1.23.5 (2021-06-07)
- ConfigProvider: fix moment import (1ceecd4)
- ConfigProvider: more robust (63a2424)
- Form: error state in functional children of FormItem fix #3075 (ae74464)
- Overlay: fix svg element position bug,close ##3070 (8b449d8)
- Table: height issue of virtual table, close #3069 (350f7f4)
- Table: too much expanded-row width, close #3057 (257e8ea)
1.23.4 (2021-06-02)
- Form.Item: add fullWidth type (fbd41ae)
- Message: quick mode should be fixed, close #3059 (383c332)
- Overlay: popupContainer won't work in Overlay&Popup (3cd801b)
- Overlay: should set overflow hidden to container (9b8c8d3)
- Table: custom header misses its scrollLeft while update,close #3050 (926d81e)
1.23.3 (2021-05-31)
1.23.2 (2021-05-21)
- Balloon: popups disappear too fast, close #3007 (950fed8)
- Cascader: set width auto, close #3012 (f89a79c)
- Switch: animation! close #3016 (f1f06f9)
- Table: close #3009 (d5c8201)
- Table: correct ExpandedRow width after switch loading, close #3000 (283ce7f)
- Tag: close #791 (6af7c9a)
- Tag: style issue, close #3015 (e6af3f9)
1.23.1 (2021-05-14)
- Cascader: suport immutable dataSource, close #1558 (c2f1927)
- Checkbox: types (be38adb)
- Gateway: document undefined on ssr (#2982) (bca6089)
- Input: eye close/open, close #2193 (bd6b6be)
- NumberPicker: enable input -0.0, close #2989 (9a93440)
- SplitButton: some api in triggerProps should work, close #2977 (6ac8a14)
- Tree: support immutable prop (ff97655)
- Breadcrumb: add API showHiddenItems, close #2968 (d9eec16)
- Switch: add autoWidth, close #2993 (4bf0b72)
1.23.0 (2021-05-10)
- add spacing for popup of MenuButton, SplitButton (fd5a18e)
- Pagination: add item padding config, close #2822 (3f71889)
- fix some words (cdad5f3)
- maxLength text (593ed92)
- Locale: ja-ja should be ja-jp (0f27ccf)
- modify some words of ja-jp lang (2f6b286)
- some pt words by @Andrey (6c5b583)
- Dialog: update dialog motion (c6139f5)
- add balloon (e0274e6)
- upgrade motion of Drawer/Select (50a5114)
- Balloon: add title & faster animation (5b22a5a)
- Form: support i18n fix #2829 (dff80ae)
- Locale: add id-id (1b221f9)
- Popup: add spacing config (7854561)
- Switch: add loading & style refactor (2472233)
- add multiple language of validate (813c691)
- Nav: style refactor, close#2725 (fa6ae9e)
- Table: add sortDirections, close #2882 (14d9c9f)
- Button: gradient background, close #2970 (521fec0)
1.22.25 (2021-05-10)
- DatePicker: default format of WeekPicker, close #1491 (94d4764)
- DatePicker2: default time don`t work (bfd7743)
1.22.24 (2021-04-29)
- DatePicker: interactive optimization, close #2951 (eaeefdb)
- DatePicker2: disabled support array type (f05aab7)
- DatePicker2: fix value check logic on showTime (f825cce)
- Typescript: add DatePicker2.RangePicker index.d.ts (b882ab7)
- DatePicker2: should reset value on showOk (6ba229c)
- DatePicker2: style issues (5932238)
- DatePicker2: support props label and separator (151d48b) (52691a8)
1.22.23 (2021-04-28)
- Nav: remove next-nav-icon to 1.23 (fe83639)
1.22.22 (2021-04-27)
- add default for sass vars (4e45f87)
- Table: wrong row height in ExpandTable with Lock, close #2943 (e140373)
- Upload: enhance robustness, close ##2922 (530d11c)
1.22.21 (2021-04-25)
- ConfigProvider: add method for clear cache on SSR, close #2920 (ceed3a4)
- DatePicker2: update icon size (a6f5269)
- MenuButton: fix wrong arrow hover color, close #2603 (f93b366)
- Overlay: side effects of overlay on SSR, close #2269 (b36bf1d)
- Search: add fillProps for search (a65577e)
- Step: update step demo(step-process-failed) (3c1b517)
- Switch: set Switch user-select: none, close #2896 (4105ce8)
- Tab: make tab scrollable, close #2918 (6e5f397)
- Table: ExpandTable can be Virtual, close #2646 (47b4aa6)
- Typescript: for Search & Table (934a7f4)
- Upload: Upload.Card d.ts missing multiple, fix #2906 (7bf32f8)
1.22.20 (2021-04-14)
1.22.19 (2021-04-13)
- DatePicker2 etc. locale issues (7b6db23)
- global popupContainer for MenuButton & SplitButton, close #2871 (9a4cc35)
- DatePicker2: remove required types (dae50c6)
1.22.18 (2021-04-09)
- avoid empty content being corrected as 0, close #2856 (731da6f)
- NumberPicker: make trigger untabbable, close #2794 (b1e12da)
1.22.17 (2021-04-06)
- Calendar2: show icon for year select, close #2841 (e99bc38)
- NumberPicker: avoid input - when min >=0, close #2335 (a8f0e89)
- NumberPicker: fix some corrections, close #2849 (603f897)
- Table: StickyLock has no shadow after didupdate, close #2673 (86269a5)
- Table: style issue of StickyLock (e987b83)
- Typescript: add triggerType for Menu.PopupItem (bd3c2bd)
1.22.16 (2021-03-30)
- fix Radio.Group and Checkbox.Group api lost in demo, close #2834 (6510882)
- Table: z-index of stickyheader with lock columns, close #2832 (7286429)
- Typescript: add calendar2 (f979f39)
1.22.15 (2021-03-29)
- Tab: children can be undefined, close #2827 (c0cf38e)
- Table: lock right not work when useVirtual, close #2807 (ead63c2)
- Table: stickyLock right style disorder, close #2806 (4342b25)
- Typescript: fix Nav, close #2698 (5652325)
- Table: support scrollToRow for ordinary table (e2dfc76)
1.22.14 (2021-03-25)
- Table: empty width should change when screen resize, close #2818 (71ca870)
- Table: get correct width after screen resize, close #2399 (a75024f)
- Table: z-index issues, close #2820 (522a19f)
1.22.13 (2021-03-23)
- Button: loading button of should vertical align center (0e36fbc)
- Checkbox: fix tree checkbox disorder (f328660)
- Tab: should be type="button", close #2812 (b6f8cd5)
- Table: lock columns should be in topmost (822ad61)
1.22.12 (2021-03-19)
- checkbox: correct checkbox icon (9b56b50)
- Input: disabled color in safari fix #2766 (1f2c88c)
- Menu: remove box-shadow in embeddable, close #2781 (6c3b9c1)
- NumberPicker: add size=small theme config fix #1897 (241e02e)
- Pagination: button should align center, close #2791 (8adc19c)
- Search: remove shadow of input in type=simple fix #2717 (e3e306f)
- Typescript: update message quick props (6648735)
1.22.11 (2021-03-04)
- DatePicker2: ts file lost name (12887c9)
- Step: add stretch type (0aaa574)
- Step: stretch props warning (5762d7d)
1.22.10 (2021-02-25)
- DatePicker: demo bug on riddle (eb6cb07)
- Datepicker2: update demo (93ee965)
- DatePicker2: ts issues (c7d73d8)
- Typescript: update Message (0a11978)
1.22.9 (2021-02-24)
- DatePicker: wrong style import (bfb5120)
- Icon: line-height inherit (a3af842)
- Paginaton: make autoWidth false, add selectProps, close #2720 (7efb23d)
- Table: prefix of Table.StickyLock not working, close #2722 (0dfd0cd)
- Typescripts: update message props (8ac9d56)
1.22.8 (2021-02-23)
- DatePicker: bug on isValueChanged (2841951)
- DatePicker2: time picker panel lost prefix prop (c4d8786)
- Dialog: closeMode types (e40208a)
- Transfer: fix wrong behavior of check-all while using search (1204592)
1.22.7 (2021-02-05)
- Button: text fluttered when toggle loading, close #2691 (6afebd0)
- Overlay: correct top for tab (d88009f)
- Tab: prefix not work, close #2692 (d8628ea)
- Transfer: add onSelect callback, close #2665 (918ccd7)
- Tree: correct checkbox icon (5a4e5b2)
- Step: add node size config (e8609a4)
1.22.6 (2021-02-04)
- correct version of @alifd/meet-react (ea60d4a)
- DatePicker: bug on preview when showTime (a9d166e)
- DatePicker2: controlled bug (9680106)
- Menu: enhance robotness, close #2680 (#2681) (ffaa5f5)
- Checkbox: icon vertical algin text top (#2681) (ffaa5f5)
- Balloon: 0 => 0px (#2681) (ffaa5f5)
- Nav: fix compare 0 with 0px (3f2444d)
- Overlay: bug on postion when bottom overflow (e2c1be9)
1.22.5 (2021-01-28)
1.22.4 (2021-01-28)
- DatePicker2: value controlled issue (c94067a)
- Overlay: wrong container when followTrigger (d215470)
- WeekPicker: format bug (f6e002c)
1.22.3 (2021-01-27)
- Core: update next-sr-only for select (fb4e0f7)
- Icon: make icon square (d7ca661)
- Overlay: bug on right & bottom overflow,close #2602 (3588da6)
- Search: remove highlightKey while input not match fix #2642 (2bfaf1f)
- Tab: can pass data-* props to Tab.Item fix #2636 (fe0c379)
- Tab: remove line animation while animation=false fix #2226 (2869bf0)
- Tab: reset activeKey be first one while children update fix #1835 (3b039e6)
