- Build binary
make build
- Creates all the configuration files
# The argument <moniker> is the custom username of your node, it should be human-readable.
./build/bin/gnfd init <moniker> --chain-id greenfield_9000-1 --default-denom BNB
All these configuration files are in ~/.gnfd by default, but you can overwrite the location of this folder by passing the --home flag.
The ~/.gnfd folder has the following structure:
. # ~/.gnfd
|- data # Contains the databases used by the node.
|- config/
|- app.toml # Application-related configuration file.
|- config.toml # Tendermint-related configuration file.
|- genesis.json # The genesis file.
|- node_key.json # Private key to use for node authentication in the p2p protocol.
|- priv_validator_key.json # Private key to use as a validator in the consensus protocol.
- Adding keys to the keyring
# new key
./build/bin/gnfd keys add validator --keyring-backend test
./build/bin/gnfd keys add relayer --keyring-backend test
./build/bin/gnfd keys add challenger --keyring-backend test
./build/bin/gnfd keys add bls --keyring-backend test --algo eth_bls
# list accounts
./build/bin/gnfd keys list --keyring-backend test
The keyring supports multiple storage backends, some of which may not be available on all operating systems. See more details: https://docs.cosmos.network/v0.46/run-node/keyring.html#available-backends-for-the-keyring
- Adding genesis accounts Before starting the chain, you need to populate the state with at least one account.
VALIDATOR=$(./build/bin/gnfd keys show validator -a --keyring-backend test)
RELAYER=$(./build/bin/gnfd keys show relayer -a --keyring-backend test)
CHALLENGER=$(./build/bin/gnfd keys show challenger -a --keyring-backend test)
BLS=$(./build/bin/gnfd keys show bls --keyring-backend test --output json | jq -r .pubkey_hex)
./build/bin/gnfd add-genesis-account $VALIDATOR 100000000000000000000000000BNB
- Create validator in genesis state
# create a gentx.
./build/bin/gnfd gentx validator 10000000000000000000000000BNB $VALIDATOR $RELAYER $CHALLENGER $BLS --keyring-backend=test --chain-id=greenfield_9000-1 \
--moniker="validator" \
--commission-max-change-rate=0.01 \
--commission-max-rate=1.0 \
--commission-rate=0.07 \
--gas ""
# Add the gentx to the genesis file.
./build/bin/gnfd collect-gentxs
- Run local node
./build/bin/gnfd start
- Start
SIZE=3 # The number of nodes in the cluster.
bash ./deployment/localup/localup.sh all ${SIZE}
- Stop
bash ./deployment/localup/localup.sh stop
- Send Tx
./build/bin/gnfd tx bank send validator0 0x32Ff14Fa1547314b95991976DB432F9Aa648A423 500000000000000000000BNB --home ./deployment/localup/.local/validator0 --keyring-backend test --node http://localhost:26750 -b block
- Restart the chain without state initialization
bash ./deployment/localup/localup.sh stop
bash ./deployment/localup/localup.sh start ${SIZE}
- Start
SIZE=3 # The number of nodes in the cluster.
bash ./deployment/localup/localup_fullnode.sh all ${SIZE}
- Stop
bash ./deployment/localup/localup_fullnode.sh stop
- Restart the fullnodes without initialization
bash ./deployment/localup/localup_fullnode.sh stop
bash ./deployment/localup/localup_fullnode.sh start ${SIZE}