The Open Behavior Box was created as an open-source solution for behavioral training and real-time analysis of rats and another types of animals (video demo). OpenBBox was design to provide a generic controller for behavioral tasks and supports multiple video streams over the network.
git clone
OpenBBox is a client/server application, that is written using the QT library to achieve a cross-platform solution. Using the server application, called OpenBBox Manager, we can dynamically discover new nodes in the network and manage these nodes by controlling behavior tasks, storing information and visualizing video streams. The clients, called OpenBBox Nodes, run on the Texas Instruments BeagbleBone Black (, an embedded Linux platform capable. With an I/O shield, the Nodes can control multiple peripheral devices to perform behavioral task input/output control as well as capturing, synchronizing, and sending behavioral video streams over the network. With this architecture we achieve a customizable and low cost solution.
* Server * QT Desktop application with GUI
* Client * QT application
The structure used for developing with git is based on gitflow.
#Update master
git checkout master
git pull
#Go to develop
git checkout develop
#Give a name to the feature
git checkout -b feature/NAME_OF_FEATURE
git push origin feature/NAME_OF_FEATURE
Always make a Merge Resquest to merge the feature/NAME_OF_FEATURE to develop branch.
The project is supported by the Realtime Neuroengineering Lab at Rice Univesity.