- Tab: tab item positon while slider fix #2096 (7720048)
- Table: fix multiheaders, close #2631 (b7d10e8)
1.22.2 (2021-01-20)
- Calendar2: style issues (2f9ae92)
- CascaderSelect: cannot type when showSearch on (3a67739)
- Form: add valueName (96c97a5)
- Form: types (cf2c1cc)
- Menu: do not autoFocus highLight while focusable=false fix #2565 (364ed28)
- Message: font of config demo not work (94b9b8a)
- Message: types (f1005ed)
- Pagination: flash when page number switched (9e5d3fd)
- Upload: add types: fileKeyName, isPreview, renderPreview (a2dfa94)
- ConfigProvider: add defaultPropsConfig (059cd48)
1.22.1 (2021-01-08)
1.22.0 (2020-12-30)
- remove config provider of radio and checkbox index (98c5bdf)
- Checkbox: fix some style problem, close #2478 #1541 (03703ae)
- Form: avoid affecting nested fields (502a27d)
- Form: getFieldInitCfg support multiple config Provider wrapper (bedcc9b)
- Nav: close #2420 (cefbe49)
- Radio: fix button radio group margin-right (#2523) (dc4b817)
- Radio: fix some style problem, close #1748 #2079 #1541 #2379 (a9c6a5c)
- Rating: show not-allowed cursor in disabled mode (13a86a4)
- Select: disabled with max tag bg color fix #2410 (4c46487)
- Select: linear-gradient in safari fix #2228 (2dd2087)
- Step: auto resize while step content changed, close #2445 (c2dc02f)
- Table: border chaos when Table in ExpandTable, close #2053 (15768a6)
- Balloon: update the way of drawing direction angle, close #2351 (69c466b)
- Checkbox: itemDirection => direction (d84b1b7)
- Form: add api colon, close #1507 (de6143f)
- Form: new sass var for preview label font size. fix #2364 (3fd8f6d)
- Input: add focus border for Input (1706a95)
- Input: hasLimitHint => showLimitHint (2ffeed7)
- Locale: add pt (#2536) (df9811d)
- Menu: split item padding left and right for design, close #2427 (#2428) (ed147d0)
- Nav: expand icon of subNav can be hidden, close #2386 (efae574)
- Radio: itemDirection => direction (e9b16c1)
1.21.16 (2020-12-24)
1.21.15 (2020-12-18)
- Overlay: should clean paddingRight when dialog disappears (7e513cc)
- Table: tableOuterWidth can be undefined (e3b7b22)
- Tag: cant set border color for primary closable tag (52c5c99)
- TreeSelect: bug on preview when value is empty (1c095c4)
- Loading: add disableScroll (c0f7592)
1.21.14 (2020-12-15)
- CascaderSelect: should ignore case when searching (f34c82f)
- ConfigProvider: add missed static methods types, close #2486 (7d1225b)
- Form: add missing
definition of props (0620124) - NumberPicker: fix default type prop, close #2370 (a6c203f)
- Table: close #2497 (f801aee)
- Table: correct signature of
in Table props (a286710) - Table: make vertical rolling smoother (60e0ea4)
- TreeSelect: should ignore case on searching (fad02fa)
- NumberPicker: support ref.getInputNode (11c0827)
1.21.13 (2020-12-01)
- Checkbox: fix disabled checkbox label color and cursor display, close #2231 (#2471) (1a1e69a)
- Table: virtual table doubled height, close #2475 (5b96708)
1.21.12 (2020-11-27)
- Select: google translate bug fix #2424 (8656521)
- Step: extend icon's animation duration, close #2414 (df0f25f)
- Typescript: update Radio.Group (c51b0bb)
1.21.11 (2020-11-20)
- fix warning of style (b865019)
- Checkbox: wrong style in .disabled.focus, close #2280 (4e474cc)
- Typescript: add StickyLock (79fd9db)
- Upload: Card progress under controled value. fix #2411 (edcea69)
1.21.10 (2020-11-18)
- Nav: color of a link, close #2388 (8c93ae7)
- NumberPicker: dts for size=small (7e1d2a0)
- NumberPicker: fix trigger style in firefox fix #2281 (a88d81e)
- Table size of sort icon should be xs (40c6686)
- Upload: correct typo for old ts version (#2368) (1345652)
1.21.9 (2020-11-13)
- Balloon: remove shadow of arrow, close #2257 (4c84f4e)
- DatePicker: close #2198, #2129 (3e974cc)
- List: bug of show empty when 1 data left, close alibaba/ice#3799 (9623241)
- Menu: increase weight of a in menu, close #2337 (5e9d345)
- Message: withContext Demo affect global ConfigProvider (a8a098d)
- NumberPicker: enable ie Number.MAX_SAFE_VALUE/MIN_SAFE_VALUE (6dfe049)
- NumberPicker: fix overflow, close#2048 (01b005b)
- NumberPicker: fix trigger height problem in firefox, close#2281 (1c7f190)
- NumberPicker: fix unexpected scientific notation display,close#2243 (5504b83)
- Overlay: dom should ready when call onOpen & afterOpen evnet (bf8b879)
- ResponsiveGrid: columns can be string (96b7fb7)
- Step: style disorder while switching direction dynamically (8192867), closes #2266
- Table: close #2354 (70ebc01)
- Table: close #2362 (a0fe83e)
- Table: error when colspan with ListTable, close #2004 (bae77c1)
- Table: right not work sometimes in StickyTable, close #2276 (810de2d)
- Table/List: correct signature of
(5b31fc0) - Tree: style issue when use virtual (c9e9efa)
- TreeSelect: search bug when useVirtual and checkable,close #2271 (dedb342)
1.21.8 (2020-10-15)
- correct typemark to fit forwardref (2cb0fd7)
- fix style (0d8fc47)
- Button: make text button selectable, close #2248 (467acf9)
- Message: $message-close-icon-size lose default statement (fb65a17)
- Search: correct use of this and avoid warning for esm bundle (1a25a1a)
- Upload: Card renderPreview fix #2239 (e698721)
1.21.7 (2020-10-12)
- css var (5c788c1)
- css var color (592b892)
- Select: preview value fix #2229 (#2230) (063cb20)
- Table: style issue, close #2213 (7897738)
- Upload: control uploading state, no value set while uploading (5114a01)
1.21.6 (2020-09-25)
- add disabled className for input/menu/search (c0ac701)
- NumberPicker: fix bug that cannot input 0 decimal's last position (3fe963b)
- NumberPicker: use regexp to solve (0fafb20)
- Range: fix range position with custom range-size-m-scale-height (#2208) (68aa95c)
- Dialog: add closeMode (fc931d9)
- Dialog, Message: add withContext (#2009) (2608700)
- Drawer: add closeMode (8dddb72)
1.21.5 (2020-09-17)
- Input: ui of radius in password autofill. fix #2017 (916f0f0)
- Menu: avoid errors while dom removed and js executing (4c4732a)
- Nav: correct inline level when iconOnly switched, close #1676 (b4a03d7)
- Select: crash when mode=tag&&value={null}&&isPreview, close #2175 (bcc4ddc)
- Select: enhance defaultValue type. fix #2071 (d6a090d)
- Select: only close popup in disabled state. fix #2072 (f9f7456)
- Table: add _typeMark to func, close #2180 (0176594)
- Table: rowselection bug when children is null, close #2179 (b756075)
- Upload: startUpload in card mode. fix #2097 (6032d0d)
1.21.4 (2020-09-15)
- Calendar: set button type to button (2b1d8a7)
- NumberPicker: add alwaysShowTrigger in types/number-picker (0852dfa)
- Select: placeholder in ie11. fix #2170 (da047c6)
- Select: resolve preview bug, close #2175 (243ea6c)
- Typescript: fix table (013b86f)
1.21.3 (2020-09-10)
- add className for scrollbar size getter helper (2714a83)
- Badge: fix badge count min-width (989566c)
- Badge: fix count scroll position (03d6b9a)
- Select: remove useless code (0b373bc)
- Shell: navigation blocked content when device is phone, close #2157 (3ee9158)
- Table: add cursor: pointer for sort, close #2138 (0c49a2c)
- Table: highlight filter when active, close #2163 (f00a2da)
- Tree: bug when object is not extensible,close #2070 (b70d9e6)
- Table: add rowExpandable to remove + before row, close #1518 (e7880a8)
- Tree: support icon prop (#2132) (ac0f856)
1.21.2 (2020-09-02)
- fix css-var error (9adb580)
- Input: enhance robotness, close #2135 (8713552)
- TreeSelect: bug after setState onSearch (371cef8)
1.21.1 (2020-08-28)
- bugfix for icon in css variable (6039021)
- ensure all @import 'scss/variable.scss' is replaced (53f59d7)
- List: make loading state display: block (96f0502)
- Message: fix css var calc (0494ad0)
- Step: fix arrow position (503040f)
- Tree: add calc to tree variable (2ee789e)
- Typescript: correct type of rating onChange (a99a047)
- Css variable into Next (#2038) (bed22a2)
- update theme-template (90236b7)
- Button: add active (51107d1)
- Button: update disabled configuration (18140ab)
- List: add loading/emptyContent/dataSource/renderItem, close #2050 (#2105) (1fb62bf)
- Locale: add vi and it (#2051) (efd5da9)
- NumberPicker: add disabled classname (de72a99)
- Table: ExpandTable with StickyLock (343a550)
- Table: support columns (83ef263)
