dotnet add package KubernetesClient
You'll need a Linux machine with Docker.
The generated code works on all platforms supported by .NET or .NET Core.
Check out the generator project into some other directory
(henceforth $GEN_DIR
cd $GEN_DIR/..
git clone
# Where REPO_DIR points to the root of the csharp repository
cd ${REPO_DIR}/csharp/src
${GEN_DIR}/openapi/ generated ../csharp.settings
git clone
cd csharp\examples\simple
dotnet run
While preferred way of connecting to a remote cluster from local machine is:
var config = KubernetesClientConfiguration.BuildConfigFromConfigFile();
var client = new Kubernetes(config);
Not all auth providers are supported at moment #91, but you still can connect to cluster by starting proxy:
$ kubectl proxy
Starting to serve on
and changing config:
var config = new KubernetesClientConfiguration { Host = "" };
Notice that this is a workaround and is not recommended for production use
The project uses XUnit as unit testing framework.
To run the tests
cd csharp\tests
dotnet restore
dotnet test