Easy argument parsing for .Net applications (Core 3 or later). Full unit test coverage. Compatible with NetStandard 2.0. Available as a nuget package.
using ArgsParser;
// ...
var parser = new Parser(args)
.SupportsOption<int>("port", "Port to start the dev server on", 1337)
.RequiresOption<string>("read", "Folder to read the site from", "site")
.RequiresOption<string>("write", "Folder to write the result to")
.SupportsFlag("serve", "Start the site going in a dev server")
.SupportsFlag("force", "Overwrite any destination content");
var hasError = parser.HasErrors;
var startServing = parser.IsFlagProvided("serve");
var port = parser.GetOption<int>("port");
var read = parser.GetOption<string>("read");
// ...
- Required options come first, then optional options, then flags
- Each of those three blocks is further sorted alphabetically
-read <value> Folder to read the site from (required)
-write <value> Folder to write the result to (required)
-port <value> Port to start the dev server on
-force Overwrite any destination content
-serve Start the site going in a dev server
- Display help showing supported flags/options
- Required named option/values
- Optional named option/values
- Optional named flags
- Default option values
- Option types support any
, includingint
- Accepts either
prefixes - Provides two collections of error messages
- Expectation errors
- Missing required options
- Argument errors
- Option values of incorrect type
- This may be switched to be an Expectation error in a future change
- Unexpected values (not with an option)
- Unknown flags or options
- Option values of incorrect type
- Expectation errors
These assume the arguments defined in the Example usage section above.
Example user input:
MyApp -run data "Site Title" --serve -ignore -port 3000
There are a few things wrong here with this input:
- The
option is required but not provided - The provided
option is not defined - The
"Site Title"
argument has no option name preceeding it - The provided
flag is not defined
Whilst the -read
option is missing there is no error logged - it was defined with a default value of site
and so the requirement is automatically met.
Errors come in two collections (the property Parser.HasErrors
will be true
if either has entries):
are where specific expectations are not met (eg a missing required option) so the relevant option/flag whose expectations are not being met is knownArgumentErrors
are where something was provided but there were general issues with it (eg a value provided without an option name preceeding it) so there is no certainty as to what was intended by the input given and we cannot definitively tie it to a specific option/flag
Based on the example above the errors (as key/value pairs) will be as follows:
keyed by the name of the related option/flagwrite
=>Option missing: write
keyed by the 0-based offset into the arguments provided0
=>Unknown option: run
=>Unexpected value: Site Title
=>Unknown flag: ignore
(The assertions included below use NUnit. See the test project.)
var args = new string[] { "-run", "data", "Site Title", "--serve", "-ignore", "-port", "3000" };
var parser = new Parser(args)
.SupportsOption<int>("port", "Port to start the dev server on", 1337)
.RequiresOption<string>("read", "Folder to read the site from", "site")
.RequiresOption<string>("write", "Folder to write the result to")
.SupportsFlag("serve", "Start the site going in a dev server")
.SupportsFlag("force", "Overwrite any destination content")
var result = parser.Parse();
Assert.AreEqual(4, result.ExpectationErrors.Count + result.ArgumentErrors.Count);
Assert.Contains("Option missing: write", result.ExpectationErrors.Values.ToList());
Assert.Contains("Unknown option: run", result.ArgumentErrors.Values.ToList());
Assert.Contains("Unexpected value: Site Title", result.ArgumentErrors.Values.ToList());
Assert.Contains("Unknown flag: ignore", result.ArgumentErrors.Values.ToList());
Assert.AreEqual(3000, result.GetOption<int>("port"));
Assert.AreEqual("site", result.GetOption<string>("read"));
Assert.AreEqual(null, result.GetOption<string>("write"));
Copyright K Cartlidge 2020-2023.
Licensed under GNU AGPLv3 (see here for more details). See the CHANGELOG for current status.