- Table: update lock with position sticky, close #1728 (8732416)
- Upload: add fileKeyName to set form-data name for file. fix #1940 (6f5d5f4)
- Upload: add fileKeyName to set form-data name for file. fix #1940 (df561e2)
- Upload: api fileNameRender/actionRender fix #910,#1934,#1778 (acd381d)
- Upload: api fileNameRender/actionRender fix #910,#1934,#1778 (d681304)
1.21.0 (2020-08-25)
- Button: add active (51107d1)
- Button: update disabled configuration (18140ab)
- List: add loading/emptyContent/dataSource/renderItem, close #2050 (#2105) (1fb62bf)
- Locale: add vi and it (#2051) (efd5da9)
- Table: ExpandTable with StickyLock (343a550)
- Table: support columns (83ef263)
- Table: update lock with position sticky, close #1728 (8732416)
- Upload: add fileKeyName to set form-data name for file. fix #1940 (6f5d5f4)
- Upload: add fileKeyName to set form-data name for file. fix #1940 (df561e2)
- Upload: api fileNameRender/actionRender fix #910,#1934,#1778 (acd381d)
- Upload: api fileNameRender/actionRender fix #910,#1934,#1778 (d681304)
1.20.28 (2020-08-12)
- Menu: in caseof children null, close #2088 (7f20168)
- Select: compact with string value while useDetailValue=true (59bd67a)
1.20.26 (2020-08-11)
- Tree: bug when selectable is false (8aeeae5)
1.20.25 (2020-08-07)
- Tab: narrow close icon hot area, close #2061 (44eaed6)
- Typescript: for Shell.Navigation, close #2049 (36ff9a8)
- VirtualList: prevent extra calculations, close #2068 (e35dde7)
1.20.24 (2020-07-30)
- Select: enhance value type must be object (45c6bd8)
- Shell: phone navigaiton should be fullscreen & fix ie 11 (0b709ff)
- Typescript: add preview (cb8c854)
1.20.23 (2020-07-28)
- Menu: enhance robotness (9098d95)
- Tab: offest exception when set translate scale, close #1928 (c42e0f7)
- Typescript: replace {} with any (d3bfd09)
- Select: add defaultHighlightKey (ad8c5cb)
1.20.22 (2020-07-27)
1.20.21 (2020-07-23)
1.20.20 (2020-07-22)
- Menu: shake and endless loop, close #2014 (4da815c)
- Search: sass syntax error (13515b5)
- Select: linear-gradient in safari. fix #1922 (5081e7a)
- Typescript: fix {} (#2011) (e3b934b)
- Upload: value must be Array close #2019 (19c687f)
1.20.19 (2020-07-15)
- DatePicker: disabledDate invalid when type year/month,close #1565 (d88beac)
- GateWay: getDerivedStateFromProps don`t execute (faf6a90)
- Search: fix Incompatible units on sass compile (ecfd10f)
- Table: fix expanded table border, close #884 (18d82e5)
- Tree: should stop stopPropagation keyboard event when editing node (70233fb)
- Typescript: close #1789 (d1b296e)
1.20.18 (2020-07-08)
1.20.17 (2020-07-08)
- Button: fix iconSize propType (#1963) (a995d38)
- Typescript: update table upload (804afe4)
- Util: enhance robotness (097f43c)
1.20.16 (2020-06-28)
- Select: showDataSourceChildren with empty child (dee1bfb)
1.20.15 (2020-06-28)
1.20.14 (2020-06-22)
- Progress: unexpected style when number is under threshold, close #1813 (e0ce8aa)
- TreeSelect: bug on search when use virtual (4debed7)
- Typescript: close #1951 (1d3b1b9)
1.20.13 (2020-06-17)
1.20.12 (2020-06-11)
- Transfer: fix item of right panel can't be checked when ds changed (8737a08)
1.20.11 (2020-06-10)
- Dialog: should has max-height when setting height,close #1912 (902a2d2)
- Select: AutoComplete input focus selectionStart close #1913 (#1921) (a3f17c3)
- Table: table should scroll inside itself (9398869)
- Tree: fix bug on isLeaf and level (#1917) (f4d89fd)
- Typescript: update ConfigProvider (9950b51)
- VirtualList: enhance robotness (ddcde86)
1.20.10 (2020-06-03)
- Tree: fix error when dataSource is empty (a8fbffb)
1.20.9 (2020-06-03)
- Tree: support styled component (be52446)
1.20.8 (2020-06-02)
- DatePicker: icon className should be string (80fc6cb)
- Overlay: dom should ready before onOpen, close #1901 (6ac02c0)
- Util: adapt to rollup, close #1898 (e22e4a4)
1.20.7 (2020-05-28)
- Breadcrumb: separator icon's vertical align should be middle (6f947a5)
- Drawer: title should be react node (080ac7b)
- Input: IE10 can't find getDerivedStateFromProps (8ef2c4c)
- Typescript: add types for Button iconSize (#1882) (8df9bac)
- Typescript: update typescript, close #1875 (b3a3a26)
- Upload: enhance robustness (53b3cd7)
- Upload: support upload a directory, close #1877 (c3a2b7b)
- Overlay: support render overlay in shadow dom (#1869) (ba100cc)
- Transfer: add API showCheckAll & add demo (d55c82d)
1.20.6 (2020-05-21)
- Box: resolve justify wont work when wrap&spacing setted, close#1855 (bbaf45b)
- DatePicker: should not resetTime as default,close #1840 (aa19795)
- Overlay: should base on BaseElement`offset (21c3608)
- Table: bug of colspan in first render (97f4b53)
- Upload: resolve Upload.Card isPreview not work, close#1847 (54ff5b2)
- Transfer: support virtual list (9dd37fb)
1.20.5 (2020-05-15)
- correct Checkbox&Radio's display name (02d8d1b)
1.20.4 (2020-05-13)
- CascaderSelect: support prop expandedValue,close #1802 (9613579)
- Icon: use data-namespace instread of id (849ece2)
- Table: lock width colSpan cause endless loop, close #1837 (e243acf)
- Table: update adjustIfTableNotNeedLock(), close #1832 (0681a9a)
- Upload: add type incase of lowversion theme (3aa2e31)
- Upload: Upload.Card prefix (c7c1f40)
1.20.3 (2020-05-09)
- Icon: add id for custom icon (e852745)
- Select: error when useVirtual with header or footer, close #1821 (3af6d61)
- Select: item should stay in valueRender props (abfb3f6)
- Typescript: add followTrigger for cascader-select(#1822) (6e1d222)
1.20.2 (2020-04-29)
- DatePicker: resolve wrong value onOk with ranges prop,close #1799 (981599d)
- Input: size of textarea close #1795 (a586d56)
- Menu: show title only when children is string, close #1804 (6e499af)
- Tag: make tag text selectable (2fbcb72)
1.20.1 (2020-04-26)
- Box: support to IE10+ (26e0b46)
- ConfigProvider: set first locale (7a39dad)
- ConfigProvider: should work in SPA, close #286 (b67276e)
- Input: disabled input radius close #1592 (3d823dd)
- Overflow: fix disableScroll in safari (5746a55)
- Select: one can custom title for menu in select (8fe64e4)
- Shell: fixed for Shell.Page (006a861)
- Shell: hotfix for flex auto (a8ffc36)
- Step: fix bug of label-horizontal mode (52269c8), closes #1769
- Table: header icon should on right of content, close #1785 (3cfc859)
- Typescript: add event to onFocus&onBlur, close #1764 (0f5ac95)
- Typescript: update Datepicker d.ts (9d6f206)
- Typescript: update menubutton d.ts (eab2d1b)
1.20.0 (2020-04-10)
- Form: react17 lifecycles (a6e5d69)
- Menu: _k2n is null in root, but has value in root.state (fc9ef09)
- Nav: icon should be placeed in center (#1751) (3afad78)
- Overlay& Nav: wrong position when pinElement is fixed (#1617) (b01f457), closes #1599
- Select: react17 lifecycles (417a46d)
- Shell: update lifecycle (e09fdd2)
- Tab: fix tab style and aria (#1577) (338876f)
- Upload: react17 lifecycles (7159719)
- Badge: remove string ref (bb8e428)
- Breadcrumb: make sep icon configurable (37049c7)
- Button: add icons for custom loading icon (#1624) (3132443)
- Calendar: make icons configurable (#1634) (1bb0495)
- Calendar: update string ref (e91c3aa)
- Calendar: upgrade life circle (a0148fe)
- Cascader: update string ref (b60946e)
- Cascader: upgrade life circle (af6e701)
- CascaderSelect: upgrade life circle (8d3b25d)
- Checkbox: make checkbox icon configurable (#1637) (0939565)
- Collapse: make arrow configurable (bd7d2f0)
- DatePicker: icon config (#1651) (0436069)
- DatePicker: icon config (#1652) (0a9d91e)
- DatePicker: upgrade life circle (6d33f6b)
- Field: add api getValueFormatter/setValueFormatter fix #781 (#1646) (ee7db6c)
- Form: api useLabelForErrorMessage for replace name fix #294 (8b483f8)
- Icon: add icons (#1574) (929da88)
- Input: hint icon overlap (#1729) (43cd5a3)
- Input/upload: support icon config for #1256 (#1625) (08596b1)
- List: make list configurable (6a98990)
- Locale: add language zh-hk (3101978)
- Menu: make icons be cofigurable (18b7982)
- Menu: update lifecyle (32a16a4)
- MenuButton: support theme icons config (563d2a3)
- MenuButton: upgrade life circle (3875624)
- NumberPicker: api for show/hide trigger fix #1448,fix #1464 (7df4720), closes #1403
- Pagination: make icons configurable (846f286)
