File tree
1,885 files changed
lines changed- third_party/protobuf
- 3.6.0
- benchmarks
- cpp
- datasets
- google_message1
- proto2
- proto3
- google_message2
- google_message3
- google_message4
- go
- java
- src/main/java/com/google/protobuf
- python
- util
- cmake
- conformance
- third_party/jsoncpp
- csharp
- compatibility_tests/v3.0.0
- protos
- csharp/protos
- src/google/protobuf
- src/Google.Protobuf.Test
- Collections
- Compatibility
- Reflection
- TestProtos
- WellKnownTypes
- keys
- protos
- src
- AddressBook
- Google.Protobuf
- Collections
- Compatibility
- Properties
- Reflection
- WellKnownTypes
- Google.Protobuf.Conformance
- Google.Protobuf.JsonDump
- Google.Protobuf.Test
- Collections
- Compatibility
- Reflection
- TestProtos
- WellKnownTypes
- docs
- editors
- examples
- java
- compatibility_tests
- v2.5.0
- deps
- more_protos
- src/proto
- com/google/protobuf
- google/protobuf
- protos
- src/proto
- com/google/protobuf
- google/protobuf
- tests
- src/main/java/com/google/protobuf/test
- core
- src
- main/java/com/google/protobuf
- test
- java/com/google/protobuf
- proto/com/google/protobuf
- util
- src
- main/java/com/google/protobuf/util
- test
- java/com/google/protobuf/util
- proto/com/google/protobuf/util
- js
- binary
- commonjs
- test6
- test7
- compatibility_tests
- v3.0.0
- binary
- commonjs
- test6
- test7
- v3.1.0
- binary
- commonjs
- test6
- test7
- kokoro
- linux
- 32-bit
- 64-bit
- benchmark
- cpp_distcheck
- csharp
- golang
- java_compatibility
- java_jdk7
- java_oracle7
- javascript
- php_all
- python
- python_compatibility
- python_cpp
- ruby_all
- macos
- cpp
- cpp_distcheck
- javascript
- jruby
- objectivec_cocoapods_integration
- objectivec_ios_debug
- objectivec_ios_release
- objectivec_osx
- php5.6_mac
- php7.0_mac
- python
- python_cpp
- ruby21
- ruby22
- m4
- objectivec
- DevTools
- ProtocolBuffers_OSX.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- ProtocolBuffers_iOS.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- Tests
- CocoaPods
- OSXCocoaPodsTester
- OSXCocoaPodsTester
- Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset
- Base.lproj
- OSXCocoaPodsTester.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- iOSCocoaPodsTester
- iOSCocoaPodsTester
- Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset
- Base.lproj
- iOSCocoaPodsTester.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- google/protobuf
- php
- ext/google/protobuf
- src
- GPBMetadata/Google/Protobuf
- Internal
- Google/Protobuf
- Field
- Internal
- DescriptorProto
- EnumDescriptorProto
- FieldDescriptorProto
- FieldOptions
- FileOptions
- GeneratedCodeInfo
- MethodOptions
- SourceCodeInfo
- UninterpretedOption
- tests
- proto
- empty
- protoc-artifacts
- python
- compatibility_tests/v2.5.0
- protos
- python/google/protobuf/internal
- src/proto/google/protobuf
- tests
- google
- protobuf
- internal
- google
- protobuf
- compiler
- internal
- import_test_package
- pyext
- util
- release/wheel
- ruby
- compatibility_tests/v3.0.0
- tests
- ext/google/protobuf_c
- lib/google
- protobuf
- src/main
- java
- com/google/protobuf/jruby
- google
- tests
- src
- google/protobuf
- compiler
- cpp
- csharp
- java
- js
- well_known_types
- objectivec
- php
- python
- ruby
- io
- stubs
- testdata
- testing
- util
- internal
- testdata
- solaris
- util/python
Some content is hidden
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1,885 files changed
lines changedThis file was deleted.
0 commit comments