This repo is mainly storing the inventory files I used to install openshift and notes if any prep work needed on atomic hosts.
The objective is to use a container from within the target cluster to bootstrap the installation of an openshift cluster by leveraging particular attention needs to be paid to the versions as they need to match the tags being pulled.
download and install. can use packer to automate this section but the kickstart file needs to be different than the regular OS kickstart (do manual install and pull off kickstart file). you could then parametize the kickstart and feed back into an ansible gui job that fires off packer tasks.
edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 enable onboot
check the lv path ignore beginning /dev/ as middle section is hostname or cah
lvextend -r -L 20GB cah/root
this command expands root volume to 20GB
setup ssh keys between all hosts, including self from primary node(one you decided to use, I use a master).
ssh-copyid root@ip.ip.ip.ip
So we need to match the version in the inventory file otherwise cluster install will fail.
atomic install --system --storage=ostree --set INVENTORY_FILE=/root/inventory --set PLAYBOOK_FILE=/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/prerequisites.yml --set OPTS="-v"
atomic install --system --storage=ostree --set INVENTORY_FILE=/root/inventory --set PLAYBOOK_FILE=/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml --set OPTS="-v"
atomic install --system --storage=ostree --set INVENTORY_FILE=/root/inventory --set PLAYBOOK_FILE=/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/adhoc/uninstall.yml --set OPTS="-v"
Finally redhat are talking about all-in-one installs at but most importantly it has another inventory template referenced at