- Rating: make rating icon configurable (32300d4)
- Rating: update string ref (dee5056)
- Search: add focus for search/select close ##1669 (205ff6e)
- Search: make icons be configurable (fd1e0ff)
- Search: new api for autoHighlightFirstItem fix #1688,#1517 (8511283)
- Select: make icons configurable (#1648) (f930202)
- Select: treat selectAll as locale (687c898)
- Shell: support fixedHeader&Navigation fixed mode (#1738) (0b674b6)
- Slider: update lifecycle (89658ac)
- SplitButton: support fold / unfold icon config (dd22419)
- SplitButton: upgrade life circle (c2b224b)
- Step: adjust while receive props (#1659) (027de8e)
- Step: update lifecycle (9a695e2)
- Tab: make tab icon configurable in both designer and developer (#1631) (1cd026e)
- Table: add tableLayout tableWidth (#1725) (188a761), closes #1730 #1731
- Table: update lifecycle (c4b992b)
- Table: update string ref (7bc2e3a)
- TimePicker: make icon configurable in theme (#1655) (a525c05)
- Transfer: make transfer simple move icon configurable (a40abfd)
- Transfer: update lifecycle (#1554) (2b9995b)
- Tree: make arrow configurable (975fcac)
- Tree: update string ref (83d4c0e)
- Tree: upgrade life circle (9cbab09)
- TreeSelect: upgrade life circle (a0402d2)
- Upload: update string ref (a7c0ab7)
- VirtualList: update lifecycle (db17b93)
1.19.24 (2020-04-08)
- Button: pass style underline to button (#1750) (d8cc226)
- Nav: fix sub nav vertical not middle (#1744) (aaf6f69)
- Pagination: reset input if value is illegal (#1747) (9fbadb7)
1.19.23 (2020-04-03)
- Cascader: support to remove title, close #1665 (#1742) (ed9df0c)
- Dialog: get the wrong computed size of borderbox in IE,close #1609 (#1732) (e8b4caf)
- Nav: resolve issue #215 (1d90980)
- Slider: correct dotsRender arguments, close #1730 (#1731) (10c384a)
1.19.22 (2020-03-31)
1.19.21 (2020-03-27)
1.19.20 (2020-03-26)
- CascaderSelect: resolve resultAutoWidth prop unuseless, close #1710 (#1713) (f343444)
- Form: Form adapts to React.Fragment, close#1702 (cc7121a)
- Form: textarea font size in preview, close #1711 (dd4a973)
- ResponsiveGrid: merge style, close #1707 (70cb3ab)
- Tab: wait until animation end, close #1674 (#1677) (bd666f7)
- Typescript: update type of menu onOpen arguments (#1714) (418f370)
1.19.19 (2020-03-20)
- Balloon: add break-word to Tooltip, close #1680 (#1681) (f0a5c64)
- Menu: 0-1 is not parent of 0-10, close #1701 (9b2b74a)
- Tree: stop dragover event propagation, close #1662 (22afc6b)
1.19.18 (2020-03-09)
- DatePicker: support string placeholder (4316946)
- Icon: add className when use iconfont (face9a4)
- TimePicker: resolve bugs on blur handler, close #1533 (ca450ab)
- Typescript: second params is not required in ts (#1657) (5aa47ba)
1.19.17 (2020-03-06)
- DatePicker: support placeholder prop for range-picker fix #1610 (1f7f8eb)
- Overlay: close #1604 (dfbbe2a)
- Select: support header&footer for popup menu fix #1583 (#1598) (784714a)
1.19.16 (2020-02-27)
- Card: bad time of warning, close #1612 (02e63e4)
- Checkbox: pass value and name to input dom (3e8f2d9)
1.19.15 (2020-02-24)
- correct sideEffect path (9e52828)
1.19.14 (2020-02-21)
1.19.13 (2020-02-14)
1.19.12 (2020-02-10)
1.19.11 (2020-02-05)
- NumberPicker: bug of delete like 0.01 => 0.0 (7377629)
- NumberPicker: can input char while value=null (be34205)
- NumberPicker: remove iconSize (030cb2c)
- Table: add title for table header, close #1550 (1fe345c)
- Upload: Compatibility in ie/firefox (23083ee)
1.19.10 (2020-01-20)
- Select: add one key clear. close #1422 (7d0a66f)
- Table: fix ssr (cebb6e6)
- Table: lock columns disorder when no header, close #1543 (af405c2)
- Table: primaryKey is 0 (67ce931)
- Upload: bugs of IE (7e83236)
1.19.9 (2020-01-14)
- Dialog: popupContainer of ConfigProvider should work, close #1508 (67caa94)
- Shell: change default navigation background-color (7e811ed)
- Table: lock height sync fail in ie (d450505)
- Table: support lock columns with colspan, close #1452 (8ae3e21)
- Upload: progressbar layout exception in fusion-cool tool (1f4d97a)
1.19.8 (2020-01-07)
- Table: disorder with mouse (14dce9d)
1.19.7 (2020-01-07)
- Core: close #1447 (8c82065)
- Table: lock columns disordered with hasBorder false, close #1471 (03244b8) (361d0a5)
- Table: make marginLeft of icon be congifurable, close #1474 (84a0c69)
- Table: make tree&expand icon configurable (f765ace) (75a07d3)
- Table: scroll and empty content issues (8348b6a)
1.19.6 (2020-01-02)
- Form: endless loop while setValues (85b0471)
- Select: use input-disabled-color as select-disabled-color fix #1285 (408e75c)
1.19.5 (2019-12-12)
- Collapse: overfollow hidden in collapse close #1430 (ace2e34)
- Input: stop bubble. close #1417 (b74d455)
- Menu: hozInLine should work with header & footer, close #1439 (9424063)
- NumberPicker: disable hasClear fix #1421 (356c53d)
- Select: Balloon with Select fix #1427 (f817d8a)
- Table: arrow of tree should in left, close #1444 (3285692)
- Table: close #1405 (1f37338)
- Table: style of Table.Column should only work for thead,close #1423 (2a90c42)
- Typescript: add scrollToRow, close #1425 (909330b)
1.19.4 (2019-12-04)
- List: Add List Component (c00ea22)
1.19.3 (2019-12-02)
- show avatar & divider in fusion cool (710c2aa)
- Balloon: infinite loop (7c8cbd2)
- Box: missing style (86f1691)
- Dialog: bodyNode is undefined in windows occasionally, close#1397 (f9aa669)
1.19.2 (2019-11-27)
- Radio: fix radio group preview (#1391) (e993cdb)
- Tab: calculate use wrapper width instead of navbar width (#1385) (ed9bf9a)
1.19.1 (2019-11-26)
1.19.0 (2019-11-25)
- Table: bug of scrolling on node of cell, close #1308, #1377 (73c9482)
- Upload: bugs of IE9 (#1376) (8e9cbae)
- Button: style vertical align middle (c543b80)
- Core: add a new corner variables (1645c10)
- Drawer: make it easy to set fixed footer, close #1228 (8d35064)
- Input: render error in fusion cool (117e784)
- Radio: support config disabled & checked background/color/icon (dfda93b)
- Timeline: update lifecycle (#1276) (eb4ec42)
- Affix: update lifecycle (7ea7e4a)
- Avatar: add Avatar (082fd3c)
- CascaderSelect: support preview mode (5344693)
- Checkbox: add preview mode (#1351) (69b8fa6)
- ConfigProvider: update lifecycle (ca79c7e)
- DatePicker: Add WeekPicker (#1284) (42de085)
- DatePicker: support preview mode (f96462c)
- Divider: add divider component (66886b3)
- Form: add preview (5f497d7)
- Icon: get svg icon from iconfont, close #1209 (eb23d0b)
- Icon: size can be number (df2cf0d)
- Input: add isPreview & renderPrevier API (b70ff26)
- Input: add warning state, close #1188 (a4a66e8)
- Message: toast add style & className prop (9a58a5e)
- NumberPicker: add small size, close #1147 (1a81522)
- Radio: add preview mode (#1352) (83a10d2)
- Range: add preview mode (#1355) (a302183)
- Rating: add isPreview & renderPreview API (0ba15f4)
- Switch: add preview mode (#1354) (613c778)
- Table: add colSpan to merge cell of theader, close #993 (a2a1c11)
- Tag: support custom color (09191b6)
- TimePicker: support preview mode (3334263)
- Tree: add renderChildNodes prop (#1273) (aede069)
- TreeSelect: support preview mode (d18b6f0)
- Upload: preview state for number-picker/select/upload (#1374) (7ee63e3)
1.18.16 (2019-11-15)
- Nav: remove border-width when embeddable (fb0b1bc)
- Slider: ConfigProvider should work for innerSlider, close #1358 (58ef17d)
- Typescript Perfect d.ts for Field/Dialog (4a901c8) (31b5c24)
1.18.15 (2019-11-12)
- Cascader: disable can`t change checked (0c63ae6)
- Checkbox: fix style display (2801eb0)
- Table: item of dataSource may be a string (73760fb)
- TreeSelect: add max height (f1d2f06)
1.18.14 (2019-11-08)
- Menu: group and its children should have the same inlineLevel (228c6ad), closes #1330
- Table: correct rowIndex when useVirtual (6fc5259)
- TimePicker: Can`t reset input props (53354c0)
1.18.13 (2019-11-06)
1.18.12 (2019-11-05)
- Checkbox: fix nested checkbox style (1088fbb)
- Input: lifecycle for didUpdate close #1301 (8e21cc8)
- Menu: make arrow in hoz configurable, #1280 (b7c6322)
- Nav: correct child selected state, close #1280 (9d68697)
- Nav: icon is blocked 1px in iconOnly mode, close #1278 (9c3fd0a)
- Notification: title and content are not both required (49b4b96)
