhost:8001"]
- Nuget on your path
- Dotnet core sdk 2.0+
- Visual studio 2017.3+ (Potentially optional, but untested)
Building via dotnet has several alternatives
- dotnet build from the repository root
- build.ps1 from the repository root (used via CI)