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File metadata and controls

169 lines (137 loc) · 9.37 KB


All metrics (except golang/prometheus metrics) are prefixed with "rabbitmq_".


Always exported.

metric description
up Was the last scrape of rabbitmq successful.
module_up Was the last scrape of rabbitmq module successful. labels: module
module_scrape_duration_seconds Duration of the last scrape of rabbitmq module. labels: module
exporter_build_info A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by version, revision, branch and build date on which the rabbitmq_exporter was built.


Always exported. Labels: cluster

metric description
channels Number of channels
connections Number of connections
consumers Number of message consumers
queues Number of queues in use
exchanges Number of exchanges in use
queue_messages_global Number ready and unacknowledged messages in cluster.
queue_messages_ready_global Number of messages ready to be delivered to clients.
queue_messages_unacknowledged_global Number of messages delivered to clients but not yet acknowledged.
version_info A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by rabbitmq version, erlang version, node, cluster.


Labels: cluster, vhost, queue, durable, policy, self

Queues - Gauge

metric description
queue_messages_ready Number of messages ready to be delivered to clients.
queue_messages_unacknowledged Number of messages delivered to clients but not yet acknowledged.
queue_messages Sum of ready and unacknowledged messages (queue depth).
queue_messages_ack_total Number of messages delivered in acknowledgement mode in response to basic.get.
queue_messages_ready_ram Number of messages from messages_ready which are resident in ram.
queue_messages_unacknowledged_ram Number of messages from messages_unacknowledged which are resident in ram.
queue_messages_ram Total number of messages which are resident in ram.
queue_messages_persistent Total number of persistent messages in the queue (will always be 0 for transient queues).
queue_message_bytes Sum of the size of all message bodies in the queue. This does not include the message properties (including headers) or any overhead.
queue_message_bytes_ready Like message_bytes but counting only those messages ready to be delivered to clients.
queue_message_bytes_unacknowledged Like message_bytes but counting only those messages delivered to clients but not yet acknowledged.
queue_message_bytes_ram Like message_bytes but counting only those messages which are in RAM.
queue_message_bytes_persistent Like message_bytes but counting only those messages which are persistent.
queue_consumers Number of consumers.
queue_consumer_utilisation Fraction of the time (between 0.0 and 1.0) that the queue is able to immediately deliver messages to consumers. This can be less than 1.0 if consumers are limited by network congestion or prefetch count.
queue_memory Bytes of memory consumed by the Erlang process associated with the queue, including stack, heap and internal structures.
queue_head_message_timestamp The timestamp property of the first message in the queue, if present. Timestamps of messages only appear when they are in the paged-in state.
queue_max_length_bytes Total body size for ready messages a queue can contain before it starts to drop them from its head.
queue_max_length How many (ready) messages a queue can contain before it starts to drop them from its head.
queue_idle_since_seconds starttime where the queue switched to idle state; seconds since epoch (1970); only set if queue state is idle
queue_reductions_total Number of reductions which take place on this process.
queue_state A metric with a value of constant '1' if the queue is in a certain state. Labels: vhost, queue, state (running, idle, flow,..)
queue_slave_nodes_len Number of slave nodes attached to the queue
queue_synchronised_slave_nodes_len Number of slave nodes in sync to the queue

Queues - Counter

metric description
queue_disk_reads_total Total number of times messages have been read from disk by this queue since it started.
queue_disk_writes_total Total number of times messages have been written to disk by this queue since it started.
queue_messages_published_total Count of messages published.
queue_messages_confirmed_total Count of messages confirmed.
queue_messages_delivered_total Count of messages delivered in acknowledgement mode to consumers.
queue_messages_delivered_noack_total Count of messages delivered in no-acknowledgement mode to consumers.
queue_messages_get_total Count of messages delivered in acknowledgement mode in response to basic.get.
queue_messages_get_noack_total Count of messages delivered in no-acknowledgement mode in response to basic.get.
queue_messages_redelivered_total Count of subset of messages in deliver_get which had the redelivered flag set.
queue_messages_returned_total Count of messages returned to publisher as unroutable.

Exchanges - Counter

Labels: cluster, vhost, exchange

metric description
exchange_messages_published_in_total Count of messages published in to an exchange, i.e. not taking account of routing.
exchange_messages_published_out_total Count of messages published out of an exchange, i.e. taking account of routing.

Node - Counter

Labels: cluster, node, self

metric description
uptime Uptime in milliseconds
running number of running nodes
node_mem_used Memory used in bytes
node_mem_limit Point at which the memory alarm will go off
node_mem_alarm Whether the memory alarm has gone off
node_disk_free Disk free space in bytes.
node_disk_free_alarm Whether the disk alarm has gone off.
node_disk_free_limit Point at which the disk alarm will go off.
fd_used Used File descriptors
fd_available File descriptors available
sockets_used File descriptors used as sockets.
sockets_available File descriptors available for use as sockets
partitions Current Number of network partitions. 0 is ok. If the cluster is splitted the value is at least 2

Connections - Gauge

disabled by default. Depending on the environment and change rate it can create a high number of dead metrics. Otherwise it could be usefull and can be enabled.

Labels: cluster, vhost, node, peer_host, user, self

Please note: The data is aggregated by label values as it is possible that there are multiple connections for a certain combination of labels.

metric description
connection_channels number of channels in use
connection_received_bytes received bytes
connection_received_packets received packets
connection_send_bytes send bytes
connection_send_packets send packets
connection_send_pending Send queue size

Labels: vhost, node, peer_host, user, state (running, flow,..), self

metric description
connection_status Number of connections in a certain state aggregated per label combination. Metric will disappear if there are no connections in a state.


disabled by default Labels: cluster, vhost, shovel, type, self, state

metric description
shovel_state A metric with a value of constant '1' for each shovel in a certain state


disabled by default Labels: cluster, node, self

metric description
memory_allocated_unused_bytes Memory preallocated by the runtime (VM allocators) but not yet used
memory_atom_bytes Memory used by atoms. Should be fairly constant
memory_binary_bytes Memory used by shared binary data in the runtime. Most of this memory is message bodies and metadata.)
memory_code_bytes Memory used by code (bytecode, module metadata). This section is usually fairly constant and relatively small (unless the node is entirely blank and stores no data).
memory_connection_channels_bytes Memory used by client connections - channels
memory_connection_other_bytes Memory used by client connection - other
memory_connection_readers Memory used by processes responsible for connection parser and most of connection state. Most of their memory attributes to TCP buffers
memory_connection_writers_bytes Memory used by processes responsible for serialization of outgoing protocol frames and writing to client connections socktes
memory_mgmt_db_bytes Management DB ETS tables + processes
memory_mnesia_bytes Internal database (Mnesia) tables keep an in-memory copy of all its data (even on disc nodes)
memory_msg_index_bytes Message index ETS + processes
memory_other_ets_bytes Other in-memory tables besides those belonging to the stats database and internal database tables
memory_other_proc_bytes Memory used by all other processes that RabbitMQ cannot categorise
memory_other_system_bytes Memory used by all other system that RabbitMQ cannot categorise
memory_plugins_bytes Memory used by plugins (apart from the Erlang client which is counted under Connections, and the management database which is counted separately).
memory_queue_procs_bytes Memory used by class queue masters, queue indices, queue state
memory_queue_slave_procs_bytes Memory used by class queue mirrors, queue indices, queue state
memory_reserved_unallocated_bytes Memory preallocated/reserved by the kernel but not the runtime
memory_total_allocated_bytes Node-local total memory - allocated
memory_total_rss_bytes Node-local total memory - rss
memory_total_erlang_bytes Node-local total memory - erlang