- Switch: update getDerivedStateFromProps logic (638e6b1) (5ac62df)
- Table: expanded trigger cell's width should be unchanged, close #1281 (9fca31b)
- TreeSelect: Can`t remove tag (7ef73f0)
1.18.11 (2019-10-31)
1.18.10 (2019-10-29)
- ConfigProvider: warning when config function component (6eb71b5)
- NumberPicker: under control input 0 => 0. (60c0d86)
1.18.9 (2019-10-28)
- Field: validate bind (3ad8068)
1.18.8 (2019-10-25)
- Overlay: use rgba instead of change-color to get a color with alpha (e552a66)
- Table: reset style (db24905)
1.18.7 (2019-10-25)
- Cascader: scroll focus error (fa92198)
1.18.6 (2019-10-24)
- Affix: fix recursive call in some situation (633c3b6)
- Button: style vertical align middle (cec2e9a)
- Shell: config Shell.Page (4249e0a)
- Tab: make dropdown mode tab nav scroll to active (881ce87)
1.18.5 (2019-10-17)
- Balloon: Tooltip shoule support alignEdge, close #1222 (3c6289a)
- Shell: should support use nothing (1c76aea)
1.18.4 (2019-10-11)
- Breadcrumb: unused css-prefix (b05cddf)
- Checkbox: remove focused style (2002161)
- Dialog: quick-calling support set prefix to dialog (7d458d4)
- Radio: remove checked focused style (e750cd6)
- Select: add api menuProps for menu. close #1141 (38fed47)
- Select: can re select in AutoComplete. close #1199 (2814be4)
- Select: keep search value while unselect with Enter. fix #1173 (a5f5519)
- Select: should not del disabled item with backspace. fix #1196 (81b0e75)
- Select: should not del item while disabled/readonly .fix #1022 (7c98e1c)
- Shell: header should be able to be removed (c1ef847)
- Table: remove warning, close #644 (56faee6)
- Upload: outline error (2c53354)
1.18.3 (2019-09-30)
- Icon: correct eye/eye-close's width (19b7d04)
- NumberPicker: corner config (db5929f)
- NumberPicker: fix display valueunder controlled. fix #1163 (7207532)
- NumberPicker: up down key (6edc9a6)
- Progress: backgroundColor is invalid (#1180) (b4ee796)
- Typescript: add field (01fdcd2)
1.18.2 (2019-09-26)
1.18.2 (2019-09-26)
1.18.2 (2019-09-26)
1.18.1 (2019-09-26)
- ConfigProvider: support component created by React.forwardRef() (cc6d002)
- Dialog: fullscreen mask click. fix #927 (#932) (e9b5d28)
- Dialog: option.type can only be set as alert or confirm (be7d644)
- Field: spliceArray can remove a obj in array. close #1091 (8cc5546)
- NumberPicker: add variable for button corner. close #1151 (882fa89)
- Overlay: fullscreen mask click issue with pr #932 (e117487)
- Tab: all key should use string (#1070) (0d8396f)
- TimePicker: support format HH (e5924c2)
- ConfigProvider(pure): deprecated API pure (434e6e0)
- Field use field and validate npm packages (6e70255)
- Card: add free card (5ee79c7)
- ConfigProvider: add popupContainer (6631a55)
- Field: add api addArrayValue/deleteArrayValue for spliceArray (ccc95e9)
- Form: add fullWidth prop (c9e6ded)
- Form: api field={false} to disable inner field. fix #1162 (4ed9cde)
- Icon: add new icon, close #1114 (9651f2f)
- Transfer: support customer panel (7bef81e) (6a57e62)
- Notification: add Notification Component (f135a67)
- Shell: add Shell (#1175) (dd03a64)
- Typography: add Typography, deprecated Paragraph (ed3afce)
1.17.12 (2019-09-19)
- Input: border should collapse in input group, close #1127 (ac4e604)
- Overlay: wrong object of reference in safari (cba0d1e)
- Rating: click offset in allowHalf, close #1123 (b4278c4)
- Select: popupStyle width should override autoWidth, close #1075 (0e75a2f)
- Tab: fix tab nav border in fusion cool (43d2013)
- Util: copy react node directly, close #1132 (04618b0)
1.17.11 (2019-09-11)
- Collapse: cannot read property 'key' of null (a31a979)
- Select: cascader-select component hasclear attr (c22796e)
- Tab: close #1105 (2c841b1)
1.17.10 (2019-09-05)
- CascaderSelect: search menu always exist after (ee9739c)
- Pagination: pagination size select over width (8822f05)
- Search: filter attr setting default value. close #1034 (589c9cb)
- Tab: isTouchable use slide tabs (7de99ca)
- Tab: remove padding&margin&border in hidden (3abf12f)
- Table: add filterProps for users to customize filter (a3db26f)
1.17.9 (2019-09-02)
1.17.8 (2019-08-29)
- CascaderSelect: click selected item can`t close (b623436)
- Dialog: allow disableScroll. fix #954 (04f19b3)
- Field: shallow copy. Close #1062 (97ffea6)
- Search: change the way of using sass method(color calculation) (84808e1)
- Slider: correct arrow disabled state in some case, close #1065 (a9b319b)
- Tab: use visibility instead of display to control tab content show. (#1058) (2bb776d)
- Tree: disabled node can`t set checked (dcb1686)
- Table: add small size (bce73f0)
1.17.7 (2019-08-21)
- Checkbox: checkbox will update indeterminate state when in group (8b9582a)
- Overlay: remove position absolute. fix #1016 (7d87e86)
- Select: readonly (0d732d6)
- Tree: undined of parent (f38f440)
1.17.6 (2019-08-15)
- Menu: value in selectedKeys doesn't exit in k2n (fef80cd)
1.17.5 (2019-08-14)
- Field: bug of resetToDefault withtou initValue. close #1001 (a76b05c)
- Input: support null to reset value (0ecc5c2)
- Pagination: react warning use setTimout event (0e92ade)
- Animate: add slide animations (407dc5b)
- Drawer: make drawer configurable (fbc4ad2)
- Locale: add Drawer words (1be3ea8)
1.17.4 (2019-08-13)
- Menu: child-selected should work in popup mode (bd784e7)
- Tag: closable can
t set
data-xx` prop (d1e5507)
1.17.3 (2019-08-09)
- Select: width should be in outer dom (c8f072f)
1.17.2 (2019-08-09)
1.17.1 (2019-08-08)
1.17.0 (2019-08-08)
- add name and value (5beedd8)
- Input: fix textarea (ac270ea)
- Input: fix ts property (9ceb94a)
- Menu: paddingLeft should only be related to inline mode (1115687)
- Menu: string in Group/SubMenu causes error, close #952 (18a7f17)
- Nav: subNav should be selected if it has selected child, close #520 (3eca52f)
- Range: prevent arrow keyup event when disabled (05f5a87)
- Search: onSearch ts (35d33dc)
- Select: popupComponent do not need syncWidth (71d7943)
- Tab: only focus after first render (5feb398)
- Transfer: fix that Transfer component cannot be dragged in firefox (0f72ef6)
- Transfer: pass test case (632dea7)
- Tree: Still can check after disableChecked (20ac774)
- Typescript: add a tags ts. (443eecf)
- TypeScript: correct Upload Dragger props, close #936 (2c4ad4c)
- Add Next Adaptor (0c7f49c)
- Add Next Adaptor (#903) (807e258)
- time-function & duration update (f4535d3)
- Breadcrumb: maxNode support
(9ce0323) - ConfigProvider: add device prop (67161a1)
- DatePicker: support set Array defaultValue (2f9ea90)
- Dialog: add max-width to fit phone (66f463a)
- Drawer: add new component Drawer (2ca6f17)
- Form: force set labelAlign=top while device=phone (f07260f)
- NumberPicker: force set type=inline while device=phone (0666869)
- Pagination: support device (52054e1)
- Range: add touch test case for Range (6e2c85a)
- Range: range component support touch event (ac03213)
- Select: add api popupComponent to custom Popup (737f7e4)
- Tab: support device touchable (3c356bf)
- TimePicker: add renderTimeMenuItems prop (8c368f1)
1.16.6 (2019-08-01)
- Typescript: fix menu-button & split-button (0cfe939)
1.16.5 (2019-08-01)
- CascaderSelect: not exist value be removed (2b1dee8)
- Dialog: pass event to onClose of Dialog.show, close #947 (9921578)
- Field: use constructor not initValue fix #924 (3fe5cf7)
- Pagination: button style override pagination (41e9399)
- Typescript: add button props to menu-button split-button (61a9c54)
- Upload: bug by Dragger value under controlled. Close #923 (c2ea8a7)
1.16.4 (2019-07-23)
1.16.3 (2019-07-22)
1.16.2 (2019-07-19)
- DatePicker: RangePicker select year error (e32cbbe)
- Dialog: br br alignment: fixes #887 (0a92c73)
- Nav: label should show in iconOnly mode, close #894 (5cfd0fa)
- Table: filter Menu blocked, close #893 (a16d566)
- Upload: add errorcode in beforeUpload (c6a505a)
1.16.1 (2019-07-15)
- Collapse: number defaultExpandKeys: fix #878 (991ba8a) (56b031a)
- Field: fixes #880 (ebe1ea1)
- Overlay: set width: 100% incase of overlay collapse, close #874 (2d8845e)
1.16.0 (2019-07-11)
- Badge: change count to -1 error, close #845 (a17e586)
- Field: getValues return initValue, close #792 (#807) (2459716)
- NumberPicker: support innerAfter. Close #860 (4c0e018)
