Welcome to the IAM Manager documentation. This directory contains resources to help you install, configure, and use IAM Manager.
- Quick Start Guide - Follow this guide to quickly set up IAM Manager and create your first IAM role
- Architecture Documentation - Learn about IAM Manager's architecture and components
- Design Documentation - Understand the design principles and decisions behind IAM Manager
- Configuration Options - Detailed explanation of all available configuration options
- AWS Security - Understanding the security features and AWS IAM permission boundaries
- AWS Integration - Guide for setting up IAM Manager with AWS services
- Troubleshooting Guide - Solutions for common issues and troubleshooting steps
- Developer Guide - Information for developers who want to contribute to IAM Manager
- Contributing Guidelines - How to contribute to the IAM Manager project
The examples directory contains sample configurations for common use cases.
The images directory contains diagrams illustrating IAM Manager architecture and workflows.
- GitHub Repository - Main repository for IAM Manager
- Releases - Release notes and version information
- Issues - Report bugs or request features
- Medium Article - Original article describing the motivation behind IAM Manager