- Overlay: comment out unnecessary code (52ddf8d)
- Overlay: endless loop in position calculate (5553799)
- Overlay: wrapper position absolute-close #812 (9fb3708)
- Overlay: wrong top when 2+ scroll bars, close #861 (d00329f)
- Radio: change demo default state (e1a08f3)
- Select: support innerAfter. Close #859 (b49a35e)
- Tab: add tests to cover auto scroll feature (4004f1d)
- Badge: add API showZero, close #848 (8f48f50)
- Calendar: add onModeChange (514846e)
- Calendar: add yearRange prop (32a6f31)
- Checkbox: label color configrable (da4a411)
- Menu: add hozInLine to fold SubMenus if too long (63f9962)
- Radio: label configurable when used standalone (3b3e510)
- Tab: make capsure border hover configurable (1b1554f)
- Tab: support auto scroll to active tab (5bcfa02)
- Tag: split primary and primary deletable (4ace5a6)
- Theme: add font weight (b31e2e8)
1.15.12 (2019-07-11)
- remove 'next-' in variable.scss of theme package, close #865 (a9d46f5)
- Pagination: override button disabled style (253239b)
1.15.11 (2019-07-04)
- 'name' does not exist on type SelectProps (732de79)
- CascaderSelect: overflow-x shaking (6e83df4)
- Form: use ref in FormItem. Close #820 (4585c9c)
- Input: check if navigator exist to support SSR (f9b9dfd)
- Nav: disabled background should be the same with others (46f7959)
- Overlay: check if instance of React Component (c9e6802)
- Overlay: support function children-#close-810 (cff7566), closes children-#close-810
- Search: fix onChange argc. Close #394 (aa9de65)
- Select: scroll after search by hightlight click item. Close #801 (2e31d0a)
- Tree: cancel select on click twice (61657a1)
1.15.10 (2019-06-27)
- Table: dragable table with react-dnd (95c05c9)
1.15.9 (2019-06-20)
- Tree: set checkedStrategy check error (fa3c164)
1.15.8 (2019-06-20)
1.15.7 (2019-06-19)
- Checkbox: add label cursor (0122707)
- Checkbox: change default cursor to pointer (499f581)
- Overlay: stop click propagation. #close 791 (c0b7ef6)
- Pagination: popupProps warning (b534738)
- Radio: change default cursor to pointer (e8e4911)
- Radio: only add tabIndex to Radio instead of all child of Group (d2054f1)
- Tree: can`t pos of undefined (9b0ff2c)
- Dialog: spacing between buttons theme var (5851fd5)
- Step: fix #796 (ca6f988)
- Upload: add theme variables (a973650)
1.15.6 (2019-06-13)
- Balloon: position shouldn't be chanaged when no space, close #774 (a6d55f8)
- Dialog: title radius when bg color #close-783 (8692936), closes #close-783
- Field: setError valiate - #close 747 (25adbd1)
- NumberPicker: support null to clear value. relate #780 (15ae286)
- Search: hasIcon with shape=simple. Close #734 (033bfb8)
- Slider: lazyLoad pre and next pics, close #706 (f841201)
1.15.5 (2019-06-06)
- CascaderSelect: clear search input change (bff0134)
- Date-picker: prop 'onOk' typescript declaration File wrong (3c21dcd)
- Nav: disorder when set margin(t, b) of hoz Nav, close #744 (f6f9625)
- RangePicker: to start month after selected (2ea6cf6)
- Select: warning in select base, close #771 (dae7047)
- Table: resizeable won't work if isTree on, close #384 (bf1eb55)
- Table: add API filterMenuProps (61ab2b0)
1.15.4 (2019-05-31)
- Table: React.Fragment is supported in 16.2.4, use [] instead (aec5368)
- Select: add API tagInline to make it won't wrap (d21f8a1)
1.15.3 (2019-05-30)
1.15.2 (2019-05-29)
- Nav: active line should have disappear animation (8a1ad70)
- NumberPicker: UI for button height not eq input (c8b78bb)
- Tag: checkable selected Tag border should be able to config (c06f513)
- Tag: resolve overflow issues, close #727 (538e1d4)
- Tag: text overflow for custom height (5b52372)
- Upload: add upload border-radius variable (fb3f8e4)
1.15.1 (2019-05-27)
- ConfigProvider: locale should deep merge zh-cn.js, close #719 (c10baa2)
- Tag: check icon should use variable, close #720 (709d5d4)
- Tag: clean up scss (7c643a3)
- add followTrigger for component with overlay (f98fb15)
- Balloon: make font-size font-weight configurable (e6f7137)
- Button: component support div or span (66341a0)
- Calendar: support 0.x locale.format (c2d7db2)
- Calendar: support 0.x YearCellRender (1ee70af)
- Core: split shadow distance from sdn to sdny (85101eb)
- DatePicker: support 0.x ranges (59d0483)
- Nav: add theme configuration about hover (27ccded)
- NumberPicker: support 0.x onDisabled (947d3d2)
- Pagintion: add config variables (7a27465)
- Slider: support 0.x onBeforeChange (34603cc)
- Table: add columnProps/titleAddons/titleProps of rowSelection (965118f)
- Tag: change tag var sections (b71c883)
- Tag: closable normal has custom colors (da08e11)
- Tag: primary and closable primary use same style (28d4738)
- Tag: primary theme customization (b82e7b1)
- Transfer: make footer shadow configurable (9df069d)
1.15.0 (2019-05-24)
- fusion cool render issues (fbdffaa)
- Calendar: select month auto change date view (354f545)
- Field: resetDefault when parseValue false (e2c2b00)
- Message: can`t close after click (53fe94d)
- Select: init flatten ds (57667a4)
- Select: value no show fillProps with empty dataSource. Close #715 (70a15ab)
1.14.6 (2019-05-23)
1.14.5 (2019-05-22)
- Field: parseName defaults (#683) (7fe0130)
- Field: revert typescript of Field to any (c35d935)
- Input: maxLength in safari on Mac. Close #671 (f771d67)
- Tab: should not listen to extra keyboard events (50e1699)
1.14.4 (2019-05-16)
- fix DatePicker,Switch,Upload to a11y (99ef836)
- Checkbox: number 0 should be rendered (93318d8)
- Field: no react key props for errors (93127d6)
- Menu: Resolve expanding and selecting in uncontrolled mode (#667) (0ba7e4a)
- Menu: Resolve items that created by
(807d8de) - Select: hight first item with remote datasource. Close #654 (d784ee0)
- add file types/ to customize index.d.ts (c537d81)
- Menu: add API embeddable (6d21bb1)
- Nav: add API embeddable (1379df3)
- Table: add API sortIcons to customize sort icons (7abcf7c)
1.14.3 (2019-05-09)
- Core: clip-path in sr-only destroys scrolling performance (49ff99f)
- Dialog: fixed height dialog (c334b2b)
- Menu empty focus key when blur using undefined (#634) (8c6a3af)
- Slider: dots should be cursor: pointer; (1754a74)
- Table: using clientHeight instead of maxBodyHeight (33abd4a)
- Upload: a11y problem (97ab17b)
1.14.2 (2019-04-29)
- Balloon: autoFocus should be false when triggerType is focus (af7cce1)
- DatePicker: delete input, can`t select date (cf9f9e4)
- Loading: backwards compatible fullscreen (3ff5972)
- Loading: fix offset for fullscreen (481c409)
- Overlay: touch events to dismiss overlay (b35a59c)
- Select: issue #550 add api followTrigger (9312ea8)
- Step: step keydown event bubble bug (4a843f0)
- Table: add deprecated API to make 0.x 1.x behave the same (43f17aa)
- Tag: fix state not matching props (#614) (52d09dd)
1.14.1 (2019-04-24)
- Tab: capsure tab shakes (a19901f)
- Tab: wrong initial position due to animation (fbd079e)
- Tag: pass checked state to onChange (57cfa20)
- Tree: error when checkKey not in dataSource (b925d76)
1.14.0 (2019-04-11)
- support function component (a1b1f41)
- Radio: add configurations (f5dbaa9)
- Tab: add default maxHeight for tab popup (5358921)
- Tab: change variable order (8451ef8)
- Tab: issues of closable (05ec227)
- Tab: remove invalid character in variable name (8dbd6df)
- Tab: slide related issues (986178a)
- Table: merge cell with GroupHeader GroupFooter, close #547 (4a420cb)
- TreeSelect: supoort a11y, add aria attrs (d34bdc2)
- Balloon: triggerType=focus is deprecated at Balloon (32710a3)
- Dropdown: triggerType="focus" is deprecated (a07bb54)
- add accessibility.scss (127fbe7)
- Breadcrumb: add component props (3e9c3ae)
- Collapse: add title hover theme variables (19f3501)
- DatePicker: add keyboard control (025f752)
- Dialog: quick dialog padding (14a4ded)
- Input: add api hasBorder for TextArea. Close #266 (d3c8e23)
- Message: configable message icon type (7a80c13)
- Overlay: custom keycode trigger (7ebfb99)
- Select: support a11y. Close #327 (22a42e7)
- Slider: split variable for dots height & width (2f5c247)
- Step: support keyborad direction and use semantic label (7225e8b)
- Tab: adding more configuration of wrapped tab (e72129e)
- Tab: support more config (70511e9)
- Table: make header padding configurable (3b7a23b)
- Tag: add content min width theme variable (8bfef9a)
- Upload: allow down load when disabled (975cbab)
- Upload: card and drag configurable item (9b485d7)
1.13.13 (2019-04-11)
- Pagination: pagination dropdown position (93482f7)
- Table: mismatch between minWidth and value, close #554 (c589863)
1.13.12 (2019-04-04)
- Balloon: babel exports issue (74a09a4)
1.13.11 (2019-04-04)
- Balloon: popup won't goaway when hover out of disabled Button (c569486), closes close#308
- Balloon: strengthen robustness for align, close#517 (a820b1a)
- Rating: remove form tag (fa87aa9)
- Search: search config bug (6919e41)
- Select: AutoComplete can input space with popupContent. Close #500 (07dc088)
- Tab: adding api document (3ba4f26)
1.13.10 (2019-03-28)
- Input: fix lineheight. Close #214 (706adce)
- Menu: filter duplicate keys (e8e6e52)
- Nav: remove focus style which equals to hover (f31320f)
- NumberPicker: remove padding in inline mode (a5c59a7)
- Range: revert unnecessary style change (7ed0bb9)
- Select: use mouse to select text. Close #469 (d474b7a)
- Select: value={0} display bug. Close #449 (6e7e642)
- SplitButton: normal icon color override (b18c332)
- Switch: disable handle not centered when config border (f28bf52)
- Tab: right border missing in capsule shape (8ff454e)
- Table: style confusion caused by vertical scrollbar, close #473 (9149879)
- Transfer: fix wrong Type of
props inTransferPanel
(d088da9) - Upload: Resolve context missing (8a26eec)
- Balloon: make Tooltip's shadow configurable (9a6a931)
- Menu: add API to set selectIcon right (b5dd678)
- Slider: make slider dots configurable (027c2a4)
1.13.9 (2019-03-19)
- CascaderSelect: support value not in data (93e4227)
- Overlay: fix position typo (71bf7d2)
- Select: hasSelectAll bug under controled (fd5faf4)
- Table: warning when stickyHeader + lock with enough space (46a38f6)
- Util: Prevent warning on production (0fcde5a)
1.13.8 (2019-03-14)
- ConfigProvider: config on components should take higher priority (87917c8)
1.13.7 (2019-03-13)
- Select: css override fail when using theme (5f80ead)
1.13.6 (2019-03-13)
- DatePicker: disabledDate will auto disable month (94276d2)
- Step: labelPlacement value change dbl times (3c7ae73)
- Tag: close button not showing in select when text too long (fd341f8)
- Upload: className not pass in (cb33e75)
- Upload: drag upload no trigger onDrop (5f58f29)
- Upload: fix setValue fail in onSuccess (384c379)
- ConfigProvider: add ErrorBoundary (ada2b5b)
- Range: RTL feature of Range Component (2127ee6)
- Select: can unselect all (77077a2)
- Tab: RTL feature of Tab (142af04)
1.13.5 (2019-03-07)
- Collapse: fix nested collapse icon (7a6842a)
- DatePicker: date range picker select time error (59eaa9c)
- Step: step-item param of labelPlacement change update bug (f0939af)
- Tab: can't scroll when active item is inside view (a8f4d18)
- Table: extra lock columns when enough space && dataSource=[], close#364 (b9c2328)
- NumberPicker: consider [。] as .
- Upload: add rtl support (5505d6d)
1.13.4 (2019-02-28)
- NumberPicker: consider [。] as .
1.13.3 (2019-02-28)
- use offset when positioning overlay, do not adjust range tooltip (ac22b05)
- Range: set height for bare-range like input (b7a6242)
- Select: add aria-hidden to dropdown arrow. Close #322 (b546f05)
- Select: reset role to menu. Close #326 (1ba6d5e)
- Select: throw error when children contain null (b703efb)
- Tab: a11y support closeable tab (86c4e10)
- Tab: css syntax flaw (0d7518e)
- Table: index with expanded table when expandedIndexSimulate is true (7ce3f7e)
- Tree: can`t drag external element (a247a09)
- Tree: throw error when children contain null or string (7a2c9cc)
- Search: mod search role Close #330 (e5aac4d)
- Transfer: add a11y support for transfer (4856363)
1.13.2 (2019-02-22)
- Table: correct cell(recored, index) when expandedIndexSimulate (2ba1ba8)
1.13.1 (2019-02-21)
- NumberPicker: support rtl (74980bd)
- rtl support for Collapse and Loading (a80c4c5)
- Affix: receive the change of offset props (f190bc7)
- Badge: support rtl (0deedb7)
- Breadcrumb: support rtl (ba2a287)
- Card: move rtl.scss (ab95d34)
- Card: support rtl (6dd0673)
- Cascader: support rtl (1ed6e25)
- Checkbox: RTL feature (313f1ac)
- Dropdown: support rtl (a9beb00)
- Field: add api autoValidate=false to close onChange validate (b9b0129)
- Field: api spliceArray to splice Array like name.{index} (484841b)
- Form: support autoValidate=false to close auto validate (4bec5db)
- Form: support rtl (9fd345e)
- Grid: support rtl (f4ba7b4)
- Paragraph: add rtl prop (d6b3ea5)
- Rating: support custom display of rating grade (df55fcf)
- Rating: support rtl (d793959)
- Switch: RTL feature along with some eslint fixes (1642c0c)
- Table: API expandedIndexSimulate added (a227aa2)
- Table: support rtl (c36d2c0)
- Transfer: support rtl prop (1575d2f)
- Tree: support rtl (37fa931)
1.13.0 (2019-02-21)
1.12.8 (2019-02-21)
1.12.7 (2019-02-21)
- Radio: child can contain null (c703b60)
1.12.6 (2019-02-21)
1.12.5 (2019-02-20)
- style for rtl in Menu & Slider (573694a)
- Message: can`t config content font-size (2c18b4d)
- Radio: a11y (f26cb24)
- Table: can't set className via getRowProps in tree mode, close #343 (44c20cb)
- Tag: wrap in ConfigProvider (95233cc)
1.12.4 (2019-02-14)
- Checkbox: group didn't honor children's indeternimated state (f90a747)
- Input: textarea placeholder in ie11 (069c73b)
- Select: could add tag while popup not visible (662a959)
- Table: can't scroll horizontally when body scrollTop !== 0 (5935b52)
- Table: head selection emptied wrongly (adb3b59)
- Icon: suport size of inherit (48e7f1d)
- Progress: remove tabindex (602b267)
- Step: uniform parameter of step (e1d2ab5)
1.12.3 (2019-01-28)
- Pagination: locale text error (406c198)
- Tab: extra is covered by other elements (c3d913f)
- Tab: inproperly focus when using with field (0d3bd2c)
1.12.2 (2019-01-28)
- Util: DO NOT process any non-string type value (2a3280f)
1.12.1 (2019-01-27)
- Upload: import method from wrong path (7c1a6b6)
1.12.0 (2019-01-25)
- Card: not compute card footer in height (45da06d)
- Cascader: array will reverse (24e2a0d)
- Dialog: add aria-label for close icon (4a1d8ea)
- Form: add role=grid to form (b2f3cad)
- Menu: keycode.space trigger click (531492e)
- NumberPicker: no onBlur while click btn (6e70f1e)
- Pagination: pageSizeSelector is overlay (9b7464a)
- Search: disable not work (1bedb19)
- Select: Option value can be array (fe350f2)
- Select: display text should not change while under controlled (b962954)
- Select: text should updated with dataSource changed (16588fe)
- Switch: add focus state, close #177 (479206d)
- Tab: also update doc (d7d0ab5)
- Tab: pure/text/capsule extra align center (3f3282b)
- Tab: TabItem no 'disabled' prop in API document (28ed342)
- Tree: expandKeys will reset on async load data (b1818d1)
- TreeSelect: support defaultValue/value is null string (ab04292)
- Upload: expose error to OnError in beforeUpload, Close #128 (1981db5)
- Badge: support aria (d890f47)
- Breadcrumb: support a11y (bd93737)
- CascaderSelect: support a11y (4a40b2a)
- CascaderSelect: support itemRender (9afffaa)
- Collapse: accessibility support (48bee98)
- ConfigProvider: support set rtl when setting locale (72f3b0f)
- DatePicker: add dateCellRender monthCellRender prop (ca549f9)
- DatePicker: add inputProps prop (3d92b8a)
- Dialog: throw Error when occur in onOk (35e1a9a)
- Dropdown: support aria (df2a05d)
- Nav: support aria (bf4de51)
- NumberPicker: a11y support (8eacabf)
- Pagination: add a11y support (b922a06)
- Progress: progress accessibility support (524e97f)
- Radio: support name props for Radio & customer tagName for Group (3e4e971)
- Range: a11y (4d2b69c)
- Rating: accessibility support (f68a23c)
- Slider: support aria (c9bf1d2)
- SplitButton: add leftButtonProps (4d854e0)
- Step: support aria (3b55daa)
- Switch: switch a11y (2c2645c)
- Tab: tab a11y (7a47360)
- Table: add alignHeader & remove locale (7f99ed0)
- TimePicker: support a11y (590dae6)
- Tree: support a11y (e7ec789)
- Upload: add error text for text list (32149af)
- Upload: add progress props (f2d460c)
- Upload: disallow remove when disabled, Close #132 (e535cde)
- Upload: image list error text display (69bbc64)
- Upload: mod upload config ability (432ef76)
- Upload: support custom request method (1a9a7b6)
- Upload: trigger error when exceed limit (cf71c2a)
1.11.11 (2019-01-22)
- Form: no need form-element-large-size in form (08420c6)
- NumberPicker: value set to min while next value < min by click + (6863b9f)
- Select: double trigger onVisibleChange while click arrow (20f2e1c)
1.11.10 (2019-01-17)
- Loading: block style (7e9ea48)
- Loading: tests for inline class (da1c10a)
- Tab: add float right (11f6d99)
- Tab: rtl support (2151ee8)
1.11.9 (2019-01-16)
- Loading: fix fullscreen in demo (6378cc0)
- Nav: overflow when icon-only without icon (6b28cee)
- Slider: can swipe vertical & width 100% invertical (3998ec2)
- Tab: extra align middle by default (3f38491)
1.11.8 (2019-01-09)
- CascaderSelect: value type not equal dataSource value (3cc1785)
- ConfigProvider: check locales before set (a0da7bf)
- Form: remove warning while message write in jsx (87d6085)
- Form: switch aligin while size=large (db989ee)
- Nav: can't config nav group label font size/height (5f439a5)
- Nav: icon-only overflow bug fix (1bc40fe)
- Radio: button shape hover border covers checked border (33be122)
- Select: fix Select with useVirtual when empty dataSource (#164) (54da63f)
- Tab: max-call-exceeded (d8de050)
- Timeline: timline-item warning has function type prop (18c48f4)
- Validate: value can be false (0e871d8)
1.11.7 (2019-01-02)
- Menu: to much data overflow when popupAlign is outside (726da77)
- Switch: tweak switch off-state right padding (7882d35)
- Table: wrong value of offsetTop when set scrollToRow, close #117 (ac086c4)
- CascaderSelect: support itemRender (7f9b0f5)
1.11.6 (2018-12-26)
- Cascader: keyboard not blur (3e43e6a)
- Pagination: select dropdown menu position error on scrolling (70375c1)
- Tab: can not render when child have null item (fb20367)
- Tab, Grid: inconsistency between doc and code (5145fe7) (b07f5ac) (43a4fd1)
- Table: style conflict with align (aa32515)
- Upload: allow remove file when disabled (2590a70)
1.11.5 (2018-12-19)
- NumberPicker: float bug by chrome. Close #79 (4ac7f41)
- Select: defaultValue with async dataSource (6fd23ba)
- Table: can't find unmounted component (f004b52)
- Typescripts: perfect typescripts (4459f14)
1.11.4 (2018-12-18)
- Cascader: scrollbar style error (04695d9)
- Table: rowHeight changed when resizing useVirtual (aeaf513)
1.11.3 (2018-12-13)
- Balloon: ltr when set rtl on it own (8cc4a8a)
- ConfigProvider: remove warning when not using rtl (f59dd15)
- Form: css hack only in ie9 (f5e77bc)
- Input: loading and hint not cannot occur at the same time (cf97c99)
- Input: padding reversed when select arrow translate 180 (d5e9573)
- Menu: keyboard not blur (dda5a16)
- Slider: dots' trigger area changed from to parent
- (346f684)
- Step: rtl style bugfix (cadfec8)
- Table: Avoid display error when browser scale (b07b680)
- Table: lock columns cant align with whole table when affixed (f1531c3)
- Timeline: timeline-item cannot set className (23754a3)
- Upload: forbid deleting file when upload is disabled (e0936e5)
- Upload: no space between upload and file list (181517c)
1.11.2 (2018-12-06)
- Overlay: fix postion caculate error (d38a78f)
1.11.1 (2018-12-06)
- scss (ac04e9d)
1.11.0 (2018-12-05)
- Select/Input/Message: rtl supported in Select/Input/Message (3bb15c8)
- Affix: implement affix by {position: absolute} (da3e3ec)
- Balloon: support rtl (64522d1)
- Button: support rtl (d863787)
- Calendar: support rtl (d1c1e44)
- ConfigProvider: config-provider support rtl (e91591a)
- ConfigProvider: support set global rtl (622dda4)
- DatePicker: support rtl (2d140fb)
- Dialog: add rtl support (bd3a66e)
- Icon: support rtl (027fa40) (fc5c02b)
- Menu: support rtl (5241d7b)
- Nav: support rtl (923593a)
- Overlay: add rtl prop for overlay (6d77142) (e5630de)
- Pagination: support rtl (d34959c)
- Progress: add color & backgroundColor props (1e9cd94)
- Progress: add rtl support (cbe6747)
- Radio: support rtl (6a906a9)
- Search: add rtl to search (931729a)
- Slider: support rtl (c7416ab)
- Step: support rtl (a0645a0)
- Timeline: support rtl (0f3860b)
- TimePicker: support rtl (310155a)
1.10.3 (2018-12-05)
1.10.2 (2018-12-04)
- CascaderSelect: split of null bug (1afac48)
- Table: maxBodyHeight both accept Number and String (552f747)
- Table: pass affixProps to affix (0540cba)
- Tree: selectable=false cursor:default (66bc721)
1.10.1 (2018-11-29)
1.10.0 (2018-11-28)
- Search: medium search will overflow box when height = s-7 (14dfbb0)
- Search: pass visible into Autocomplete (9fae8fe)
- Cascader: add useVirtual prop, open virtual scroller (769e156)
- CascaderSelect: add useVirtual prop (a2b724d)
- Form: Item support function children (c3ced42)
- Search: divide $search-normal-corner into medium & large variable (3903b5e)
- Select: add item from dataSource to onChange(v,e, item) (ff0405f)
- Select: support virtuallist in simple case (b982efe)
- Tag: add selectable tag theme demos (dfdd536)
- Transfer: Support for disabling panel operations (40f6743)
- VirtualList: add API jumpIndex (2d137e2)
- VirtualList: add new component (29b78f5)
- VirtualList: consider as items of the same height by default (c9576ec)
1.9.21 (2018-11-27)
- Input: bug of value=0 with htmlType=number (0805a38)
- Message: When there are multiple Message, the first can't close (d3004f4)
- Search: left border-raduis not 0 (8713611)
- Select: bug of autoWidth (829f53b)
- Select: bug of autoWidth (b80e4bb)
- Select: bug of onEnter (17e13cd)
- Select: double onKeyDown (4b2e1b3)
1.9.20 (2018-11-21)
- ConfigProvider: Isolate multiple context data (ca4bbd4), closes #43
- ConfigProvider: Update cache in expection (a6c6151)
- Rating: Enhance robustness (6e40724)
1.9.19 (2018-11-16)
- Affix: update postion in didmount (1438cdf)
- Checkbox: Change label type from string to any reanderable (858083e)
- DatePicker: add onChange params type (5c753f1)
- DatePicker: disabledHours no use in time end panel (31e1256)
- Range: Scale tips become hollow on browser zoom (1ed7f49)
- Tab: maxCall exceeded when parent using flex display (c916d21)
- Table: style chaos when head sticky (e952632)
- TreeSelect: 'key' undefined error without treeCheckable prop (ca4afe5)
- Cascader: loadData add argument source data (2ca6a99)
1.9.18 (2018-11-14)
1.9.17 (2018-11-13)
- Breadcrumb: fix use Link Tag no style (503c945)
- Calendar: week words error (674de83)
- Range: Prevent right-button dragging (24b6769)
- Tab: Make bg-color configurable (c353b1c)
- Upload: Upload Card no i18n (27e76b4)
- Calendar: add api to format cell's label (7a87917)
1.9.16 (2018-11-09)
1.9.15 (2018-11-02)
- Select: bug of cacheValue=false (6fce5d8)
- Select: bug of cacheValue=false (bb2acdf)
- Tab: content panel collapsed in vertical mode (9974a22)
- Table: error when lock without header (9081865)
- Tree: error when set expendedKeys/selectedKeys not in dataSource (cd35aa0)
- TreeSelect: error when set value with keys aren't in dataSource (dc8d9e8)
- TreeSelect: show all tree while searchValue clear (c04b3d3)
1.9.14 (2018-10-29)
- Locale: use OK instead of Ok (9782c6d)
- Search: add type for search-simple-dark-bg-opacity (57891de)
- Select: minWidth of popupContent (f6a4883)
- Upload: error fileList not show (87195d2)
- Search: add hover color variables (385ab2d)
- Search: remove search button box-shadow (3713040)
- Search: use hover-color in main scss (14aea57)
1.9.13 (2018-10-28)
- TimePicker: cann't config bg of input (e5cae7b)
1.9.12 (2018-10-24)
- Balloon: in theme platform & range (dd78f6d)
- scripts: unify eslint config (39ced54)
- Upload: add style to reset (b2b78f5)
1.9.11 (2018-10-19)
1.9.10 (2018-10-19)
1.9.9 (2018-10-18)
- Input: input border-radius with one addonText (b5051cf)
- MenuButton: remove box-shadow (6a976ca)
- NumverPicker: remove box-shadow (2c3e29f)
1.9.8 (2018-10-18)
1.9.7 (2018-10-17)
- Nav: primary/secondary active border (4c2c211)
- Menu: Group.Item cant pass custom className (eaf25707)
1.9.5 (2018-10-16)
1.9.4 (2018-10-16)
1.9.3 (2018-10-16)
1.9.2 (2018-10-15)
- Core: wrong path (a94b7d0)
1.9.1 (2018-10-15)
- Progress: progress number bug (8fc476d)
- Next: add dingtalk qrcode to readme (da35dfe)